Read external file properties (date created) using VBA


New Member
Jan 12, 2004
Hi All,

Can anybody tell me how to read the properties of a saved file using VBA.

Specifically I want to read the date created property of an external file before continuing to import the data from that file into my current workbook.

This will form part of an error trapping procedure - ie not continue with the import if the external file has not been updated within a given period.

This is probably very simple but I've searched the forum for the last hour without any success.

Please be gentle with me, I'm very much a novice with VBA.

Cheers :beerchug:
Hello All,

Along the same lines of the different questions, does anyone know where a list of options can be found? What all can I append to the end to get file information? I'm trying to make a list of the 300K+ files on my D:\ drive. I found the following code but it only gives information about the folders and not the files. I've edited it to help me see the individual file names etc. but that isn't enough.

Dim r As Long
Sub main()
 Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Select
With Sheets(1).Range("A1")
 .Formula = "Folder contents:"
 .Font.Bold = True
 .Font.Size = 12
 End With
Sheets(1).Range("A3").Formula = "Folder Path:"
 Sheets(1).Range("B3").Formula = "Folder Name:"
 Sheets(1).Range("C3").Formula = "Size:"
 Sheets(1).Range("D3").Formula = "Subfolders:"
 Sheets(1).Range("E3").Formula = "Files:"
 Sheets(1).Range("F3").Formula = "File Names:"
 Sheets(1).Range("A3:G3").Font.Bold = True
' and include subfolders (true/false)
 ListFolders "d:\", True
End Sub
Sub ListFolders(SourceFolderName As String, IncludeSubfolders As Boolean)
 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
 Dim SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder, SubFolder As Scripting.Folder
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
 Set SourceFolder = fso.GetFolder(SourceFolderName)

On Error Resume Next
r = Range("F1048576").End(xlUp).Row + 1
 Sheets(1).Cells(r, 1).Formula = SourceFolder.Path
 Sheets(1).Cells(r, 2).Formula = SourceFolder.Name
 Sheets(1).Cells(r, 3).Formula = SourceFolder.Size
 Sheets(1).Cells(r, 4).Formula = SourceFolder.SubFolders.Count
 Sheets(1).Cells(r, 5).Formula = SourceFolder.Files.Count
r = r + 1
 Sheets(1).Cells(r, 1).Select
 Findfiles (SourceFolder.Path)
If IncludeSubfolders Then
For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
ListFolders SubFolder.Path, True
Next SubFolder
Set SubFolder = Nothing
 End If
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
 Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Findfiles(d As String)
fname = Dir(d & "\*.*")
 Do While fname <> ""
Sheets(1).Cells(r, 6).Formula = d & "\" & fname
 r = r + 1
 fname = Dir
End Sub

The problem with the method above is that when I create a new object and try to put my filename into the object to pull properties it takes me immediately out of the sub and back to the original filesystem object and continues along. It literally jumps back to Sub ListFolders....
Upvote 0
i am looking for something same , i have some files that are coming daily to a folder and are replaced my new ones daily . i am using the following VBA for catching the file and putting the X mark in the excel. But what i really want is to get the today file , sometime the today file is not delivered and the yesterday file is still sitting , so just by catching the name the code put X in the excel sheet , which i do not want.

Private Sub TestFileExistence()

 If FileFolderExists("\\cf3.pepsico.pvt\psra\Output\BI4\PSRA Day Tracker - Exec.mhtml") And _
       Weekday(Date) = 2 Then
 Range("P4").Value = "X"
End If
End Sub

the the module code of the function is following

Public Function FileFolderExists(strFullPath As String) As Boolean
'Author       : Usman Tariq
'Macro Purpose: Check if a file or folder exists
    On Error GoTo EarlyExit
    If Not Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then FileFolderExists = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Doing some research some one asked me to do following thing

your FileFolderExists() function probably utilizes the Filesytem object
and has something like:

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Courier New]if (fso.fileexists(filename)) then[/FONT][/COLOR]

you need to EITHER modify your FileFolderExists function
to also use:

