Report with Grouping


Active Member
May 30, 2018
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I have a long employee list (over 18000 rows) that I am trying to create a roster.

I am trying to create a roster for ALL managers, regardless of which Manager column they fall in.

I am trying to make the manager roster, grouped by downline managers.

So a report for someone listed as Mrg 3, would have their report grouped by anyone that is a Mgr 2 who reports to that person and then anyone who is Mgr 1 that reports to Mgr 2 which reports to Mgr 3.

I don't think this makes sense, but I am going to try and make a report of what this might look like.

Data File:
BCM Copy of Organziational Structure (for upload).xlsx
1NameOrg Codeuser.mobileU.S. PersonCompanyDepartmentSiteIDorganizationalPerson.homePhoneEmailMgr1 NameMgr2 NameMgr3 NameMgr4 NameMgr5 NameMgr6 Name
2Employee 29Manager 86Manager 27Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
3Employee 2Manager 53Manager 3Manager 10Manager 119
4Employee 30Manager 86Manager 27Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
5Employee 35Manager 86Manager 27Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
6Employee 4Manager 124Manager 79Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
7Employee 31Manager 149Manager 79Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
8Employee 7Manager 115Manager 91Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
9Employee 8Manager 13Manager 104Manager 3Manager 10Manager 119
10Employee 9Manager 120Manager 74Manager 103Manager 40Manager 119
11Employee 10Manager 84Manager 12Manager 75Manager 119
12Employee 11Manager 50Manager 61Manager 134Manager 78Manager 34Manager 119
13Employee 12Manager 8Manager 12Manager 75Manager 119
14Employee 13Manager 84Manager 12Manager 75Manager 119
15Employee 14Manager 85Manager 66Manager 5Manager 24Manager 75Manager 119
16Employee 15Manager 16Manager 139Manager 75Manager 119
17Employee 16Manager 50Manager 61Manager 134Manager 78Manager 34Manager 119
18Employee 17Manager 16Manager 139Manager 75Manager 119
19Employee 18Manager 46Manager 101Manager 67Manager 10Manager 119
20Employee 19Manager 46Manager 101Manager 67Manager 10Manager 119
21Employee 20Manager 96Manager 145Manager 34Manager 119
22Employee 21Manager 131Manager 91Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
23Employee 22Manager 141Manager 91Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
24Employee 23Manager 79Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
25Employee 24Manager 77Manager 125Manager 3Manager 10Manager 119
26Employee 25Manager 125Manager 3Manager 10Manager 119
27Employee 26Manager 31Manager 69Manager 88Manager 17Manager 119
28Employee 27Manager 140Manager 31Manager 69Manager 88Manager 17Manager 119
29Employee 28Manager 141Manager 91Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
30Employee 71Manager 115Manager 91Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
31Employee 78Manager 108Manager 91Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
32Employee 1Manager 121Manager 99Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
33Employee 32Manager 142Manager 55Manager 43Manager 103Manager 40Manager 119
34Employee 33Manager 44Manager 75Manager 119
35Employee 34Manager 70Manager 28Manager 110Manager 144Manager 10Manager 119
36Employee 3Manager 102Manager 99Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
37Employee 36Manager 128Manager 8Manager 12Manager 75Manager 119
38Employee 37Manager 14Manager 62Manager 56Manager 143Manager 119
39Employee 38Manager 84Manager 12Manager 75Manager 119
40Employee 39Manager 73Manager 66Manager 5Manager 24Manager 75Manager 119
41Employee 40Manager 135Manager 90Manager 97Manager 75Manager 119
42Employee 41Manager 90Manager 97Manager 75Manager 119
43Employee 42Manager 134Manager 78Manager 34Manager 119
44Employee 43Manager 49Manager 97Manager 75Manager 119
45Employee 44Manager 90Manager 97Manager 75Manager 119
46Employee 45Manager 80Manager 43Manager 103Manager 40Manager 119
47Employee 46Manager 95Manager 133Manager 106Manager 19Manager 40Manager 119
48Employee 47Manager 81Manager 105Manager 18Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
49Employee 48Manager 7Manager 42Manager 113Manager 40Manager 119
50Employee 49Manager 58Manager 150Manager 107Manager 40Manager 119
51Employee 50Manager 35Manager 11Manager 69Manager 88Manager 17Manager 119
52Employee 51Manager 104Manager 3Manager 10Manager 119
53Employee 52Manager 9Manager 93Manager 4Manager 112Manager 40Manager 119
54Employee 53Manager 64Manager 30Manager 42Manager 113Manager 40Manager 119
55Employee 54Manager 20Manager 63Manager 15Manager 67Manager 10Manager 119
56Employee 55Manager 117Manager 65Manager 106Manager 19Manager 40Manager 119
57Employee 56Manager 51Manager 147Manager 48Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
58Employee 57Manager 23Manager 129Manager 21Manager 88Manager 17Manager 119
59Employee 58Manager 118Manager 92Manager 107Manager 40Manager 119
60Employee 59Manager 25Manager 47Manager 59Manager 143Manager 119
61Employee 60Manager 33Manager 138Manager 48Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
62Employee 61Manager 148Manager 98Manager 60Manager 116Manager 89Manager 119
63Employee 62Manager 38Manager 114Manager 52Manager 89Manager 119
64Employee 63Manager 57Manager 132Manager 24Manager 75Manager 119
65Employee 64Manager 122Manager 123Manager 22Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
66Employee 65Manager 41Manager 54Manager 29Manager 88Manager 17Manager 119
67Employee 66Manager 82Manager 1Manager 87Manager 112Manager 40Manager 119
68Employee 67Manager 26Manager 68Manager 2Manager 10Manager 119
69Employee 68Manager 39Manager 32Manager 74Manager 103Manager 40Manager 119
70Employee 69Manager 122Manager 123Manager 22Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
71Employee 70Manager 127Manager 94Manager 36Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
72Employee 5Manager 130Manager 99Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119
73Employee 72Manager 126Manager 71Manager 137Manager 44Manager 75Manager 119
74Employee 73Manager 83Manager 129Manager 21Manager 88Manager 17Manager 119
75Employee 74Manager 147Manager 48Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
76Employee 75Manager 6Manager 146Manager 36Manager 37Manager 40Manager 119
77Employee 76Manager 100Manager 111Manager 60Manager 116Manager 89Manager 119
78Employee 77Manager 136Manager 76Manager 45Manager 17Manager 119
79Employee 6Manager 72Manager 99Manager 109Manager 143Manager 119

