Run-Time Error 381


New Member
Nov 8, 2024
Office Version
  1. Prefer Not To Say
  1. Windows

I have suddenly got a 'Run Time Error 381. Could not set the list property. Invalid property array index'.

Unsure why as userform was working fine - below is my code.

Can anyone figure out why? Going mad re-reading all my code, wonder if I've missed something or made a typo somewhere.


VBA Code:
Option Explicit

'Userform Initialize
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    RemoveCloseButton Me
    Call Refresh_Data
    Me.txtDateStart.value = Format(txtDateStart, "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = Format(txtDateStart, "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.chkUK.value = False
    Me.chkAUS.value = False
    Me.txtWID.value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.value = ""
    Me.cmbType.value = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.value = ""
    Me.cmbTransportType.value = ""
    Me.txtTransportTotal.value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.value = ""
    Me.txtParking.value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.value = ""
    Me.txtDay.value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.value = ""
    Me.cmbIID.value = ""
    Me.cmbPSID.value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.RowSource = ""
    Me.cmbClient.List = Worksheets("Client").Range("E7", Worksheets("Client").Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).value
    Me.cmbType.RowSource = ""
    Me.cmbType.List = Worksheets("JobType").Range("D7", Worksheets("JobType").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).value
    Me.cmbLocation.RowSource = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.List = Worksheets("Location").Range("D7", Worksheets("Location").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).value
End Sub

'Control of the Menu Options

Private Sub frameDashboard_Click()

    Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub lblDashboard_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub imgDashboard_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub


Private Sub frameFinance_Click()

    Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub lblFinance_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub imgFinance_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub


Private Sub frameInvoice_Click()

    Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub lblInvoice_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub imgInvoice_Click()

    Unload Me
End Sub

'Back End

Private Sub frameBackEnd_Click()

    Application.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub lblBackEnd_Click()

    Application.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub imgBackEnd_Click()

    Application.Visible = True
End Sub

'Log Out

Private Sub frameLogOut_Click()


End Sub
Private Sub lblLogOut_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub imgLogOut_Click()

End Sub

'Highlight a Menu Option when Mouse Move

'Format the Retrieval of Information to the Userform

Private Sub UserForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameDashboard.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameWork.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameFinance.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameInvoice.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameBackEnd.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameLogOut.BackColor = &H492B27
    Me.txtDateEnd = Format(txtDateEnd, "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.txtDateStart = Format(txtDateEnd, "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.txtS1Start = Format(txtS1Start, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS1End = Format(txtS1End, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS2Start = Format(txtS1Start, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS2End = Format(txtS1End, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS3Start = Format(txtS1Start, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS3End = Format(txtS1End, "HH:SS")
End Sub

'Side Bar

Private Sub frameSideBar_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameDashboard.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameWork.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameFinance.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameInvoice.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameBackEnd.BackColor = &H492B27
    frameLogOut.BackColor = &H492B27

End Sub

'Menu Options
Private Sub frameDashboard_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameDashboard.BackColor = &H3A1F1A
End Sub

'Populate ComboBoxes

Private Sub frameWork_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameWork.BackColor = &H3A1F1A
End Sub
Private Sub frameFinance_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameFinance.BackColor = &H3A1F1A
End Sub
Private Sub frameInvoice_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameInvoice.BackColor = &H3A1F1A
End Sub
Private Sub frameBackEnd_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameBackEnd.BackColor = &H3A1F1A
End Sub
Private Sub frameLogout_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    frameLogOut.BackColor = &H3A1F1A
End Sub

'Format the Retrieval of Information to the Userform

Private Sub lstWorkDatabase_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

    Me.txtDateEnd = Format(txtDateEnd, "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.txtDateStart = Format(txtDateStart, "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.txtS1Start = Format(txtS1Start, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS1End = Format(txtS1End, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS2Start = Format(txtS2Start, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS2End = Format(txtS2End, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS3Start = Format(txtS3Start, "HH:SS")
    Me.txtS3End = Format(txtS3End, "HH:SS")