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Courier New]set f = fso.getfile(filename)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Courier New]if (datediff("d",f.<wbr>datelastmodified,now()) = 0) then[/FONT][/COLOR]

or add a variation of this to your parent macro.
(which runs if the filefolderexists function returns "true")

Dont know where to put

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Courier New]set f = fso.getfile(filename)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Courier New]if (datediff("d",f.<wbr>datelastmodified,now()) = 0) then
in my code [/FONT][/COLOR]
Upvote 0
I'm looking for something similar for Win7 in Excel2010. However I need the "DateTaken" date. I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will let me rename my photos using the date I took the picture....

Ah yes - the spreadsheet-photo-renamer-worksheet. I bet that's a commonly hand-built tool; I once put together something of my own... and it ended up being far more complicated than I expected since DATE TAKEN (and an ever-increasing list of countless other properties, some handier than others) are produced by the camera or another device, and are embedded within the image file using an EXIF tag.

EXIF are a set of standards overseen by, who is "dedicated to providing a wide array of useful resources to designers and developers, and is named for the DCF standard Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF), which stores interchange information in image files."

You can view/edit the data manually with various online tools like this one, or else you can brave tackling it programmatically with numerous related online articles such as these ones over on Stack Overflow.

To give an idea as to how much can be stored, here's a partial list of the image-related properties; there are several other sets. See the source for the complete list.

