Thread is a bit old ... Rick's function very good..even elegant
. Some ideas
Why all this 255 - red etc when XOR is available to do the job
Ra.Font.Color = Col
Ra.Interior.Color = Col Xor &HFFFFFF
However if you use many many fonts Excel complains with the error
too many fonts please close some workbooks
some of the below may be useful
Public Declare Function ColorHLSToRGB& Lib "shlwapi.dll" _
(ByVal wHue&, ByVal wLuminance&, ByVal wSaturation&)
Public Declare Function ColorRGBToHLS& Lib "shlwapi.dll" (ByVal col&, h&, l&, s&)
Function ColPerLumSat&(wC&, PP%)
Dim h&, l&, s&
ColorRGBToHLS wC, h, l, s 'using l s .. hue is color s leave it be
If PP < 0 Then
l = l * PP \ 100
s = s * PP \ 1100
l = l + PP * (240 - l) \ 100
s = s + PP * (200 - l) \ 1100
End If
ColPerLumSat = ColorHLSToRGB(h, l, s)
End Function
Function RndPaleC&(Optional r% = 150, Optional g% = 170, Optional b% = 140)
RndPaleC = rgb(r + Rnd() * (250 - r), g + Rnd() * (255 - g), b + Rnd() * (250 - g))
End Function
' use like ColPerLumSat(rgbBlue,20) ' 20 for dark 80 for light 20 to 92 step 12 for 7 bands or step 4 for 19 bands
' RndPale is useful try it with a variety of r g b
to get contrast some rotate the Hue by 180 degrees of the color wheel HH = (HH + 128) mod 255 .. if 0..255 model
HOWEVER these leave the problem still leave the problem of TOO MANY FONTS as there are 16777216 colors
what we need is a function similar the BlackOrWhite font pickers but to select from a bigger but limited set
say rgbDarkBlue RgbGreen, RgbTomato etc ... say about 8 or 9 choices so that we use only 8 or 9 fonts
Any one got one
More Junk
the number of colors is
&HFFFFFF in Hexadecimal base 16
7 is a lucky number especially on 3 reel pokies 777
there are 6 hexadecimal digits in as color three 6's are 6^3=216
so the number of colors is 16777216
Not as interesting number as 153 ( google 153 )
More junk
a termite went into a pub and asked where is the bar tender