I am using Excel 2010. Let's say I have a workbook that contains 13 worksheets. The first worksheet is named "Summary" and the remaining 12 are the months of the year (January-December). In "Summary" I want to ask the user to choose a month. Then, I use '=DATE(YEAR(E1),MONTH(E1)+1,1)' to increment to the following month. That's done a total of 2 times so the user enters 06/01/2016 and they get June, July, and August. Now, I want to take figures from each of the 3 named months and sum them on the "Summary" worksheet. The problem I am running into has to do with using the INDIRECT() formula and the fact that the Months cells aren't formatted as Text but as Date (actually Custom Dates). How would I go about referencing the June, July, and August worksheets in a formula if the data in the cells isn't Text? Something like =B1!H3 if I'm trying to access =July!H3. Hopefully this makes sense. If not, let me know and I can try to clear it up. Thanks!