End Sub

'New Record to Table

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim last_Row As Long
    last_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("C:C"))
    sh.Range("C" & last_Row + 1).value = "=Row()-6"
    sh.Range("D" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtWREF.value
    sh.Range("E" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.cmbClient.value
    sh.Range("F" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtSubClient.value
    sh.Range("G" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.cmbType.value
    sh.Range("H" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.cmbLocation.value
    sh.Range("I" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtDateStart.value
    sh.Range("J" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtDateEnd.value
    sh.Range("K" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtS1Start.value
    sh.Range("L" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtS1End.value
    sh.Range("M" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtS2Start.value
    sh.Range("N" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtS2End.value
    sh.Range("O" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtS3Start.value
    sh.Range("P" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtS3End.value
    sh.Range("Q" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtQuotedHours.value
    sh.Range("R" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtActualHours.value
    sh.Range("S" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.cmbTransportType.value
    sh.Range("T" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtTransportTotal.value
    sh.Range("U" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtMileage.value
    sh.Range("V" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtPetrol.value
    sh.Range("W" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtParking.value
    sh.Range("X" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtHourly.value
    sh.Range("Y" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtDay.value
    sh.Range("Z" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtSalary.value
    sh.Range("AA" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtTotal.value
    sh.Range("AB" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.cmbIID.value
    sh.Range("AC" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.cmbPSID.value
    sh.Range("AD" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtNotes.value
    sh.Range("AE" & last_Row + 1).value = Now
    sh.Range("AF" & last_Row + 1).value = Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value
    Me.chkUK.value = False
    Me.chkAUS.value = False
    Me.txtWREF.value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.value = ""
    Me.cmbType.value = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.value = ""
    Me.cmbTransportType.value = ""
    Me.txtTransportTotal.value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.value = ""
    Me.txtParking.value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.value = ""
    Me.txtDay.value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.value = ""
    Me.cmbIID.value = ""
    Me.cmbPSID.value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.value = ""
    Call Refresh_Data
End Sub


Private Sub btnClear_Click()

    Me.chkUK.value = False
    Me.chkAUS.value = False
    Me.txtWID.value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.value = ""
    Me.cmbType.value = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.value = ""
    Me.cmbTransportType.value = ""
    Me.txtTransportTotal.value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.value = ""
    Me.txtParking.value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.value = ""
    Me.txtDay.value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.value = ""
    Me.cmbIID.value = ""
    Me.cmbPSID.value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.value = ""
End Sub


Private Sub btnDelete_Click()

    If Me.txtWID.value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Select a record to delete"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim Selected_Row As Long
    Selected_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(Me.txtWID.value), sh.Range("C:C"), 0)
    sh.Range("A" & Selected_Row).EntireRow.Delete
    Call Refresh_Data
    Me.chkUK.value = False
    Me.chkAUS.value = False
    Me.txtWID.value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.value = ""
    Me.cmbType.value = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.value = ""
    Me.cmbTransportType.value = ""
    Me.txtTransportTotal.value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.value = ""
    Me.txtParking.value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.value = ""
    Me.txtDay.value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.value = ""
    Me.cmbIID.value = ""
    Me.cmbPSID.value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.value = ""
End Sub


Private Sub btnSave_Click()

    MsgBox "Data Saved"
End Sub


Private Sub btnUpdate_Click()

    Me.txtDateEnd = Format(Format(txtDateEnd, "Long Date"), "DD/MM/YYYY")
    Me.txtDateStart = Format(Format(txtDateStart, "Long Date"), "DD/MM/YYYY")

    If Me.txtWID.value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Select a record to update"
    End If
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim Selected_Row As Long
    Selected_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(Me.txtWID.value), sh.Range("C:C"), 0)
    sh.Range("D" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtWREF.value
    sh.Range("E" & Selected_Row).value = Me.cmbClient.value
    sh.Range("F" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtSubClient.value
    sh.Range("G" & Selected_Row).value = Me.cmbType.value
    sh.Range("H" & Selected_Row).value = Me.cmbLocation.value
    sh.Range("I" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtDateStart.value
    sh.Range("J" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtDateEnd.value
    sh.Range("K" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtS1Start.value
    sh.Range("L" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtS1End.value
    sh.Range("M" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtS2Start.value
    sh.Range("N" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtS2End.value
    sh.Range("O" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtS3Start.value
    sh.Range("P" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtS3End.value
    sh.Range("Q" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtQuotedHours.value
    sh.Range("R" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtActualHours.value
    sh.Range("S" & Selected_Row).value = Me.cmbTransportType.value
    sh.Range("T" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtTransportTotal.value
    sh.Range("U" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtMileage.value
    sh.Range("V" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtPetrol.value
    sh.Range("W" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtParking.value
    sh.Range("X" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtHourly.value
    sh.Range("Y" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtDay.value
    sh.Range("Z" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtSalary.value
    sh.Range("AA" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtTotal.value
    sh.Range("AB" & Selected_Row).value = Me.cmbIID.value
    sh.Range("AC" & Selected_Row).value = Me.cmbPSID.value
    sh.Range("AD" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtNotes.value
    sh.Range("AE" & Selected_Row).value = Now
    sh.Range("AF" & Selected_Row).value = Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value
    Me.chkUK.value = False
    Me.chkAUS.value = False
    Me.txtWID.value = ""
    Me.txtWREF.value = ""
    Me.cmbClient.value = ""
    Me.txtSubClient.value = ""
    Me.cmbType.value = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.value = ""
    Me.txtDateStart.value = ""
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = ""
    Me.txtS1Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS1End.value = ""
    Me.txtS2Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS2End.value = ""
    Me.txtS3Start.value = ""
    Me.txtS3End.value = ""
    Me.txtQuotedHours.value = ""
    Me.txtActualHours.value = ""
    Me.cmbTransportType.value = ""
    Me.txtTransportTotal.value = ""
    Me.txtMileage.value = ""
    Me.txtPetrol.value = ""
    Me.txtParking.value = ""
    Me.txtHourly.value = ""
    Me.txtDay.value = ""
    Me.txtSalary.value = ""
    Me.txtTotal.value = ""
    Me.cmbIID.value = ""
    Me.cmbPSID.value = ""
    Me.txtNotes.value = ""
    Call Refresh_Data
End Sub

