Does any body know how to calculate the following formula to work out stamp duty on the purchase of a property in NSW Australia
Not Exceeding $14000------$1.25
$14001-$30000---$175.00 plus $1.50 per$100.00 in excess 0f $14000.00
$30001-$80000---$415.00 plus $1.75 per $100 inexcess of $30000
$80001-$300000---$1290.00 plus $3.50 p/$100
$300001-$1000000--$8990 plus $4.50 p/$100
over$1000000 ---$40490 plus$5.50/$100
then i can apply this formula to also calculate tax on my wages as well
thank you
Does any body know how to calculate the following formula to work out stamp duty on the purchase of a property in NSW Australia
Not Exceeding $14000------$1.25
$14001-$30000---$175.00 plus $1.50 per$100.00 in excess 0f $14000.00
$30001-$80000---$415.00 plus $1.75 per $100 inexcess of $30000
$80001-$300000---$1290.00 plus $3.50 p/$100
$300001-$1000000--$8990 plus $4.50 p/$100
over$1000000 ---$40490 plus$5.50/$100
then i can apply this formula to also calculate tax on my wages as well
thank you