  Tag ID             Tag Name                 Writable?     
 -------- ------------------------------- ----------------- 
  0x0001   InteropIndex                    string!          
  0x0002   InteropVersion                  undef!:          
  0x000b   ProcessingSoftware              string           
  0x00fe   SubfileType                     int32u!          
  0x00ff   OldSubfileType                  int16u!          
  0x0100   ImageWidth                      int32u!          
  0x0101   ImageHeight                     int32u!          
  0x0102   BitsPerSample                   int16u[n]!       
  0x0103   Compression                     int16u!:         
  0x0106   PhotometricInterpretation       int16u!          
  0x0107   Thresholding                    int16u!          
  0x0108   CellWidth                       int16u!          
  0x0109   CellLength                      int16u!          
  0x010a   FillOrder                       int16u!          
  0x010d   DocumentName                    string           
  0x010e   ImageDescription                string           
  0x010f   Make                            string           
  0x0110   Model                           string           
  0x0111   StripOffsets                    no               
           PreviewImageStart               int32u*          
           PreviewImageStart               int32u*          
           JpgFromRawStart                 int32u*          
  0x0112   Orientation                     int16u           
  0x0115   SamplesPerPixel                 int16u!          
  0x0116   RowsPerStrip                    int32u!          
  0x0117   StripByteCounts                 no               
           PreviewImageLength              int32u*          
           PreviewImageLength              int32u*          
           JpgFromRawLength                int32u*          
  0x0118   MinSampleValue                  int16u           
  0x0119   MaxSampleValue                  int16u           
  0x011a   XResolution                     rational64u:     
  0x011b   YResolution                     rational64u:     
  0x011c   PlanarConfiguration             int16u!          
  0x011d   PageName                        string           
  0x011e   XPosition                       rational64u      
  0x011f   YPosition                       rational64u      
  0x0120   FreeOffsets                     no               
  0x0121   FreeByteCounts                  no               
  0x0122   GrayResponseUnit                int16u           
  0x0123   GrayResponseCurve               no               
  0x0124   T4Options                       no               
  0x0125   T6Options                       no               
  0x0128   ResolutionUnit                  int16u:          
  0x0129   PageNumber                      int16u[2]        
  0x012c   ColorResponseUnit               no               
  0x012d   TransferFunction                int16u[768]!     
  0x0131   Software                        string           
  0x0132   ModifyDate                      string           
  0x013b   Artist                          string           
  0x013c   HostComputer                    string           
  0x013d   Predictor                       int16u!          
  0x013e   WhitePoint                      rational64u[2]   
  0x013f   PrimaryChromaticities           rational64u[6]   
  0x0140   ColorMap                        no               
  0x0141   HalftoneHints                   int16u[2]        
  0x0142   TileWidth                       int32u!          
  0x0143   TileLength                      int32u!          
  0x0144   TileOffsets                     no               
  0x0145   TileByteCounts                  no               
  0x0146   BadFaxLines                     no               
  0x0147   CleanFaxData                    no               
  0x0148   ConsecutiveBadFaxLines          no               
  0x014a   SubIFD                          -                
           A100DataOffset                  no               
  0x014c   InkSet                          int16u           
  0x014d   InkNames                        no               
  0x014e   NumberofInks                    no               
  0x0150   DotRange                        no               
  0x0151   TargetPrinter                   string           
  0x0152   ExtraSamples                    no               
  0x0153   SampleFormat                    no               
  0x0154   SMinSampleValue                 no               
  0x0155   SMaxSampleValue                 no               
  0x0156   TransferRange                   no               
  0x0157   ClipPath                        no               
  0x0158   XClipPathUnits                  no               
  0x0159   YClipPathUnits                  no               
  0x015a   Indexed                         no               
  0x015b   JPEGTables                      no               
  0x015f   OPIProxy                        no               
  0x0190   GlobalParametersIFD             -                
  0x0191   ProfileType                     no               
  0x0192   FaxProfile                      no               
  0x0193   CodingMethods                   no               
  0x0194   VersionYear                     no               
  0x0195   ModeNumber                      no               
  0x01b1   Decode                          no               
  0x01b2   DefaultImageColor               no               
  0x01b3   T82Options                      no               
  0x01b5   JPEGTables                      no               
  0x0200   JPEGProc                        no               
  0x0201   ThumbnailOffset                 int32u*          
           ThumbnailOffset                 int32u*          
           ThumbnailOffset                 int32u*          