'Pull Table Contents to Userform Input Options

Private Sub lstWorkDatabase_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Me.txtWID.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 0)
    Me.txtWREF.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.cmbClient.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 2)
    Me.txtSubClient.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 3)
    Me.cmbType.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 4)
    Me.cmbLocation.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.txtDateStart.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 6)
    Me.txtDateEnd.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 7)
    Me.txtS1Start.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 8)
    Me.txtS1End.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 9)
    Me.txtS2Start.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 10)
    Me.txtS2End.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 11)
    Me.txtS3Start.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 12)
    Me.txtS3End.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 13)
    Me.txtQuotedHours.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 14)
    Me.txtActualHours.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 15)
    Me.cmbTransportType.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 16)
    Me.txtTransportTotal.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 17)
    Me.txtMileage.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 18)
    Me.txtPetrol.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 19)
    Me.txtParking.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 20)
    Me.txtHourly.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 21)
    Me.txtDay.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 22)
    Me.txtSalary.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 23)
    Me.txtTotal.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 24)
    Me.cmbIID.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 25)
    Me.cmbPSID.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 26)
    Me.txtNotes.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 27)
    Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value = Me.lstWorkDatabase.List(Me.lstWorkDatabase.ListIndex, 29)
    If Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value = "UK" Then
        Me.chkUK.value = True
        Me.chkAUS.value = False
    End If
    If Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value = "AUS" Then
        Me.chkAUS.value = True
        Me.chkUK.value = False
    End If
End Sub

'Display Table Contents on Userform Database

Sub Refresh_Data()

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Work")
    Dim last_Row As Long
    last_Row = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("C:C"))
    With Me.lstWorkDatabase
        .ColumnHeads = True
        .ColumnCount = 28
        .ColumnWidths = "30,90,80,80,90,100,60,60,40,40,40,40,40,40,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,60,60,100,100,50"
        If last_Row = 1 Then
        .RowSource = "Work!C7:AF7"
        .RowSource = "Work!C7:AF7" & last_Row
        End If
    End With
End Sub

'Additional Buttons for Userforms
'New Client

Private Sub btnNewClient_Click()

End Sub

'New Job Type

Private Sub btnNewType_Click()

End Sub

'New Location

Private Sub btnNewLocation_Click()

End Sub

'Change of Combo Boxes

Private Sub txtCountryHIDDEN_Change()

    If Me.txtCountryHIDDEN = "UK" Then
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Bus"
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Plane"
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Taxi"
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Tram"
    End If
    If Me.txtCountryHIDDEN = "AUS" Then
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Bus"
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Lite Rail"
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Plane"
        Me.cmbTransportType.AddItem "Taxi"
    End If
End Sub

'Updating of Date Format from 1900 Date System to Long Date

Private Sub txtDateEnd_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    Me.txtDateEnd = Format(txtDateEnd, "DD/MM/YYYY")

End Sub

Private Sub txtDateStart_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    Me.txtDateStart = Format(txtDateStart, "DD/MM/YYYY")

End Sub

'Generating Work Reference Number

Private Sub chkUK_Click()

    If Me.chkUK.value = True Then
        Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value = "UK"
        GenerateReferenceNumber "OLUK-WREF"
        Me.chkAUS.value = False
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub chkAUS_Click()

    If Me.chkAUS.value = True Then
        Me.txtCountryHIDDEN.value = "AUS"
        GenerateReferenceNumber "OLAUS-WREF"
        Me.chkUK.value = False
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub GenerateReferenceNumber(ByVal Prefix As String)
    Dim cell        As Range

    Dim ws          As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Work")

    Dim lastRow     As Long
    lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row

