The measure calculates the coefficient of variation, represented as a %, for each of the products being assessed. I want to return the median of all of the scores (%s), that is to say the midpoint where half of the products are above the line and half are below the line.
Make sense?
Where are those scores located? If they are in A1:A10, you can use a formula such as =MEDIAN(A1:A10)
It doesn't matter that the values in A1:A10 are resulting from formulas.
I think you've misunderstood the issue; it's actually a DAX formula I'm after, not a standard Excel formula.
Hopefully someone can assist.
You'll probably want to use an iterator, MEDIANX or AVERAGEX.
This blog post shows an example with SUMX, but the principles are the same.
Obviously, a measure is calculated in a filter context so you need to recreate that. Say you have a list of products, A, B and C, that you put in the row field and a measure to put in the Values field you'd need something like.