Similar report look:
BCM Copy of Organziational Structure (for upload).xlsx
3Employees who Report to Manager 109
4PresentLevel 3: Mgr 3 NameLevel 2: Mgr 2 NameLevel 1: Mgr1 NameLevel 0: EmployeesIDOrg CodePhoneDepartmentSiteBldgEmail
5Manager 109
6Manager 27
7Manager 86
8Employee 29
9Employee 30
10Employee 35
11Manager 79
12Employee 23
13Manager 124
14Employee 4
15Manager 149
16Employee 31
17Manager 91
18Manager 115
19Employee 7
20Employee 71
21Manager 131
22Employee 21
23Manager 141
24Employee 22
25Employee 28
26Manager 108
27Employee 78
28Manager 99
29Manager 121
30Employee 1
31Manager 102
32Employee 3
33Manager 130
34Employee 5
35Manager 72
36Employee 6
I ran it on the initial data that I provided to you in #1, it worked properly and completely.

In the "actual" file, I have done the following:

1. Add a "Sheet1" Sheet
2. Add a "Temp" Sheet
3. Ensure the actual data is in the correct format prior to running the macro
4. Change the sheet name from "user" to "employee roster"
5. Create a button that is connected to "Global Macro"
6. Click button to run "Global Macro"

7. I attempted to run the macro with a different manager's name and it seemed to run into a different error:



I tried to put in my boss:

The current macro:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, j As Long, k As Long
Dim dic As Object
Dim shU As Worksheet, sh1 As Worksheet, shT As Worksheet

Sub GlobalMacro()
  Set shU = Sheets("Employee_Roster")
  Set sh1 = Sheets("Sheet1")
  Set shT = Sheets("Temp")
  Dim f As Range

