Initially I’m simply copying a data table from a web page using “Ctrl + A” then “Ctrl + C”, and then pasting the data straight onto a new worksheet so I can work with it. (After temporarily re-naming the old sheet)
But I keep finding what looks like double-spaces after some of the important text within the Range of cells I’m working with. I need to be able to select & conditional format the values of the text in some columns of the sheet, so need to loose these trailing spaces.
Unfortunately, it’s not consistence as to how many spaces trail the text I need. Sometimes it’s only one space, sometimes its two spaces ?
So far, I’ve had mixed success with a recorded "Replace" code but none of the other codes I have found on forum pages either don’t work all or seem to give any consistent results. E;g; TRIM, CLEAN
I suspect my problem is, I do not know how to call the code properly, or trying to work with too large a range ?
Can anyone help?
The start of my code reads:
Any help to a beginner welcome.
But I keep finding what looks like double-spaces after some of the important text within the Range of cells I’m working with. I need to be able to select & conditional format the values of the text in some columns of the sheet, so need to loose these trailing spaces.
Unfortunately, it’s not consistence as to how many spaces trail the text I need. Sometimes it’s only one space, sometimes its two spaces ?
So far, I’ve had mixed success with a recorded "Replace" code but none of the other codes I have found on forum pages either don’t work all or seem to give any consistent results. E;g; TRIM, CLEAN
I suspect my problem is, I do not know how to call the code properly, or trying to work with too large a range ?
Can anyone help?
The start of my code reads:
Sheets("Data").Name = "Old Data"
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Data"
ActiveSheet.Paste ' Copied info from web page
' Try and remove some of the unwanted characters ?
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
' At the moment I’m using to select the pasted range I want to work on:
Range(Range("C46"), Range("C46").SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
‘ This is where I need a code to work on the new Data sheet and remove all the trailing characters.
MsgBox "All data cleaned successfully !", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "All Done"
Any help to a beginner welcome.