Hey...noob here..hope this is pretty easy...think so (just not an excel/vba expert).
I have a table of rows in an excel file. I am attempting to create a function such that, if you click on any row in the table (it is a VERY wide table), that it will return the value (contents) of the first cell in the row.
001 Frank Smith
002 Mary Jones
003 John Do
Now, were I to click on the name Mary (cell B2), I would like the function to return the value 002 from A2 (I will then use that in a vlookup that will present just a subset of the wide row in a specific location in the table.
What I have so far:
in VBA:
Function GetCursor() As String
' Get's current Cursor Location and returns to excel
GetCursor = ActiveCell.Address
End Function
---------------------------------macro subroutine ----------------
Sub Update_Click()
Range("H3").Value = GetCursor
End Sub
The above does indeed return the "cell reference" (ie $B$2) to cell H3, were I to click on Mary's name (I have a button on the excel page that executes Update_Click)
So I just need to change the $2 to $1, I think. I believe I can figure that out. But the part that's stumping me is to then use the $B$1 in a vlookup.
Here is an image to give you and idea what I am attempting to do:
Thx for any guidance (and I hope it makes some sense)
I have a table of rows in an excel file. I am attempting to create a function such that, if you click on any row in the table (it is a VERY wide table), that it will return the value (contents) of the first cell in the row.
001 Frank Smith
002 Mary Jones
003 John Do
Now, were I to click on the name Mary (cell B2), I would like the function to return the value 002 from A2 (I will then use that in a vlookup that will present just a subset of the wide row in a specific location in the table.
What I have so far:
in VBA:
Function GetCursor() As String
' Get's current Cursor Location and returns to excel
GetCursor = ActiveCell.Address
End Function
---------------------------------macro subroutine ----------------
Sub Update_Click()
Range("H3").Value = GetCursor
End Sub
The above does indeed return the "cell reference" (ie $B$2) to cell H3, were I to click on Mary's name (I have a button on the excel page that executes Update_Click)
So I just need to change the $2 to $1, I think. I believe I can figure that out. But the part that's stumping me is to then use the $B$1 in a vlookup.
Here is an image to give you and idea what I am attempting to do:

Thx for any guidance (and I hope it makes some sense)
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