First, I want to make everyone aware that I'm new to VBA, SQL, AND Access. Our data guy let suddenly so I've been given the job of maintaining my organizations databases even though my background is in Educational research.
So I'm sorry if I give too much/not enough information and if my code is all wrong.
Basically, I'm maintain a database where individuals enter info into a form about classroom make up. The person who set up the database used VBA to enter information from the form into the table. I was asked to add additional data points which include the teacher's and TA's names and certifications. teacher's names are collected through a text box and certifications are collected through a Y/N text box.
I'm trying to mirror what his code was and asked for some help from him but he confused me with the types of variables. Any way now when I click the add information on the form I get a message that states "Syntax error: INSERT INTO statement" and the statement DoCmd.RunSQL (sql) gets highlighted in yellow
If any one could please help me (and maybe direct me to some information on all of this) I would be super grateful.
Again, sorry for any mistakes.

Basically, I'm maintain a database where individuals enter info into a form about classroom make up. The person who set up the database used VBA to enter information from the form into the table. I was asked to add additional data points which include the teacher's and TA's names and certifications. teacher's names are collected through a text box and certifications are collected through a Y/N text box.
I'm trying to mirror what his code was and asked for some help from him but he confused me with the types of variables. Any way now when I click the add information on the form I get a message that states "Syntax error: INSERT INTO statement" and the statement DoCmd.RunSQL (sql) gets highlighted in yellow
If any one could please help me (and maybe direct me to some information on all of this) I would be super grateful.
Again, sorry for any mistakes.
Dim i As Integer
Dim loop_ctr As Integer
Dim sql As String
Dim VISIT_ID_FK As Integer
Dim classtype As String
Dim classdur As String
Dim classlang1 As String
Dim classlang2 As String
Dim classgrp As String
Dim teach1 As String
Dim tcert1 As Integer
Dim teach2 As String
Dim tcert2 As Integer
Dim ta1 As String
Dim tacert1 As Integer
Dim ta2 As String
Dim tacert2 As Integer
Dim ta3 As String
Dim tacert3 As Integer
Dim upkscis As String
Dim strUser As String
Dim dtmDate As Date
'Remember that the NetworkUserName() function is
'in the ajbFieldLevel module
loop_ctr = Me.txt_class_num.Value
VISIT_ID_FK = Me.tbox_visitid.Value
classtype = Me.cbo_class_type.Column(0)
classdur = Me.cbo_class_duration.Column(0)
classlang1 = Me.cbo_class_lang_1.Column(0)
classlang2 = Me.cbo_class_lang_2.Column(0)
classgrp = Me.cbo_class_group.Column(0)
upkscis = Me.cbo_upk_scis.Column(0)
teach1 = Me.txt_teacher1.Value
tcert1 = Me.ck_tcert.Value
teach2 = Me.txt_teacher2.Value
tcert2 = Me.ck_tcert2.Value
ta1 = Me.txt_TA1.Value
tacert1 = Me.ck_ta_cert1.Value
ta2 = Me.txt_TA2.Value
tacert2 = Me.ck_ta_cert2.Value
ta3 = Me.txt_TA3.Value
tacert3 = Me.ck_ta_cert3.Value
strUser = NetworkUserName()
dtmDate = Now()
'build out sql statement
sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_4410_class_data" & vbCrLf & _
"(VISIT_ID_FK, Class_Type, Class_Duration, Class_Language_1, Class_Language_2," & vbCrLf & _
" Class_Group_Size, UPK_In_SCIS_FL," & vbCrLf & _
" Teacher_1, Teacher_1_Certification" & vbCrLf & _
" Teacher_2, Teacher_2_Certification" & vbCrLf & _
" TA_1, TA_1_Certification, TA_2, TA_2_Certification," & vbCrLf & _
" TA_3, TA_3_Certification" & vbCrLf & _
" EnteredBy, EnteredOn)" & vbCrLf & _
" Values ('" & VISIT_ID_FK & "', '" & classtype & "', '" & classdur & "', " & vbCrLf & _
"'" & classlang1 & " ', '" & classlang2 & "', '" & classgrp & "', '" & upkscis & "', " & vbCrLf & _
"'" & teach1 & "', ' & tcert1 & ', '" & teach2 & "', ' & tcert2 & ', " & vbCrLf & _
"'" & ta1 & "', ' & tacert1 & ', '" & ta2 & "', ' & tacert2 & ', " & vbCrLf & _
"'" & ta3 & "', ' & tacert3 & ', '" & strUser & "', #" & dtmDate & "#)"
For i = 1 To loop_ctr
DoCmd.RunSQL (sql)