I have almost no knowledge of VBA, and need help with this.
I have a payroll spreadsheet with monthly worksheets containing employee codes, names, hours worked per day, overtime calculations, Sunday pay calculations, etc. I need help with the ffg:[/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]1. For every month's worksheet I need to delete the employees that were terminated the previous month, and add in any new employees and then sort the sheet alphabetically by employee code. How would I do this?[/FONT]
[FONT="]2. Overtime for last month is paid this month, so when the new month's sheet is sorted alphabetically as above, I need to find the relevant employees overtime from last month and pull it across to a cell in this month's sheet, considering that the cell references need to change according to the mentioned deletion and addition of employees.
3. There are several cells in the current month that lookup cells on the previous month's sheet, I need a macro to find and replace the reference names, eg. May!2016 to June!2016 on the newly created worksheet.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Kind regards,
JeevesK [/FONT]
I have almost no knowledge of VBA, and need help with this.
I have a payroll spreadsheet with monthly worksheets containing employee codes, names, hours worked per day, overtime calculations, Sunday pay calculations, etc. I need help with the ffg:[/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]1. For every month's worksheet I need to delete the employees that were terminated the previous month, and add in any new employees and then sort the sheet alphabetically by employee code. How would I do this?[/FONT]
[FONT="]2. Overtime for last month is paid this month, so when the new month's sheet is sorted alphabetically as above, I need to find the relevant employees overtime from last month and pull it across to a cell in this month's sheet, considering that the cell references need to change according to the mentioned deletion and addition of employees.
3. There are several cells in the current month that lookup cells on the previous month's sheet, I need a macro to find and replace the reference names, eg. May!2016 to June!2016 on the newly created worksheet.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Kind regards,
JeevesK [/FONT]