PDF attaches with one file name, but not another v2


Board Regular
Jul 17, 2010
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. MacOS
Sorry about my previous post on the same topic, but I can't delete or edit that one, so I'm starting a new one.

I’m stuck. I’ve got this VBA script that will save worksheet to pdf, then attach it to a newly created draft email via Mac Script. Everything works as intended IF the pdf file named in the 'pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf" line. If I change the file name to 'pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf" (or any other name) I get an invalid procedure error. In both cases, the pdf is correctly saved in the correct path, just “carl” will attach the file & “dave” will not. So, I know the files both exist where they should, so they should both work. I’ve tried a ton of variations and have been trying suggestion from AI. Any insight would be appreciated. I’ve attached a truncated version if the VBA & Apple Script. Thanks in advance

VBA Code:
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim pdfFilePath As String
    Dim pdfFileName As String
    Dim pdfFolder As String
    Dim subject As String
    Dim bodyText As String
    Dim macScriptStr As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim emailAddresses As String
    Dim emailArray() As String
    Dim pdfFilePathForScript As String

    ' Use the active worksheet
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
pdfFolder = ""
pdfFileName = ""

    ' Set folder path on the desktop
                        pdfFolder = "/Users/prodcutionservicesinternational-23/Desktop/AA2025/"        'THIS WORKS
'pdfFolder = "/Users/prodcutionservicesinternational-23/Desktop/CrewCallSheet/"

                                'pdfFileName = "Karl.pdf"        'THIS Does not
                pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf"        'THIS WORKS
                'pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf"
                                'pdfFileName = "TestCarol123.pdf"

    ' Replace any illegal characters in the file name
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, "/", "") ' Remove slashes
  '  Debug.Print pdfFileName
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, ":", "") ' Remove colons
  '  Debug.Print pdfFileName
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, "|", "") ' Remove pipes
  '  Debug.Print pdfFileName
   pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, " ", "") ' Remove spaces
       pdfFileName = Trim(pdfFileName)

    ' Build the full file path
    pdfFilePath = pdfFolder & pdfFileName

    Debug.Print "PDF File Path: " & pdfFilePath

    ' Export active sheet as PDF

ws.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
                       FileName:=pdfFilePath, _
                       Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
                       IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
                       IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _

' After exporting PDF, confirm its existence:
If Dir(pdfFilePath) = "" Then
    MsgBox "PDF file was not created: " & pdfFilePath, vbExclamation
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "PDF Created Successfully: " & pdfFilePath
End If

    ' Email details
    subject = ws.Range("C6").Value & " | Crew Call | " & ws.Name

    ' Initialize emailAddresses string
    emailAddresses = ""

    ' Loop through Job_Crew_Array to collect email addresses
    For i = LBound(Job_Crew_Array, 1) To UBound(Job_Crew_Array, 1)
        emailAddresses = emailAddresses & Job_Crew_Array(i, 2) & "; "
    Next i

    ' Remove trailing semicolon and space
    If Len(emailAddresses) > 0 Then
        emailAddresses = Left(emailAddresses, Len(emailAddresses) - 2)
    End If

    ' Split the email addresses into an array
   emailArray = Split(emailAddresses, "; ")

    ' Convert file path for AppleScript
pdfFilePathForScript = "POSIX file " & Chr(34) & Replace(pdfFilePath, " ", "\\ ") & Chr(34)

    ' Construct the AppleScript
    macScriptStr = "tell application ""Microsoft Outlook""" & vbNewLine & _
                   "set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:""" & subject & """, content:""" & bodyText & """}" & vbNewLine & _
                   "tell newMessage" & vbNewLine

    ' Add BCC recipients dynamically
    For i = LBound(emailArray) To UBound(emailArray)
       If Trim(emailArray(i)) <> "" Then
            macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
              "make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""" & Trim(emailArray(i)) & """}}" & vbNewLine
        End If
    Next i
Debug.Print macScriptStr
Debug.Print pdfFileName
    ' Add static BCC recipients
    macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
                   "make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""bhart@psiiusa.com""}}" & vbNewLine & _
                   "make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""nwhittemore@psiiusa.com""}}" & vbNewLine