           PreviewImageStart               int32u*          
           PreviewImageStart               int32u*          
           JpgFromRawStart                 int32u*          
           JpgFromRawStart                 int32u*          
           OtherImageStart                 int32u*          
           OtherImageStart                 int32u*          
           OtherImageStart                 no               
  0x0202   ThumbnailLength                 int32u*          
           ThumbnailLength                 int32u*          
           ThumbnailLength                 int32u*          
           PreviewImageLength              int32u*          
           PreviewImageLength              int32u*          
           JpgFromRawLength                int32u*          
           JpgFromRawLength                int32u*          
           OtherImageLength                int32u*          
           OtherImageLength                int32u*          
           OtherImageLength                no               
  0x0203   JPEGRestartInterval             no               
  0x0205   JPEGLosslessPredictors          no               
  0x0206   JPEGPointTransforms             no               
  0x0207   JPEGQTables                     no               
  0x0208   JPEGDCTables                    no               
  0x0209   JPEGACTables                    no               
  0x0211   YCbCrCoefficients               rational64u[3]!  
  0x0212   YCbCrSubSampling                int16u[2]!       
  0x0213   YCbCrPositioning                int16u!:         
  0x0214   ReferenceBlackWhite             rational64u[6]   
  0x022f   StripRowCounts                  no               
  0x02bc   ApplicationNotes                int8u!           
  0x03e7   USPTOMiscellaneous              no               
  0x1000   RelatedImageFileFormat          string!          
  0x1001   RelatedImageWidth               int16u!          
  0x1002   RelatedImageHeight              int16u!          
  0x4746   Rating                          int16u/          
  0x4747   XP_DIP_XML                      no               
  0x4748   StitchInfo                      -                
  0x4749   RatingPercent                   int16u/          
  0x7000   SonyRawFileType                 no               
  0x7010   SonyToneCurve                   no               
  0x7031   VignettingCorrection            int16s!          
  0x7032   VignettingCorrParams            int16s[17]!      
  0x7034   ChromaticAberrationCorrection   int16s!          
  0x7035   ChromaticAberrationCorrParams   int16s[33]!      
  0x7036   DistortionCorrection            int16s!          
  0x7037   DistortionCorrParams            int16s[17]!      
  0x800d   ImageID                         no               
  0x80a3   WangTag1                        no               
  0x80a4   WangAnnotation                  no               
  0x80a5   WangTag3                        no               
  0x80a6   WangTag4                        no               
  0x80b9   ImageReferencePoints            no               
  0x80ba   RegionXformTackPoint            no               
  0x80bb   WarpQuadrilateral               no               
  0x80bc   AffineTransformMat              no               
  0x80e3   Matteing                        no               
  0x80e4   DataType                        no               
  0x80e5   ImageDepth                      no               
  0x80e6   TileDepth                       no               
  0x8214   ImageFullWidth                  no               
  0x8215   ImageFullHeight                 no               
  0x8216   TextureFormat                   no               
  0x8217   WrapModes                       no               
  0x8218   FovCot                          no               
  0x8219   MatrixWorldToScreen             no               
  0x821a   MatrixWorldToCamera             no               
  0x827d   Model2                          no               
  0x828d   CFARepeatPatternDim             int16u[2]!       
  0x828e   CFAPattern2                     int8u[n]!        
  0x828f   BatteryLevel                    no               
  0x8290   KodakIFD                        -                
  0x8298   Copyright                       string           
  0x829a   ExposureTime                    rational64u      
  0x829d   FNumber                         rational64u      
  0x82a5   MDFileTag                       no               
  0x82a6   MDScalePixel                    no               
  0x82a7   MDColorTable                    no               
  0x82a8   MDLabName                       no               
  0x82a9   MDSampleInfo                    no               
  0x82aa   MDPrepDate                      no               
  0x82ab   MDPrepTime                      no               
  0x82ac   MDFileUnits                     no               
  0x830e   PixelScale                      no               
  0x8335   AdventScale                     no               
  0x8336   AdventRevision                  no               
  0x835c   UIC1Tag                         no               
  0x835d   UIC2Tag                         no               
  0x835e   UIC3Tag                         no               
  0x835f   UIC4Tag                         no               
  0x83bb   IPTC-NAA                        int32u!          
  0x847e   IntergraphPacketData            no               
  0x847f   IntergraphFlagRegisters         no               
  0x8480   IntergraphMatrix                no               
  0x8481   INGRReserved                    no               
  0x8482   ModelTiePoint                   no               
  0x84e0   Site                            no               
  0x84e1   ColorSequence                   no               
  0x84e2   IT8Header                       no               
  0x84e3   RasterPadding                   no               
