I am building an excel file to track revenue over time. We get paid at the end of a project but i want to spread the cash out over the life of the project. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
Start date (B2):8/1/09<o
End date (C2): 9/1/09<o
Revenue (D2): $100,000<o
I have dates starting at 7/30/09 running across the top row (E1:ZZ1)<o
I am trying to figure out a formula that I can drag across so that the project revenue will be divided by the number of days and put into the appropriate cell. So for the example above, $3,225 (100k/31 days) will be put in each cell under the corresponding dates between 8/1/2009 and 9/1/2009. If I change the dates, the formula will adjust accordingly. I am going to use a flat distribution (each day will have the same dollar amount).
Thanks for the help. I am really lost on this one. <o




Start date (B2):8/1/09<o

End date (C2): 9/1/09<o

Revenue (D2): $100,000<o


I have dates starting at 7/30/09 running across the top row (E1:ZZ1)<o


I am trying to figure out a formula that I can drag across so that the project revenue will be divided by the number of days and put into the appropriate cell. So for the example above, $3,225 (100k/31 days) will be put in each cell under the corresponding dates between 8/1/2009 and 9/1/2009. If I change the dates, the formula will adjust accordingly. I am going to use a flat distribution (each day will have the same dollar amount).

Thanks for the help. I am really lost on this one. <o