    ' Attach the PDF file
    macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
                   "make new attachment with properties {file:" & pdfFilePathForScript & "}" & vbNewLine & _
                   "end tell" & vbNewLine & _
                   "open newMessage" & vbNewLine & _
                   "activate" & vbNewLine & _
                   "end tell"

' Run the Mac Script
On Error Resume Next
MacScript macScriptStr
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Error executing AppleScript: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
           "PDF File Path: " & pdfFilePath & vbCrLf & _
           "Script: " & vbCrLf & macScriptStr, vbExclamation
End If
On Error GoTo 0

End Sub
Sorry about my previous post on the same topic, but I can't delete or edit that one, so I'm starting a new one.
I have deleted the other post but in such a circumstance in future, you should click the 'Report' link at the bottom left of the unwanted post and explain that you would like it deleted and why.
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Where exactly does the error occur - on what line?
I can't test the MacScript part and I don't know what your jobcrew array looks like, but it works ok for me up to the creation of the PDF file.
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Cross-posting (posting the same question in more than one forum) is not against our rules, but the method of doing so is covered by #13 of the Forum Rules.

Be sure to follow & read the link at the end of the rule too!

Cross posted at: PDF attaches with one file name, but not another
There is no need to repeat the link(s) provided above but if you have posted the question at other places, please provide links to those as well.

If you do cross-post in the future and also provide links, then there shouldn’t be a problem.
Upvote 0
Where exactly does the error occur - on what line?
I can't test the MacScript part and I don't know what your jobcrew array looks like, but it works ok for me up to the creation of the PDF file.
Hi, thanks for taking a look. The jobcrew array is one of the steps in gathering the email addresses from in the emailArray which is the array of email addresses that eventually end up in the BCC field.. The script works consistently up to the MacScript portion. The problem is somewhere in the part of the script that attaches the pdf to the email. I believe it's in this line:

"make new attachment with properties {file:" & pdfFilePathForScript & "}" & vbNewLine & _

literally if I trade which of these lines is commented out, it either correctly attaches the pdf or not at all. If the pdf won't attach, then the email isn't generated at all.

pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf"
'pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf"

If "Carl" is the active line, the pdf will attach correctly, commenting out the "Carl" line & making the "Dave" line & suddenly it won't attach the file.

The pdf gets made, named appropriately for which line is active. The same line that names the pdf when it gets saved is the line that tell the script which file to look for to attach it to the email, so I know the name is correct & both files do exist in the same directory, so I know the path is fine.

I know it's possible to do, because I had it working correct;y at one point, but something got changed along the way & now it's no go.
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Cross-posting (posting the same question in more than one forum) is not against our rules, but the method of doing so is covered by #13 of the Forum Rules.

Be sure to follow & read the link at the end of the rule too!

Cross posted at: PDF attaches with one file name, but not another
There is no need to repeat the link(s) provided above but if you have posted the question at other places, please provide links to those as well.

If you do cross-post in the future and also provide links, then there shouldn’t be a problem.
Sorry about that, I was not aware. I've posted it in 2 other spots:

Upvote 0
Clutching at straws here, but what happens if you modify it to just include a single email address in the email addresses array and then look at the resulting script(s)?
Here are my two results using the modified code as shown
Rich (BB code):
PDF File Path: C:\Users\myall\OneDrive\Desktop\Carl.pdf
PDF File Name: Carl.pdf
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Subject | Crew Call | Sheet1", content:""}
tell newMessage
make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:"junk@hotmail.com"}}
make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:"bhart@psiiusa.com"}}
make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:"nwhittemore@psiiusa.com"}}
make new attachment with properties {file:POSIX file "C:\Users\myall\OneDrive\Desktop\Carl.pdf"}
end tell
open newMessage
end tell