  0x84e4   BitsPerRunLength                no               
  0x84e5   BitsPerExtendedRunLength        no               
  0x84e6   ColorTable                      no               
  0x84e7   ImageColorIndicator             no               
  0x84e8   BackgroundColorIndicator        no               
  0x84e9   ImageColorValue                 no               
  0x84ea   BackgroundColorValue            no               
  0x84eb   PixelIntensityRange             no               
  0x84ec   TransparencyIndicator           no               
  0x84ed   ColorCharacterization           no               
  0x84ee   HCUsage                         no               
  0x84ef   TrapIndicator                   no               
  0x84f0   CMYKEquivalent                  no               
  0x8546   SEMInfo                         string           
  0x8568   AFCP_IPTC                       -                
  0x85b8   PixelMagicJBIGOptions           no               
  0x85d7   JPLCartoIFD                     no               
  0x85d8   ModelTransform                  no               
  0x8602   WB_GRGBLevels                   no               
  0x8606   LeafData                        -                
  0x8649   PhotoshopSettings               -                
  0x8769   ExifOffset                      -                
  0x8773   ICC_Profile                     -                
  0x877f   TIFF_FXExtensions               no               
  0x8780   MultiProfiles                   no               
  0x8781   SharedData                      no               
  0x8782   T88Options                      no               
  0x87ac   ImageLayer                      no               
  0x87af   GeoTiffDirectory                undef            
  0x87b0   GeoTiffDoubleParams             undef            
  0x87b1   GeoTiffAsciiParams              string           
  0x87be   JBIGOptions                     no               
  0x8822   ExposureProgram                 int16u           
  0x8824   SpectralSensitivity             string           
  0x8825   GPSInfo                         -                
  0x8827   ISO                             int16u[n]        
  0x8828   Opto-ElectricConvFactor         no               
  0x8829   Interlace                       no               
  0x882a   TimeZoneOffset                  int16s[n]        
  0x882b   SelfTimerMode                   int16u           
  0x8830   SensitivityType                 int16u           
  0x8831   StandardOutputSensitivity       int32u           
  0x8832   RecommendedExposureIndex        int32u           
  0x8833   ISOSpeed                        int32u           
  0x8834   ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy             int32u           
  0x8835   ISOSpeedLatitudezzz             int32u           
  0x885c   FaxRecvParams                   no               
  0x885d   FaxSubAddress                   no               
  0x885e   FaxRecvTime                     no               
  0x8871   FedexEDR                        no               
  0x888a   LeafSubIFD                      -                
  0x9000   ExifVersion                     undef:           
  0x9003   DateTimeOriginal                string           
  0x9004   CreateDate                      string           
  0x9009   GooglePlusUploadCode            undef[n]         
  0x9010   OffsetTime                      string           
  0x9011   OffsetTimeOriginal              string           
  0x9012   OffsetTimeDigitized             string           
  0x9101   ComponentsConfiguration         undef[4]!:       
  0x9102   CompressedBitsPerPixel          rational64u!     
  0x9201   ShutterSpeedValue               rational64s      
  0x9202   ApertureValue                   rational64u      
  0x9203   BrightnessValue                 rational64s      
  0x9204   ExposureCompensation            rational64s      
  0x9205   MaxApertureValue                rational64u      
  0x9206   SubjectDistance                 rational64u      
  0x9207   MeteringMode                    int16u           
  0x9208   LightSource                     int16u           
  0x9209   Flash                           int16u           
  0x920a   FocalLength                     rational64u      
  0x920b   FlashEnergy                     no               
  0x920c   SpatialFrequencyResponse        no               
  0x920d   Noise                           no               
  0x920e   FocalPlaneXResolution           no               
  0x920f   FocalPlaneYResolution           no               
  0x9210   FocalPlaneResolutionUnit        no               
  0x9211   ImageNumber                     int32u           
  0x9212   SecurityClassification          string           
  0x9213   ImageHistory                    string           
  0x9214   SubjectArea                     int16u[n]        
  0x9215   ExposureIndex                   no               
  0x9216   TIFF-EPStandardID               no               
  0x9217   SensingMethod                   no               
  0x923a   CIP3DataFile                    no               
  0x923b   CIP3Sheet                       no               
  0x923c   CIP3Side                        no               
  0x923f   StoNits                         no               
  0x927c   MakerNoteApple                  undef            
           MakerNoteNikon                  undef            
           MakerNoteCanon                  undef            
           MakerNoteCasio                  undef            
           MakerNoteCasio2                 undef            
           MakerNoteDJI                    undef            
           MakerNoteFLIR                   undef            
           MakerNoteFujiFilm               undef            
           MakerNoteGE                     undef            
           MakerNoteGE2                    undef            