  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  If sh1.Range("A3").Value = 3 Then
    MsgBox "Fill A3 cell"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Set f = shU.Range("K:AZ").Find(sh1.Range("A3").Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , False)
  If f Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Manager does not exists"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Call GetUniqueValues
  Call HierarchyManger
  Call RepaintData
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub HierarchyManger()
  Dim i As Long, sId As Variant, dic1 As Object, col As Variant
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set dic1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  sh1.Range("C2", sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, Columns.Count)).ClearContents
  a = shT.Range("A2:D" & shT.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Value2
  ReDim b(1 To UBound(a, 1), 1 To 1)
  ReDim c(1 To UBound(a, 1), 1 To UBound(a, 1))
  For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
    dic1(a(i, 3)) = a(i, 4)
  j = 1
  k = 1
  sId = sh1.Range("A3")
  b(j, k) = sId
  dic(sId) = k
  k = 2
  Call recur(sId)
  For i = 1 To j
    col = dic(b(i, 1))
    c(i, col) = b(i, 1)
    c(i, col + 1) = dic1(b(i, 1))
  sh1.Range("C5").Resize(dic.Count, UBound(c, 2)).Value = c
End Sub

Sub recur(n)
  Dim i As Long, personID As New Collection, num As Variant
  For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
    If a(i, 1) = n Then
      dic(a(i, 3)) = k
      personID.Add a(i, 3)
    End If
  For Each num In personID
    j = j + 1
    b(j, 1) = num
    k = k + 1
    Call recur(num)
    k = k - 1
End Sub

Sub GetUniqueValues()
  Dim c As Variant, d As Variant
  Dim i As Long, n As Long, nRow As Long, lr As Long, lc As Long, y As Long
  Dim dic2 As Object
  Set dic2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  shU.Range("A:A").Copy shT.Range("F1")
  lc = shU.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(1).Column
  shU.Range("K1", shU.Cells(1, lc)).EntireColumn.Copy shT.Range("G1")
  lr = shT.Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row
  lc = shT.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(1).Column
  d = shT.Range("F2", shT.Cells(lr, lc)).Value
  ReDim c(1 To lr * lc, 1 To 4)
  For n = 1 To UBound(d, 2)
    For i = 1 To UBound(d, 1)
      If d(i, n) <> "" Then
        dic2(d(i, n)) = Empty
      End If
  shT.Range("C2").Resize(dic2.Count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(dic2.keys)
  c = shT.Range("A2", shT.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(3)).Value
  For i = 1 To UBound(c)
    dic2(c(i, 3)) = i

  For n = 1 To UBound(d, 2) - 1
    For i = 1 To UBound(d, 1)
      If d(i, n) <> "" Then
        nRow = dic2(d(i, n))
        c(nRow, 1) = d(i, n + 1)
      End If

  With shT.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(c, 1), UBound(c, 2))
    .Value = c
    .Sort shT.Range("C2"), xlAscending
  End With
End Sub

Sub RepaintData()
  Dim c As Variant, d As Variant
  Dim f As Range
  Dim dic1 As Object
  Dim lr As Long, lc As Long, i As Long, n As Long
  Dim nRow As Long, col As Long, nCol As Long, nLevel As Long
  Set dic1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set f = sh1.Cells.Find("*", , xlValues, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious)
  lr = f.Row
  Set f = sh1.Cells.Find("*", , xlValues, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
  lc = f.Column
  c = sh1.Range("C5", sh1.Cells(lr, lc)).Value
  d = shU.Range("A2:J" & shU.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row).Value
  For i = 1 To UBound(d, 1)
    dic1(d(i, 1)) = i
  For n = 1 To UBound(c, 2) - 1
    For i = 1 To UBound(c, 1)
      If c(i, n) <> "" Then
        If dic1.exists(c(i, n)) Then
          c(i, UBound(c, 2)) = c(i, n)
          c(i, n) = ""
        End If
      End If
  ReDim e(1 To UBound(c, 1), 1 To 9)
  For i = 1 To UBound(c, 1)
    If c(i, UBound(c, 2)) <> "" Then
      If dic1.exists(c(i, UBound(c, 2))) Then
        nRow = dic1(c(i, UBound(c, 2)))
        For col = 2 To UBound(d, 2)
          e(i, col - 1) = d(nRow, col)
      End If
    End If
  sh1.Range("C5").Resize(UBound(c, 1), UBound(c, 2)).Value = c
  sh1.Cells(5, lc + 1).Resize(UBound(e, 1), UBound(e, 2)).Value = e
  sh1.Cells(4, lc + 1).Resize(1, 9).Value = shU.Range("B1:J1").Value
  Set f = shU.Cells.Find(sh1.Range("A3").Value, , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
  nCol = 3
  nLevel = f.Column - Columns("K").Column + 1
  For col = f.Column To Columns("K").Column Step -1
    sh1.Cells(4, nCol).Value = "Level " & nLevel & ": " & shU.Cells(1, col).Value
    nCol = nCol + 1
    nLevel = nLevel - 1
  sh1.Range("B4").Value = "Present"
  sh1.Cells(4, nCol).Value = "Level 0: Employees"
End Sub

