Board Regular
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- Apr 6, 2016
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I'm looking for a code or a good starting point where a users clicks a button and the following happens:
1. The Excel File first gets Saved with a naming convention of the Text that has the Named Range of AcquisitonTitle.
2. The the file is to be saved on the users Desktop (this possible or would just creating a temp file be better?)
3. An Email is generated but not sent with that file attached
4. This has to work on goth Windows & Mac (I know Macs use backslash instead of forward slash so somehow it needs to figure out what operating system the user is using)
Even a good starting point is helpful. I'm not an Excel expert but any help is appreciated. Current code I have works 100% on Windows but not Macs so I'm thinking maybe delete the save entirely to avoid the slashes issue?
Current Code I have:
I'm looking for a code or a good starting point where a users clicks a button and the following happens:
1. The Excel File first gets Saved with a naming convention of the Text that has the Named Range of AcquisitonTitle.
2. The the file is to be saved on the users Desktop (this possible or would just creating a temp file be better?)
3. An Email is generated but not sent with that file attached
4. This has to work on goth Windows & Mac (I know Macs use backslash instead of forward slash so somehow it needs to figure out what operating system the user is using)
Even a good starting point is helpful. I'm not an Excel expert but any help is appreciated. Current code I have works 100% on Windows but not Macs so I'm thinking maybe delete the save entirely to avoid the slashes issue?
Current Code I have:
Sub SaveAndEmailAcquisition()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim StrBody As String
Dim StrTo As String
Dim StrSubject As String
Dim StrAtt As String
Dim StrSignature As String
Dim strGenericFilePath As String: strGenericFilePath = "\\FILE LOCATION FOR WINDOWS"
Dim strYearSlash As String: strYearSlash = Year(Date) & "\"
Dim strMonthSlash As String: strMonthSlash = CStr(Format(DateAdd("M", 0, Date), "MM")) & "\"
Dim strYearBracket As String: strYearBracket = Year(Date) & "_"
Dim strMonthBracket As String: strMonthBracket = CStr(Format(DateAdd("M", 0, Date), "MM")) & "_"
Dim strFileName As String: strFileName = Sheets("Acquisition").Range("AcquisitionTitle") & " Acquisition Request Form"
' Creates Message Box asking if Form has been complete. If not, it cancels code to continue
MSG1 = MsgBox("Have you filled out EVERY box of information on this form?", vbYesNo)
If MSG1 = vbNo Then GoTo No
If MSG1 = vbYes Then GoTo Yes
MsgBox "Please fill out the remaining missing information and then click Save & Email"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Thank you, please proceed"
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
' Check for year folder and create if needed
If Len(Dir(strGenericFilePath & strYearSlash, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir strGenericFilePath & strYearSlash
End If
' Check for month folder and create if needed
If Len(Dir(strGenericFilePath & strYearSlash & strMonthSlash, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir strGenericFilePath & strYearSlash & strMonthSlash
End If
' Saves as Excel Macro Enabled book
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strGenericFilePath & strYearSlash & strMonthSlash & strYearBracket & strMonthBracket & strFileName & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
' Popup Message that the conversion and save is complete as "YYYY_MM_Acquisition Title Procurement Request Form"
MsgBox "File Saved As:" & vbNewLine & strYearBracket & strMonthBracket & strFileName
' Enter Subject here (Using NamedRange)
StrSubject = Sheets("Acquisition").Range("AcquisitionTitle") & " Acquisition Request Form"
' Enter content of Email here
StrBody = "Please see attached File," & "<BR><BR><BR>" & vbNewLine & "Please list any additional details that I should know here that aren't listed on the form" & _
"<br><br><br> Thanks,"
' Code that attaches the Document to the email
StrAtt = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
' Who the email will be sent to
' Adds Company Signature to the end of the Email. No Signature without this code
With OutMail
End With
StrSignature = OutMail.Body
With OutMail
.To = StrTo
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = StrSubject
.HTMLBody = StrBody & .HTMLBody & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
.Attachments.Add StrAtt
' .Send (Not active, otherwise it will automatically send the email without review)
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub