Try the following custom function, which needs to be placed in a standard module...
Option Explicit
Public Function PreviousSheet(Optional Cell As Variant)
Dim WksNum As Long
Dim wks As Worksheet
If IsMissing(Cell) Then Set Cell = Application.Caller
WksNum = 1
For Each wks In Cell.Parent.Parent.Worksheets
If wks.Name = Cell.Parent.Name Then
PreviousSheet = Workbooks(Cell.Parent.Parent.Name).Worksheets(WksNum - 1).Range(Cell(1).Address)
Exit Function
WksNum = WksNum + 1
End If
Next wks
End Function
Then the custom function can be used on the worksheet in the following manner...
Note that a reference is optional. So, for example, if the function is entered in B10 and no reference is supplied, the function returns the value from B10 of the previous sheet.
Hi Domenic (or anyone else)
Really useful code. Having got pretty adept with formulae, partly as a consequence of avoiding VBA, I have now BROKEN... as your UDF above is just too ****ed useful (i hope) and might get me out of a spot of bother with a huge 3D references nightmare. I'm hoping to replace a lot of uses of INDIRECT() with PreviousSheet()
BUT I'm a noob and need a little clarifying on how to tailor the above to my needs.
1) Volatility
I'm doing this change to avoid INDIRECT(), which is unavoidably volatile, and consequently makes my workbook unusable except in 'Manual calc' mode.
So I need to make the UDF above non-volatile, for which I gather that I need to simply remove that line of code, right?
Once that's done, I'm guessing it will recalculate if the reference between the brackets of 'PreviousSheet()' are altered, but not all the time, right?
Will it still re-calculate when I 'calculate now' (F9), or when I first open the sheet?
If the main need for volatility is to stop errors caused when moving sheets, I don't plan to change the order of them ever...
2) Change name
To save time (as i might be using this a lot), I'd like to shorten the name to
I assume that'll happen if I just replace both instances of "PreviousSheet()" with "Prev()"
Is this correct?
3) NextSheet()
I'm gonna need the opposite UDF
any chance someone could alter the above to give me that. I'm guessing I just need to replace the UDF name (as above) and change the sign in either or both of these bits:
NextSheet = Workbooks(Cell.Parent.Parent.Name).Worksheets(WksNum
+ 1).Range(Cell(1).Address)
WksNum = WksNum
- 1
Or is there more variables to consider?
HUGE thanks people. This could revolutionise my excel use!