Some sample data:

1NameOrg CodeIDPhoneDepartmentSiteBldgEmailMgr1 NameCompanyorganizationalPerson.homePhoneU.S. PersonMgr1 IDMgr1 EmailMgr2 NameMgr2 IDMgr2 EmailMgr3 NameMgr3 IDMgr3 EmailMgr4 NameMgr4 IDMgr4 EmailMgr5 NameMgr 5 IDMgr5 EmailMgr6 NameMgr6 IDMgr6 EmailMgr7 NameMgr7 IDMgr7 EmailMgr8 NameMgr8 IDMgr8 EmailMgr9
2Bread, George THGBBBBusiness Continuity Managementgeorge.t.bread@email.comNorco, SilasSpirit (Direct Employee)silas.norco@email.comSalt,
3Gert, RegalHGBBBBusiness Continuity Managementregal.l.gert@email.comNorco, SilasSpirit (Direct Employee)silas.norco@email.comSalt,
4Woppo, PittyHGBBBBusiness Continuity Managementpitty.woppo@email.comNorco, SilasSpirit (Direct Employee)silas.norco@email.comSalt,
5Norco, SilasHGBBBBusiness Continuity Managementsilas.norco@email.comSalt, BrainSpirit (Direct Employee)
Upvote 0
You must provide a valid manager.

You changed the structure of the main sheet:

it was the first point of my instructions:

According to your example in the "user" sheet, the managers start in column K. But now they start in column M, but you also added the name and email.
This is how the macro will never work.
I'm going to stop crying.

If you want it to work, you must put the data as you have it in your example in post #1.

If you want me to modify the macro for the new structure you are presenting, then You must adapt the data so that it has a pattern.
That is:​
Column A the employee​
Column L the manager Name
Column M the ID
Column N the email
every 3 columns a manager. for example:​

As you could see with the test data, the macro works.

Upvote 0
Or better yet:

In an "Employee Data" sheet, the name of the employee and all their data, there in that sheet you can put the data you already have and incorporate new columns for new data, for example: hobbies, schooling, address, YouTube channel, website, etc.

Dante Amor
1NameOrg CodeIDPhoneDepSiteBldgEmailCompanyorgPhU.S. Peryoutubewebsite
2Bread, George THGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
3Gert, RegalHGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
4Woppo, PittyHGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
5Norco, SilasHGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
employee data

On the "employee roster" sheet the hierarchy:

Dante Amor
1NameMgr1 NameMgr2 NameMgr3 NameMgr4 NameMgr5 NameMgr6 NameMgr7 NameMgr8 NameMgr9 Name
2Bread, George TNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
3Gert, RegalNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
4Woppo, PittyNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
5Norco, SilasSalt, Brain
employee roster

In this employee roster sheet neither the ID nor the email is necessary, because you already have those data in the "Employee Data" sheet.

That way the structure is not broken and you can incorporate all the data you want. If you need some data simply by name, look for it in column A of the "employee data" sheet and get it.

I suppose you are in the design of your sheets, think about what would be the best option for you.
Once you have solved it, come back here, tell me and I will adapt the macro to your sheets structure.

Last edited:
Upvote 0
Or better yet:

In an "Employee Data" sheet, the name of the employee and all their data, there in that sheet you can put the data you already have and incorporate new columns for new data, for example: hobbies, schooling, address, YouTube channel, website, etc.

Dante Amor
1NameOrg CodeIDPhoneDepSiteBldgEmailCompanyorgPhU.S. Peryoutubewebsite
2Bread, George THGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
3Gert, RegalHGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
4Woppo, PittyHGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
5Norco, SilasHGBBB Bus cm d@email.comSpirit (Direct Employee)
employee data

On the "employee roster" sheet the hierarchy:

Dante Amor
1NameMgr1 NameMgr2 NameMgr3 NameMgr4 NameMgr5 NameMgr6 NameMgr7 NameMgr8 NameMgr9 Name
2Bread, George TNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
3Gert, RegalNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
4Woppo, PittyNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
5Norco, SilasSalt, Brain
employee roster

In this employee roster sheet neither the ID nor the email is necessary, because you already have those data in the "Employee Data" sheet.

