My active sheet is Sheet1.
Before I make the modifications indicated below, please accept that my Macro1 functions quite well.
In an effort to implement the suggested Worksheet_Change code, I went to the VB code page for Sheet1 and changed from (General) and Declarations to Worksheet and Change. Then I entered the above code.
Back on Sheet1, I changed the contents of Cell C14. I immediately receive a dialogue box indicating there is a VB runtime error "1004", Reference isn't valid. When I press the Debug button I'm shown Macro1 with the line defining the parameters for the GoalSeek highlighted in yellow.
This is the line of code that stops the process.: Range("C44").GoalSeek Goal:=0, ChangingCell:=Range("C29")
Apparently the GoalSeek process is incompatible with the Worksheet_Change code. Any suggestions?