           MakerNoteHasselblad             undef            
           MakerNoteHP                     undef            
           MakerNoteHP2                    undef            
           MakerNoteHP4                    undef            
           MakerNoteHP6                    undef            
           MakerNoteISL                    undef            
           MakerNoteJVC                    undef            
           MakerNoteJVCText                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak1a                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak1b                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak2                 undef            
           MakerNoteKodak3                 undef            
           MakerNoteKodak4                 undef            
           MakerNoteKodak5                 undef            
           MakerNoteKodak6a                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak6b                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak7                 undef            
           MakerNoteKodak8a                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak8b                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak8c                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak9                 undef            
           MakerNoteKodak10                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak11                undef            
           MakerNoteKodak12                undef            
           MakerNoteKodakUnknown           undef            
           MakerNoteKyocera                undef            
           MakerNoteMinolta                undef            
           MakerNoteMinolta2               undef            
           MakerNoteMinolta3               undef            
           MakerNoteMotorola               undef            
           MakerNoteNikon2                 undef            
           MakerNoteNikon3                 undef            
           MakerNoteNintendo               undef            
           MakerNoteOlympus                undef            
           MakerNoteOlympus2               undef            
           MakerNoteLeica                  undef            
           MakerNoteLeica2                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica3                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica4                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica5                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica6                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica7                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica8                 undef            
           MakerNoteLeica9                 undef            
           MakerNotePanasonic              undef            
           MakerNotePanasonic2             undef            
           MakerNotePanasonic3             undef            
           MakerNotePentax                 undef            
           MakerNotePentax2                undef            
           MakerNotePentax3                undef            
           MakerNotePentax4                undef            
           MakerNotePentax5                undef            
           MakerNotePentax6                undef            
           MakerNotePhaseOne               undef            
           MakerNoteReconyx                undef            
           MakerNoteReconyx2               undef            
           MakerNoteRicoh                  undef            
           MakerNoteRicoh2                 undef            
           MakerNoteRicohText              undef            
           MakerNoteSamsung1a              undef            
           MakerNoteSamsung1b              undef            
           MakerNoteSamsung2               undef            
           MakerNoteSanyo                  undef            
           MakerNoteSanyoC4                undef            
           MakerNoteSanyoPatch             undef            
           MakerNoteSigma                  undef            
           MakerNoteSony                   undef            
           MakerNoteSony2                  undef            
           MakerNoteSony3                  undef            
           MakerNoteSony4                  undef            
           MakerNoteSony5                  undef            
           MakerNoteSonyEricsson           undef            
           MakerNoteSonySRF                undef            
           MakerNoteUnknownText            undef            
           MakerNoteUnknownBinary          undef            
           MakerNoteUnknown                undef            
  0x9286   UserComment                     undef            
  0x9290   SubSecTime                      string           
  0x9291   SubSecTimeOriginal              string           
  0x9292   SubSecTimeDigitized             string           
  0x932f   MSDocumentText                  no               
  0x9330   MSPropertySetStorage            no               
  0x9331   MSDocumentTextPosition          no               
  0x935c   ImageSourceData                 undef!           
  0x9400   AmbientTemperature              rational64s      
  0x9401   Humidity                        rational64u      
  0x9402   Pressure                        rational64u      
  0x9403   WaterDepth                      rational64s      
  0x9404   Acceleration                    rational64u      
  0x9405   CameraElevationAngle            rational64s      
  0x9c9b   XPTitle                         int8u            
  0x9c9c   XPComment                       int8u            
  0x9c9d   XPAuthor                        int8u            
  0x9c9e   XPKeywords                      int8u            
