I want my stock/worker monitored by a scanner .We are a manufacturing business 30 workers about 3000 parts. The workers get a job sheet to work from( other dept.)They then come to the store and draw the parts from the store and assemble . They must go into the store room take the part scan it on a wireless scanner( that they holding with them)I want to use a scanner to upload stock and a scanner to sub-track the stock taken out per worker date and time. THIS IS WHAT I WANT – excel 2013 . Main sheet with the stock calculation , Stock in sheet , stock out sheet, worker sheet, pricelist, stats, orders. I must be able to check who took what on a date and time.They can not work a pc and i want every worker to have his own barcode so that when he scans his barcode ( on a tag/barcode with him in person) his sheet must come up in Block A1 scan his stock taken out of the store room.In the end i want to see al stock that came in and taken out ( used) prices are attached to stock as well , as well as suppliers info and other suppliers for the same stock.I want less stock in the store room so that i can buy stock when it is needed in time , i dont want stock ( money ) thats in the store room unnecessarily( time-ing and managing stock , buy when you need it ) . That is the total objective.
This part( there is more to my dokument , stats adding all the workers parts they took out of the store room, prices per job they assemble and and. ) : What i need to know is , If my excel dokument is open, and the active block is on sheet Donnie A1 and someone els e.g. Ashley scan his barcode (tag, his is in possession of his barcode and only his ) a want the active block A1 to go to Asley A1. ?
Thank you for your help , and patience with me .