I'm trying to Total a Single Product Profit: =((Cost+11% (Overhead)+Transaction Cost (default to 5, if not higher than 5))*25% (Taxes) ))*40%(Profit))
5 being a minimum of 5 Dollars. Here is the Non-Excel Formula I came up with that isn't working:
Non-Excel Formula: =((Cost+11% (Overhead)+(Transaction Cost if higher than 5)Minimum 5)*25% (Taxes) ))*40%(Profit))
Excel Example: =(1*(((F9+(F9/0.89-F9))+1*(F9*K6+L6))MAX(5))*25%)/0.6
Obviously, right now it's a mess. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
5 being a minimum of 5 Dollars. Here is the Non-Excel Formula I came up with that isn't working:
Non-Excel Formula: =((Cost+11% (Overhead)+(Transaction Cost if higher than 5)Minimum 5)*25% (Taxes) ))*40%(Profit))
Excel Example: =(1*(((F9+(F9/0.89-F9))+1*(F9*K6+L6))MAX(5))*25%)/0.6
Obviously, right now it's a mess. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.