Reading Text file and splitting dynamic sized string into array help


Board Regular
Jun 4, 2021
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hello all I have the following in a text file that is being read by vba and going line by line

60ANDREW COX 0.00A08:00 09:58 ANDREW COX
60DAVID BEAUMONT 0.00A08:08 13:26 14:09 18:00 D. BEAUMONT
60JOSEPG CAMACHO 0.00A08:04 11:10 11:41 18:01 JO CAMACHO
60TRISTON HILL 0.00A08:02 11:52 12:27 18:02 TRISTON HILL
60JOSE VARGAS 0.00A08:19 16:22 16:54 18:01 VARGAS

I would like to split the strings for example
David Beamount08:0813:26
David Beamount14:0918:00
Josepg Camacho08:0411:10
Josepg Camacho11:4118:01

and So on for each employee. Sometime the row can have a bunch of different time clocks. Each two represent a clock in and clock out. How can I split it dynamically and enter it into a sheet? I have the following code below it works but only first the first clock and clock out. Thank you for your help

VBA Code:
  For i = 0 To UBound(arrTxt)
      If InStr(arrTxt(i), todaysdate2) > 0 Then
         Do While InStr(arrTxt(i + j), "END OF DAY") = 0
            j = j + 1
            For t = 2 To 17
                                   If InStr(arrTxt(i + j), "60" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("K" & t) & " " & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("L" & t)) > 0 Then  'Safety Inspection
                                    'SI = InStr(arrTxt(i + j), "60ANDREW ")
                                    arrTime = Split(WorksheetFunction.Trim(arrTxt(i + j)), " ")
                                    arrTime(0) = Right(arrTime(0), Len(arrTime(0)) - 2) & " " & arrTime(1)
                                    arrTime(2) = Split(arrTime(2), "A")(1)
                                            If arrTime(2) <= "08:10" Then
                                            arrTime(2) = "08:00"
                                            End If
                                            If arrTime(3) >= "17:53" And arrTime(3) <= "18:25" Then
                                            arrTime(3) = "18:00"
                                            End If
                                            lastR2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("A" & Sh.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                                            On Error Resume Next
                                            ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("A" & lastR2 + 1).Resize(1, 1).Value = arrTime(0)
                                            ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("B" & lastR2 + 1).Resize(1, 1).Value = arrTime(2)
                                            ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("C" & lastR2 + 1).Resize(1, 1).Value = arrTime(3)
                                            ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("D" & lastR2 + 1).Resize(1, 1).Value = todaysdate
                                   End If
         Loop 'For Do

      End If 'If Instr
  Next i
VBA Code:
Sub splitten()
     Dim Result(), t_IN, t_OUT

     a = Sheets("blad3").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Value        'read your data to an array (or another method to get those data into an array)
     ReDim Result(1 To UBound(a) * 3, 1 To 4)                   'prepare result array with (precaution) 3 timeslots per employee

     For i = 1 To UBound(a)                                     'loop through the data

          If InStr(1, a(i, 1), "TERRELLL WHO", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     'line with your date-string
               s = Right(Split(a(i, 1))(0), 8)                  '1st word, 8 last characters
               mydate = DateSerial(Right(s, 4), Mid(s, 3, 2), Left(s, 2))     'make a date of it
          ElseIf InStr(1, a(i, 1), "end of day", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
               mydate = 0                                       'reset your date after "end of day"

          ElseIf Len(a(i, 1)) - Len(Replace(a(i, 1), ":", "")) >= 2 Then     'there are at least 2 ":"-characters in that record

               sp = Split(a(i, 1), "0.00A")                     'split on this string
               If UBound(sp) = 1 Then                           'there are 2 parts
                    sp1 = Split(sp(1))                          'split the 2nd part on the spaces
                    For j = 0 To UBound(sp1) Step 2             'loop through the times (per 2, in and out)
                         If InStr(sp1(j), ":") = 0 Then Exit For     'if there is no ":" in that part, then it is no longer a time, so quit
                         ptr = ptr + 1                          'increment pointer
                         Result(ptr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Mid(sp(0), 3))     'Name

                         t_IN = TimeValue(sp1(j))               'actual in
                         If t_IN <= TimeValue("08:10") Then t_IN = TimeValue("08:00")     'manipulate in
                         Result(ptr, 2) = t_IN                  'add to array

                         t_OUT = TimeValue(sp1(j + 1))          'actual out
                         If WorksheetFunction.Median(TimeValue("17:53"), TimeValue("18:25"), t_OUT) = t_OUT Then t_OUT = TimeValue("18:00")     'manipulate out
                         Result(ptr, 3) = t_OUT                 'add to array
                         Result(ptr, 4) = CDbl(mydate)
               End If
          End If

     if ptr > 0 then ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result

End Sub
Upvote 0
VBA Code:
Sub splitten()
     Dim Result(), t_IN, t_OUT

     a = Sheets("blad3").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Value        'read your data to an array (or another method to get those data into an array)
     ReDim Result(1 To UBound(a) * 3, 1 To 4)                   'prepare result array with (precaution) 3 timeslots per employee

     For i = 1 To UBound(a)                                     'loop through the data

          If InStr(1, a(i, 1), "TERRELLL WHO", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     'line with your date-string
               s = Right(Split(a(i, 1))(0), 8)                  '1st word, 8 last characters
               mydate = DateSerial(Right(s, 4), Mid(s, 3, 2), Left(s, 2))     'make a date of it
          ElseIf InStr(1, a(i, 1), "end of day", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
               mydate = 0                                       'reset your date after "end of day"

          ElseIf Len(a(i, 1)) - Len(Replace(a(i, 1), ":", "")) >= 2 Then     'there are at least 2 ":"-characters in that record

               sp = Split(a(i, 1), "0.00A")                     'split on this string
               If UBound(sp) = 1 Then                           'there are 2 parts
                    sp1 = Split(sp(1))                          'split the 2nd part on the spaces
                    For j = 0 To UBound(sp1) Step 2             'loop through the times (per 2, in and out)
                         If InStr(sp1(j), ":") = 0 Then Exit For     'if there is no ":" in that part, then it is no longer a time, so quit
                         ptr = ptr + 1                          'increment pointer
                         Result(ptr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Mid(sp(0), 3))     'Name

                         t_IN = TimeValue(sp1(j))               'actual in
                         If t_IN <= TimeValue("08:10") Then t_IN = TimeValue("08:00")     'manipulate in
                         Result(ptr, 2) = t_IN                  'add to array

                         t_OUT = TimeValue(sp1(j + 1))          'actual out
                         If WorksheetFunction.Median(TimeValue("17:53"), TimeValue("18:25"), t_OUT) = t_OUT Then t_OUT = TimeValue("18:00")     'manipulate out
                         Result(ptr, 3) = t_OUT                 'add to array
                         Result(ptr, 4) = CDbl(mydate)
               End If
          End If

     if ptr > 0 then ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result

End Sub
a = Sheets("blad3").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Value 'read your data to an array (or another method to get those data into an array)
this line? My data is in a text file not on a sheet and its a large file
Upvote 0
Here is the link for a sample file Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files
from the first line to 99 END OF DAY is a whole data for a day. 99 END OF DAY being the last line for the day. I would like to match the store code (100001) and date (021522) they are always the first line combine they look like this (100001021522) from there I would like to extract the times for that day for each employee. On a sheet for the user I would like to choose a date and get the employee time clocks for that individual day
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Just looking for a link to a sample text file that you use. that doesn't require a password or anything.
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VBA Code:
Sub splitten()
     Dim Result(), t_IN, t_OUT

     a = Sheets("blad3").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Value        'read your data to an array (or another method to get those data into an array)
     ReDim Result(1 To UBound(a) * 3, 1 To 4)                   'prepare result array with (precaution) 3 timeslots per employee

     For i = 1 To UBound(a)                                     'loop through the data

          If InStr(1, a(i, 1), "TERRELLL WHO", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     'line with your date-string
               s = Right(Split(a(i, 1))(0), 8)                  '1st word, 8 last characters
               mydate = DateSerial(Right(s, 4), Mid(s, 3, 2), Left(s, 2))     'make a date of it
          ElseIf InStr(1, a(i, 1), "end of day", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
               mydate = 0                                       'reset your date after "end of day"

          ElseIf Len(a(i, 1)) - Len(Replace(a(i, 1), ":", "")) >= 2 Then     'there are at least 2 ":"-characters in that record

               sp = Split(a(i, 1), "0.00A")                     'split on this string
               If UBound(sp) = 1 Then                           'there are 2 parts
                    sp1 = Split(sp(1))                          'split the 2nd part on the spaces
                    For j = 0 To UBound(sp1) Step 2             'loop through the times (per 2, in and out)
                         If InStr(sp1(j), ":") = 0 Then Exit For     'if there is no ":" in that part, then it is no longer a time, so quit
                         ptr = ptr + 1                          'increment pointer
                         Result(ptr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Mid(sp(0), 3))     'Name

                         t_IN = TimeValue(sp1(j))               'actual in
                         If t_IN <= TimeValue("08:10") Then t_IN = TimeValue("08:00")     'manipulate in
                         Result(ptr, 2) = t_IN                  'add to array

                         t_OUT = TimeValue(sp1(j + 1))          'actual out
                         If WorksheetFunction.Median(TimeValue("17:53"), TimeValue("18:25"), t_OUT) = t_OUT Then t_OUT = TimeValue("18:00")     'manipulate out
                         Result(ptr, 3) = t_OUT                 'add to array
                         Result(ptr, 4) = CDbl(mydate)
               End If
          End If

     if ptr > 0 then ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result

End Sub
I would like to be able to choose a date which is on a sheet and match that day. I have data dating back to 09 on the text file. So it needs to be by date and not Terrell who
Upvote 0
answer in a hour, but is not very complicated, first other job.
Upvote 0
G1 and G2 are now the 2 cells for your store and your date, but you can change that
VBA Code:
Sub splitten()
     Dim Result(), t_IN, t_OUT, bOkay

     'choose, open and read textfile*
     With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)       'open dialog for choosing the right textfile
          .AllowMultiSelect = False
          .Title = UCase("Choose your logfile")
          With .Filters
               .Add "Text Files (*.txt)", "*.txt"
          End With

          If Not .Show() Then
               Exit Sub                                         'nothing choosen
               sfileName = .SelectedItems(1)                    'the textfile you choose

               fileNo = FreeFile                                'Get first free file number
               Open sfileName For Input As #fileNo              'open textfile
               a = Split(Input$(LOF(fileNo), fileNo), vbLf)     'read content and split on vblf
               Close #fileNo                                    'close textfile
     'Sheets("blad1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(a) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(a)'write to a sheet somewhere
          End If
     End With

     'manipulate data
     ReDim Result(1 To UBound(a) * 3, 1 To 4)                   'prepare result array with (precaution) 3 timeslots per employee

     With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times")
          my_store = .Range("G1").Value                         'choose your store in G1
          mydate = .Range("G2").Value                           'choose your date in G2
          my_date = Format(mydate, "mmddyy")                    'your date in the right format

          For i = 0 To UBound(a)                                'loop through the data
               If a(i) Like my_store & my_date & " *" Then      'startline of your right store and date
                    bOkay = True                                'flag up
                    s = Right(Split(a(i))(0), 6)                '1st word, 8 last characters
                    mydate = DateSerial(Right(s, 2), Left(s, 2), Mid(s, 3, 2))     'make a date of it

               ElseIf InStr(1, a(i), "end of day", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     'check eind of day
                    bOkay = False                               'flag down
                    mydate = 0                                  'reset your date after "end of day"

               ElseIf Len(a(i)) - Len(Replace(a(i), ":", "")) >= 2 And bOkay Then     'there are at least 2 ":"-characters in that record

                    sp = Split(a(i), "0.00A")                   'split on this string
                    If UBound(sp) = 1 Then                      'there are 2 parts
                         sp1 = Split(sp(1))                     'split the 2nd part on the spaces
                         For j = 0 To UBound(sp1) Step 2        'loop through the times (per 2, in and out)
                              If InStr(sp1(j), ":") = 0 Then Exit For     'if there is no ":" in that part, then it is no longer a time, so quit
                              ptr = ptr + 1                     'increment pointer
                              Result(ptr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Mid(sp(0), 3))     'Name

                              t_IN = TimeValue(sp1(j))          'actual in
                              If t_IN <= TimeValue("08:10") Then t_IN = TimeValue("08:00")     'manipulate in
                              Result(ptr, 2) = t_IN             'add to array

                              t_OUT = TimeValue(sp1(j + 1))     'actual out
                              If WorksheetFunction.Median(TimeValue("17:53"), TimeValue("18:25"), t_OUT) = t_OUT Then t_OUT = TimeValue("18:00")     'manipulate out
                              Result(ptr, 3) = t_OUT            'add to array
                              Result(ptr, 4) = CDbl(mydate)
                    End If
               End If

          If ptr > 0 Then .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result     'write to output
          MsgBox IIf(ptr = 0, "nothing found", ptr & " lines added"), vbInformation     'msgbox

     End With

End Sub
Upvote 0
G1 and G2 are now the 2 cells for your store and your date, but you can change that
VBA Code:
Sub splitten()
     Dim Result(), t_IN, t_OUT, bOkay

     'choose, open and read textfile*
     With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)       'open dialog for choosing the right textfile
          .AllowMultiSelect = False
          .Title = UCase("Choose your logfile")
          With .Filters
               .Add "Text Files (*.txt)", "*.txt"
          End With

          If Not .Show() Then
               Exit Sub                                         'nothing choosen
               sfileName = .SelectedItems(1)                    'the textfile you choose

               fileNo = FreeFile                                'Get first free file number
               Open sfileName For Input As #fileNo              'open textfile
               a = Split(Input$(LOF(fileNo), fileNo), vbLf)     'read content and split on vblf
               Close #fileNo                                    'close textfile
     'Sheets("blad1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(a) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(a)'write to a sheet somewhere
          End If
     End With

     'manipulate data
     ReDim Result(1 To UBound(a) * 3, 1 To 4)                   'prepare result array with (precaution) 3 timeslots per employee

     With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times")
          my_store = .Range("G1").Value                         'choose your store in G1
          mydate = .Range("G2").Value                           'choose your date in G2
          my_date = Format(mydate, "mmddyy")                    'your date in the right format

          For i = 0 To UBound(a)                                'loop through the data
               If a(i) Like my_store & my_date & " *" Then      'startline of your right store and date
                    bOkay = True                                'flag up
                    s = Right(Split(a(i))(0), 6)                '1st word, 8 last characters
                    mydate = DateSerial(Right(s, 2), Left(s, 2), Mid(s, 3, 2))     'make a date of it

               ElseIf InStr(1, a(i), "end of day", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     'check eind of day
                    bOkay = False                               'flag down
                    mydate = 0                                  'reset your date after "end of day"

               ElseIf Len(a(i)) - Len(Replace(a(i), ":", "")) >= 2 And bOkay Then     'there are at least 2 ":"-characters in that record

                    sp = Split(a(i), "0.00A")                   'split on this string
                    If UBound(sp) = 1 Then                      'there are 2 parts
                         sp1 = Split(sp(1))                     'split the 2nd part on the spaces
                         For j = 0 To UBound(sp1) Step 2        'loop through the times (per 2, in and out)
                              If InStr(sp1(j), ":") = 0 Then Exit For     'if there is no ":" in that part, then it is no longer a time, so quit
                              ptr = ptr + 1                     'increment pointer
                              Result(ptr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Mid(sp(0), 3))     'Name

                              t_IN = TimeValue(sp1(j))          'actual in
                              If t_IN <= TimeValue("08:10") Then t_IN = TimeValue("08:00")     'manipulate in
                              Result(ptr, 2) = t_IN             'add to array

                              t_OUT = TimeValue(sp1(j + 1))     'actual out
                              If WorksheetFunction.Median(TimeValue("17:53"), TimeValue("18:25"), t_OUT) = t_OUT Then t_OUT = TimeValue("18:00")     'manipulate out
                              Result(ptr, 3) = t_OUT            'add to array
                              Result(ptr, 4) = CDbl(mydate)
                    End If
               End If

