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Hi all,can some help me to get this VBA code running after another VBA-code when I push a button. The VBA-code to be run is in sheet VPL.
The VBA code I want it to start after is in a module. I would like to get help to make it run after this VBA code.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards
Klaus W
VBA Code:
Sub ReNameTab()
Dim NewName As String
Dim OldName As String
Dim Rw As Integer
Rw = Selection.Row '***Assumes cell within relevant row in VPL will be selected?????
'If A has value, rename Tab B as A
If Len(Cells(Rw, 1).Text) > 1 Then
OldName = Cells(Rw, 2)
NewName = Cells(Rw, 1)
GoTo DoStuff
'Otherwise If B has value, rename Tab E as B
If Len(Cells(Rw, 2).Text) > 1 Then
OldName = Cells(Rw, 5)
NewName = Cells(Rw, 2)
End If
End If
On Error Resume Next ' ignore if sheet name cannot be found
'Change tab name
Sheets(OldName).Name = NewName
On Error GoTo 0 ' reset default error handling
End Sub
The VBA code I want it to start after is in a module. I would like to get help to make it run after this VBA code.
VBA Code:
Sub Rektangelafrundedehjørner4_Klik()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim Pth As String, Fname As String
Pth = Range("m1") 'GetFolder()
Fname = Dir(Pth & "\*.xls*")
Do While Fname <> ""
Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(Pth & "\" & Fname)
For Each ws In wbk.Worksheets
If Not ShtExists(ws.Name, ThisWorkbook) Then
ws.Copy , ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
End If
Next ws
wbk.Close False
Fname = Dir
'Sheets("Fast besætning").Select
Call ReNameTab
End Sub
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards
Klaus W