    Dim lastNumber  As Long
    lastNumber = 0

    For Each cell In ws.Range("D7:D" & lastRow)

        If InStr(cell.value, Prefix) > 0 Then

            lastNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(lastNumber, CInt(Mid(cell.value, Len(Prefix) + 2)))
        End If

    Next cell

    Dim newNumber   As Long
    newNumber = lastNumber + 1

    Dim newReference As String
    newReference = Prefix & "-" & Format(newNumber, "0000")

    Me.txtWREF.value = newReference
End Sub

I stopped reading that half way down as most of it will be irrelevant. So if you identified the line that raises the error I missed it, so sorry about that. I'd suggest that next time, just post the failing code and maybe code for calls that raise the error, and ID which line raises the error. I use code comments for that and would point out the line in my post text. It's not even clear whether this is about a listbox or a combo list, or something else.

Your error may be caused by trying to use a value that is not in the list, or using a reference to the index where that reference is outside of the number of list items. Example of that would be trying to use the 10th list item when the list only has 8 items. If you are doing such things and the list count can vary, then perhaps use a variable equal to the list count, keeping in mind that listindex property is 0 based AFAIK. Something like Me.Listbox1.ListIndex = i, and if i = 3, the 4th list item would be selected.
Upvote 0
I stopped reading that half way down as most of it will be irrelevant. So if you identified the line that raises the error I missed it, so sorry about that. I'd suggest that next time, just post the failing code and maybe code for calls that raise the error, and ID which line raises the error. I use code comments for that and would point out the line in my post text. It's not even clear whether this is about a listbox or a combo list, or something else.

Your error may be caused by trying to use a value that is not in the list, or using a reference to the index where that reference is outside of the number of list items. Example of that would be trying to use the 10th list item when the list only has 8 items. If you are doing such things and the list count can vary, then perhaps use a variable equal to the list count, keeping in mind that listindex property is 0 based AFAIK. Something like Me.Listbox1.ListIndex = i, and if i = 3, the 4th list item would be selected.

This is where it is flagging the error - have no clue why?

Have read through my list box code and it appears to be correct - the error isnt being flagged within the code of the list box?


  • Screenshot 2024-11-24 150850.png
    Screenshot 2024-11-24 150850.png
    4.7 KB · Views: 18
Upvote 0
Is the problem listbox on the userform frmWork? If that form has code I suggest you put a break point somewhere within that code and step through it when the form loads. You can use a Stop statement if you prefer, and code execution will stop there. Don't forget to remove it when you no longer need it.

How is it that the line you show as the one that raises the error is not in the code you posted? Is it code that is called by your posted code?
FWIW, I figure that you repeat the same block of code that sets control values at least 3 times. Better to put that in its own sub and call it with one line? Then if you have to edit it, you do it once, not several times.
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Is the problem listbox on the userform frmWork? If that form has code I suggest you put a break point somewhere within that code and step through it when the form loads. You can use a Stop statement if you prefer, and code execution will stop there. Don't forget to remove it when you no longer need it.

How is it that the line you show as the one that raises the error is not in the code you posted? Is it code that is called by your posted code?
FWIW, I figure that you repeat the same block of code that sets control values at least 3 times. Better to put that in its own sub and call it with one line? Then if you have to edit it, you do it once, not several times.
Yes, I believe it is the listbox on frmWork. Apologies for my naivety, how do I put a break point in to step through?

The line that raises the issue is flagged as I get the error when I click on a label from a different userform.

Thanks for the suggestion for making a sub, have now done that!

Still getting error on frmWork however, any idea?
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Is the problem listbox on the userform frmWork? If that form has code I suggest you put a break point somewhere within that code and step through it when the form loads. You can use a Stop statement if you prefer, and code execution will stop there. Don't forget to remove it when you no longer need it.

How is it that the line you show as the one that raises the error is not in the code you posted? Is it code that is called by your posted code?
FWIW, I figure that you repeat the same block of code that sets control values at least 3 times. Better to put that in its own sub and call it with one line? Then if you have to edit it, you do it once, not several times.
Here is my spreadsheet if thats any help? Issue when trying to open frmWork

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From your picture of post 3
continuing on using the F8 key to execute things one line at a time
the actual error is here
VBA Code:
    Me.cmbLocation.RowSource = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.List = Worksheets("Location").Range("D7", Worksheets("Location").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).value

Try putting TEST2 in D8
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From your picture of post 3
continuing on using the F8 key to execute things one line at a time
the actual error is here
VBA Code:
    Me.cmbLocation.RowSource = ""
    Me.cmbLocation.List = Worksheets("Location").Range("D7", Worksheets("Location").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).value

Try putting TEST2 in D8
Tried TEST2 in D8, but got the same error
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