That way the structure is not broken and you can incorporate all the data you want. If you need some data simply by name, look for it in column A of the "employee data" sheet and get it.

I suppose you are in the design of your sheets, think about what would be the best option for you.
Once you have solved it, come back here, tell me and I will adapt the macro to your sheets structure.

Thank you so much and you're absolutely correct! I forgot about that, I apologize for all of the confusion!
Upvote 0
The second option looks much better! So I set it up like your second recommendation of "employee_roster" and "employee_data". I set the employee_roster the way you have it above but used Index - Match - Match to populate the table (rather than using a macro). I did receive the following errors still.

Formulas being used to populate:
Name =
Excel Formula:
All other Columns:
Excel Formula:
=IF(INDEX(user, MATCH($A2,Employee_data!$A:$A,0),MATCH(B$1,user[#Headers],0))=0,"",INDEX(user, MATCH($A2,Employee_data!$A:$A,0),MATCH(B$1,user[#Headers],0)))

Unfortunately, XL2bb keeps crashing my excel (bad computer) and cannot get the code for this screen but I made sure that all of the header fields matched the headers from the original post.

NameOrg Codeuser.mobileU.S. PersonCompanyDepartmentSiteIDorganizationalPerson.homePhoneEmailMgr1 NameMgr2 NameMgr3 NameMgr4 NameMgr5 NameMgr6 NameMgr7 NameMgr8 NameMgr9


Upvote 0
The second option looks much better!
Ok we are progressing.

Something very important in all this, you must follow my instructions correctly:
Once you have solved it, come back here, tell me and I will adapt the macro to your sheets structure.
Obviously the macro is not ready. You must wait for it to I make the modifications.

So according to the second recommendation you should have 2 sheets. "employee_roster" and "employee_data"

The one that interests us is the "employee_roster" sheet.
Then on the "employee_roster" sheet you must put the information as follows.
- Always using the employee's name and the manager's name.​
- The names of the managers should not appear in column A of employees.​

I will make the changes in the macro, but first confirm that the "employee_roster" sheet is as follows:
varios 11oct2024.xlsm
1NameMgr1 NameMgr2 NameMgr3 NameMgr4 NameMgr5 NameMgr6 NameMgr7 NameMgr8 NameMgr9 Name
2Bread, George TNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
3Gert, RegalNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
4Woppo, PittyNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
employee roster

Note: Check that Norco, Silas and Salt, Brain (managers) are not in column A (employees). This is very important, since this is your initial example. If not, we have serious problems.

Upvote 0
If you checked this thread and need something similar, you can find a couple of similar solutions in the following link, there you can see how to structure your data to obtain the hierarchy structure.

Upvote 0
Ok we are progressing.

Something very important in all this, you must follow my instructions correctly:

Obviously the macro is not ready. You must wait for it to I make the modifications.

So according to the second recommendation you should have 2 sheets. "employee_roster" and "employee_data"

The one that interests us is the "employee_roster" sheet.
Then on the "employee_roster" sheet you must put the information as follows.
- Always using the employee's name and the manager's name.​
- The names of the managers should not appear in column A of employees.​

I will make the changes in the macro, but first confirm that the "employee_roster" sheet is as follows:
varios 11oct2024.xlsm
1NameMgr1 NameMgr2 NameMgr3 NameMgr4 NameMgr5 NameMgr6 NameMgr7 NameMgr8 NameMgr9 Name
2Bread, George TNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
3Gert, RegalNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
4Woppo, PittyNorco, SilasSalt, Brain
employee roster

Note: Check that Norco, Silas and Salt, Brain (managers) are not in column A (employees). This is very important, since this is your initial example. If not, we have serious problems.

That is a tough one to accomplish since managers do report to someone. I apologize that my initial data didn't portray the details as well as I had hoped but I know that I will need to do better next time.

Would there be a way to filter out the manager being developed (let's say it is Salt, Brain) from column A while it builds the roster?
Upvote 0
If you checked this thread and need something similar
I mean if anyone else is a follower of this thread.

I apologize that my initial data didn't portray the details as well as I had hoped but I know that I will need to do better next time.
Unfortunately I can't continue helping you, the data you entered at the beginning is totally false and thus no macro will be able to work.

But without a doubt, when you have your file well organized and you provide coherent, homogeneous and approved information, then you come back here, create a new thread and I will gladly help you.

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