  0x9c9f   XPSubject                       int8u            
  0xa000   FlashpixVersion                 undef:           
  0xa001   ColorSpace                      int16u:          
  0xa002   ExifImageWidth                  int16u:          
  0xa003   ExifImageHeight                 int16u:          
  0xa004   RelatedSoundFile                string           
  0xa005   InteropOffset                   -                
  0xa010   SamsungRawPointersOffset        no               
  0xa011   SamsungRawPointersLength        no               
  0xa101   SamsungRawByteOrder             no               
  0xa102   SamsungRawUnknown?              no               
  0xa20b   FlashEnergy                     rational64u      
  0xa20c   SpatialFrequencyResponse        no               
  0xa20d   Noise                           no               
  0xa20e   FocalPlaneXResolution           rational64u      
  0xa20f   FocalPlaneYResolution           rational64u      
  0xa210   FocalPlaneResolutionUnit        int16u           
  0xa211   ImageNumber                     no               
  0xa212   SecurityClassification          no               
  0xa213   ImageHistory                    no               
  0xa214   SubjectLocation                 int16u[2]        
  0xa215   ExposureIndex                   rational64u      
  0xa216   TIFF-EPStandardID               no               
  0xa217   SensingMethod                   int16u           
  0xa300   FileSource                      undef            
  0xa301   SceneType                       undef            
  0xa302   CFAPattern                      undef            
  0xa401   CustomRendered                  int16u           
  0xa402   ExposureMode                    int16u           
  0xa403   WhiteBalance                    int16u           
  0xa404   DigitalZoomRatio                rational64u      
  0xa405   FocalLengthIn35mmFormat         int16u           
  0xa406   SceneCaptureType                int16u           
  0xa407   GainControl                     int16u           
  0xa408   Contrast                        int16u           
  0xa409   Saturation                      int16u           
  0xa40a   Sharpness                       int16u           
  0xa40b   DeviceSettingDescription        no               
  0xa40c   SubjectDistanceRange            int16u           
  0xa420   ImageUniqueID                   string           
  0xa430   OwnerName                       string           
  0xa431   SerialNumber                    string           
  0xa432   LensInfo                        rational64u[4]   
  0xa433   LensMake                        string           
  0xa434   LensModel                       string           
  0xa435   LensSerialNumber                string           
  0xa480   GDALMetadata                    no               
  0xa481   GDALNoData                      no               
  0xa500   Gamma                           rational64u      
  0xafc0   ExpandSoftware                  no               
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  0xc725   ProfileLookTableDims            int32u[3]!       
  0xc726   ProfileLookTableData            float[n]!        
  0xc740   OpcodeList1                     undef!           
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  0xc74e   OpcodeList3                     undef!           
  0xc761   NoiseProfile                    double[n]!       
  0xc763   TimeCodes                       int8u[n]         
  0xc764   FrameRate                       rational64s      
  0xc772   TStop                           rational64u[n]   
  0xc789   ReelName                        string           
  0xc791   OriginalDefaultFinalSize        int32u[2]!       
  0xc792   OriginalBestQualitySize         int32u[2]!       
  0xc793   OriginalDefaultCropSize         rational64u[2]!  
  0xc7a1   CameraLabel                     string           
  0xc7a3   ProfileHueSatMapEncoding        int32u!          
  0xc7a4   ProfileLookTableEncoding        int32u!          
  0xc7a5   BaselineExposureOffset          rational64s!     
  0xc7a6   DefaultBlackRender              int32u!          
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  0xc7a8   RawToPreviewGain                double!          
  0xc7aa   CacheVersion                    int32u!          
  0xc7b5   DefaultUserCrop                 rational64u[4]!  
  0xc7d5   NikonNEFInfo                    -                
  0xea1c   Padding                         undef!           
  0xea1d   OffsetSchema                    int32s!          
  0xfde8   OwnerName                       string/          
  0xfde9   SerialNumber                    string/          
  0xfdea   Lens                            string/          
  0xfe00   KDC_IFD                         -                
  0xfe4c   RawFile                         string/          
  0xfe4d   Converter                       string/          
  0xfe4e   WhiteBalance                    string/          
  0xfe51   Exposure                        string/          
  0xfe52   Shadows                         string/          
  0xfe53   Brightness                      string/          
  0xfe54   Contrast                        string/          
  0xfe55   Saturation                      string/          
  0xfe56   Sharpness                       string/          
  0xfe57   Smoothness                      string/          
  0xfe58   MoireFilter                     string/
Upvote 0
Great info!

Instead of popping up a message box, can the results be inserted into a cell?
Upvote 0
Thank you, ashleedawg!

Is there also a way to do the following?
  1. read the name of the external file from the external data query on the page instead of embedding it in the code
  2. trigger the code when a refresh of the code is manually initiated
Upvote 0

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