I remember using Goto in Basic class in the 11th grade...1988!
It was a cool tool, but even then it could be tricky with the simplest programs. If you program wasn't working right, it was hard to find out just where the problem was because the gotos had the code going all over the place and stuff would happen so quickly, you couldn't see from the output exactly where the problem began!
It's nice to have things like message boxes that you can place throughout code to tell you what an error is or give you progress checks along the way. I've used them in some macros before.
I haven't the experience to say that I've used VBA and other programming code to it's fullest, but certainly the ability is out there to accomplish just about anything you can think up. Every week, I'm learning a new function that I've never heard of before...especially from this board (KUDOS TO THE BOARD!!) The code that gets thrown around this board is a little deep for me, but I fully intend to start learning it and trying it out!
Certainly, the FOR, WHILE and IF loops in Norie's link provide some interesting alternatives and the code was shorter (dare I say more "elegant") than the BASIC code that it replaced.
Thanks for everything!