In C2 I have a URL
In D2 I have a number that is also present in the URL
In J2 I would like to enter a formula that returns a Yes/No if the number in D2 is found in a certain location in C2
A Yes should only be returned if the number is present in the URL string of text between the 8th and 9th "/" character.
If it is found as a single instance before the 8th or after the 9th "/" then a No should be returned. The only caveat to this is if the number is in the URL twice, but one instance is in the correct location (i.e. after the 8th but before the 9th "/") then a Yes should be returned regardless of where the second instance is found.
Thank you
In D2 I have a number that is also present in the URL
In J2 I would like to enter a formula that returns a Yes/No if the number in D2 is found in a certain location in C2
A Yes should only be returned if the number is present in the URL string of text between the 8th and 9th "/" character.
If it is found as a single instance before the 8th or after the 9th "/" then a No should be returned. The only caveat to this is if the number is in the URL twice, but one instance is in the correct location (i.e. after the 8th but before the 9th "/") then a Yes should be returned regardless of where the second instance is found.
Thank you