When you say "Newbie", just how much do you know? Hopefully this will be as simple as possible.
In the vb window, insert a new module and paste all of the following code
Option Compare Text
Sub macro1()
Dim folderPath As String, nextFile As String, i As Long
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
If .Show Then
Range("A1") = "Path:"
folderPath = .SelectedItems(1)
Range("B1") = folderPath
nextFile = Dir(folderPath & "\*.*")
i = 3
Do While nextFile <> ""
Cells(i, "A") = nextFile
i = i + 1
nextFile = Dir
MsgBox "No folder selected"
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub macro2()
Dim folderPath As String, nextFile As String, i As Long, lr As Long
Dim oldName As String, newName As String
folderPath = Range("B1").Value
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 3 To lr
oldName = Cells(i, "A")
newName = Cells(i, "B")
If newName <> "" Then
oldName = folderPath & "\" & oldName
newName = folderPath & "\" & checkSuffix(oldName, newName)
If Not fileExists(newName) Then
Name oldName As newName
Cells(i, "C") = "Complete"
Cells(i, "C") = "Failed"
End If
End If
Next i
Shell "Explorer " & folderPath, vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Function fileExists(ByVal str As String) As Boolean
fileExists = (Dir(str) <> "")
End Function
Function checkSuffix(ByVal o As String, n As String)
f = Split(o, ".")
s = f(UBound(f))
If Right(n, Len(s)) = s Then
checkSuffix = n
checkSuffix = n & "." & s
End If
End Function
Create a clean tab and run macro1. This will create your initial list. You can run the code by pressing alt +F8 and choosing the relevant macro, or you can create buttons and call the macros from these.
In column B, add your new file names. You can omit the suffix's (.doc, .xls etc) as the code will add these back in if they're not there or wrong.
The you can run macro2 and the files will be renamed. Best to test on copies of your files. Column C gets a comment which will say 'failed' if the filename you supplied already exists. Anything with a blank in B gets ignored.