          If ptr > 0 Then .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result     'write to output
          MsgBox IIf(ptr = 0, "nothing found", ptr & " lines added"), vbInformation     'msgbox

     End With

End Sub
Thank you so much this worked perfectly. Just curious how can I replace this line
If ptr > 0 Then .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result 'write to output
MsgBox IIf(ptr = 0, "nothing found", ptr & " lines added"), vbInformation 'msgbox

instead of a range to put it into an existing table and resize it
Upvote 0
Also one o
G1 and G2 are now the 2 cells for your store and your date, but you can change that
VBA Code:
Sub splitten()
     Dim Result(), t_IN, t_OUT, bOkay

     'choose, open and read textfile*
     With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)       'open dialog for choosing the right textfile
          .AllowMultiSelect = False
          .Title = UCase("Choose your logfile")
          With .Filters
               .Add "Text Files (*.txt)", "*.txt"
          End With

          If Not .Show() Then
               Exit Sub                                         'nothing choosen
               sfileName = .SelectedItems(1)                    'the textfile you choose

               fileNo = FreeFile                                'Get first free file number
               Open sfileName For Input As #fileNo              'open textfile
               a = Split(Input$(LOF(fileNo), fileNo), vbLf)     'read content and split on vblf
               Close #fileNo                                    'close textfile
     'Sheets("blad1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(a) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(a)'write to a sheet somewhere
          End If
     End With

     'manipulate data
     ReDim Result(1 To UBound(a) * 3, 1 To 4)                   'prepare result array with (precaution) 3 timeslots per employee

     With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Times")
          my_store = .Range("G1").Value                         'choose your store in G1
          mydate = .Range("G2").Value                           'choose your date in G2
          my_date = Format(mydate, "mmddyy")                    'your date in the right format

          For i = 0 To UBound(a)                                'loop through the data
               If a(i) Like my_store & my_date & " *" Then      'startline of your right store and date
                    bOkay = True                                'flag up
                    s = Right(Split(a(i))(0), 6)                '1st word, 8 last characters
                    mydate = DateSerial(Right(s, 2), Left(s, 2), Mid(s, 3, 2))     'make a date of it

               ElseIf InStr(1, a(i), "end of day", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then     'check eind of day
                    bOkay = False                               'flag down
                    mydate = 0                                  'reset your date after "end of day"

               ElseIf Len(a(i)) - Len(Replace(a(i), ":", "")) >= 2 And bOkay Then     'there are at least 2 ":"-characters in that record

                    sp = Split(a(i), "0.00A")                   'split on this string
                    If UBound(sp) = 1 Then                      'there are 2 parts
                         sp1 = Split(sp(1))                     'split the 2nd part on the spaces
                         For j = 0 To UBound(sp1) Step 2        'loop through the times (per 2, in and out)
                              If InStr(sp1(j), ":") = 0 Then Exit For     'if there is no ":" in that part, then it is no longer a time, so quit
                              ptr = ptr + 1                     'increment pointer
                              Result(ptr, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Mid(sp(0), 3))     'Name

                              t_IN = TimeValue(sp1(j))          'actual in
                              If t_IN <= TimeValue("08:10") Then t_IN = TimeValue("08:00")     'manipulate in
                              Result(ptr, 2) = t_IN             'add to array

                              t_OUT = TimeValue(sp1(j + 1))     'actual out
                              If WorksheetFunction.Median(TimeValue("17:53"), TimeValue("18:25"), t_OUT) = t_OUT Then t_OUT = TimeValue("18:00")     'manipulate out
                              Result(ptr, 3) = t_OUT            'add to array
                              Result(ptr, 4) = CDbl(mydate)
                    End If
               End If

          If ptr > 0 Then .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(ptr, 4).Value = Result     'write to output
          MsgBox IIf(ptr = 0, "nothing found", ptr & " lines added"), vbInformation     'msgbox

     End With

End Sub
Also one of the names Jason Guerrero is coming out like this "Jason Guerrero 1"
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