I'll give some additional explanation on a specific question or two below but first make a couple of points.
Please, I need an answer.
1. This sounds like a demand. Everybody who helps in the forum is a volunteer who gives their time and expertise for nothing in return (apart from an appreciative poster - hopefully). If you come across as demanding or impatient then you will soon turn potential helpers away.
2. On your own admission, you are a beginner in vba. We have no problem helping beginners. We were all beginners once. However, you cannot expect the forum to give you a complete course on learning and understanding vba.
OK, let's look at a couple of issues.
I just need to know how the code was able to take the two names and put in the DV lists.
You said you had things like "Name 1 vs Name 2" in the first range of cells. If you used F8 to step though the code and hover your cursor over variables as I suggested (or do so again now), when you get to this blue line of code ..
Rich (BB code):
With c.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=DVvals
.. and hover over the variable DVvals you should see something like
Name 1,Name 2
That is, the DV values you want for that cell.
So, how does DVvals get to be "Name 1,Name 2"?
Looking back through the code it shouldn't be too hard to imagine that it relates to these two lines
Rich (BB code):
DVvals = c.Offset(rowdiff, coldiff).Value
DVvals = Replace(DVvals, " vs ", ",", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
Stop the code and start F8 again and stop
after the first of these has been executed (that is, the second one will be yellow) and hover over DVvals. You should find "
Name 1 vs Name 2", the value from the corresponding (first) cell in the first range.
Now press F8 again and hover over DVvals again and you should find "
Name 1,Name 2"
From that it is clear that the red value was changed into the green value by the second line of code above.
Replace takes the first argument (DVvals = "Name 1 vs Name 2", looks for the second argument (" vs ") and replaces it with the third argument (",")
If you want to know what the other arguments do, or more about Replace, then look in the vba Help, or search online.
B) You also asked about these two bits of code
Rich (BB code):
If Rng1.Rows.Count = Rng2.Rows.Count And _
Rng1.Columns.Count = Rng2.Columns.Count Then
If Len(DVvals) > 0 Then
These are both safety checks,
The first counts the rows and columns for each range. If they don't agree the rest of the code is not attempted. If the ranges were different shape/size, how could we use corresponding cells from one range to put DV in the other range?
The second (is not a very comprehensive safety check, but) counts how many characters in the value from the cell in the first range. Check out the Len function in the vba Help.
If there are characters we proceed but if there are no characters then we skip the DV section for that cell. After all, how could we split the two names if there are no names?
This check would have been better to check that the cell actually contained the text " vs ".
This code should work (try it) if there are more than two names in the cell, provided they are separated by " vs " which may be unlikely. Test with this in a cell
Name 1 vs Name 2 vs Name 3 vs Name 4