I want populating date in combobox on userform like this JAN-2022, FEB 2022 ......
JAN-2023, FEB-2023 ..... and so on based on column G
with considering there is duplicates dates for the same month then should not repeat MM-YYYY based on column G
here is what I have but doesn't work
I hope somebody has idea to do that.
JAN-2023, FEB-2023 ..... and so on based on column G
with considering there is duplicates dates for the same month then should not repeat MM-YYYY based on column G
here is what I have but doesn't work
VBA Code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim c As Range, LR As Long
LR = sheet1.Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In sheet1.Range("G" & LR)
ComboBox1.AddItem Format(c.Value, "mm-yyyy")
Next c
End Sub