Rich (BB code):
PDF File Path: C:\Users\myall\OneDrive\Desktop\Dave.pdf
PDF File Name: Dave.pdf
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Subject | Crew Call | Sheet1", content:""}
tell newMessage
make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:"junk@hotmail.com"}}
make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:"bhart@psiiusa.com"}}
make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:"nwhittemore@psiiusa.com"}}
make new attachment with properties {file:POSIX file "C:\Users\myall\OneDrive\Desktop\Dave.pdf"}
end tell
open newMessage
end tell

VBA Code:
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim pdfFilePath As String
    Dim pdfFileName As String
    Dim pdfFolder As String
    Dim subject As String
    Dim bodyText As String
    Dim macScriptStr As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim emailAddresses As String
    Dim emailArray() As String
    Dim pdfFilePathForScript As String

    ' Use the active worksheet
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    pdfFolder = ""
    pdfFileName = ""

    ' Set folder path on the desktop
    pdfFolder = "C:\Users\myall\OneDrive\Desktop\"        'THIS WORKS
    'pdfFolder = "/Users/prodcutionservicesinternational-23/Desktop/CrewCallSheet/"

    'pdfFileName = "Karl.pdf"        'THIS Does not
    'pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf"        'THIS WORKS
    pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf"

    ' Replace any illegal characters in the file name
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, "/", "") ' Remove slashes
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, ":", "") ' Remove colons
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, "|", "") ' Remove pipes
    pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, " ", "") ' Remove spaces
    pdfFileName = Trim(pdfFileName)

    ' Build the full file path
    pdfFilePath = pdfFolder & pdfFileName

    ' Export active sheet as PDF

    ws.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
        Filename:=pdfFilePath, _
        Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
        IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
        IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _

    ' After exporting PDF, confirm its existence:
    If Dir(pdfFilePath) = "" Then
        MsgBox "PDF file was not created: " & pdfFilePath, vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "PDF Created Successfully: " & pdfFilePath
    End If

    ' Email details
    subject = ws.Range("C6").Value & " | Crew Call | " & ws.Name

    ' Initialize emailAddresses string
    'emailAddresses = ""
    emailAddresses = "junk@hotmail.com"

'    ' Loop through Job_Crew_Array to collect email addresses
'    For i = LBound(Job_Crew_Array, 1) To UBound(Job_Crew_Array, 1)
'        emailAddresses = emailAddresses & Job_Crew_Array(i, 2) & "; "
'    Next i
'    ' Remove trailing semicolon and space
'    If Len(emailAddresses) > 0 Then
'        emailAddresses = Left(emailAddresses, Len(emailAddresses) - 2)
'    End If

    ' Split the email addresses into an array
    emailArray = Split(emailAddresses, "; ")

    ' Convert file path for AppleScript
    pdfFilePathForScript = "POSIX file " & Chr(34) & Replace(pdfFilePath, " ", "\\ ") & Chr(34)

    ' Construct the AppleScript
    macScriptStr = "tell application ""Microsoft Outlook""" & vbNewLine & _
        "set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:""" & subject & """, content:""" & bodyText & """}" & vbNewLine & _
        "tell newMessage" & vbNewLine

    ' Add BCC recipients dynamically
    For i = LBound(emailArray) To UBound(emailArray)
        If Trim(emailArray(i)) <> "" Then
            macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
            "make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""" & Trim(emailArray(i)) & """}}" & vbNewLine
        End If
    Next i

    ' Add static BCC recipients
    macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
        "make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""bhart@psiiusa.com""}}" & vbNewLine & _
        "make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""nwhittemore@psiiusa.com""}}" & vbNewLine

    ' Attach the PDF file
    macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
        "make new attachment with properties {file:" & pdfFilePathForScript & "}" & vbNewLine & _
        "end tell" & vbNewLine & _
        "open newMessage" & vbNewLine & _
        "activate" & vbNewLine & _
        "end tell"

    Debug.Print "PDF File Path: " & pdfFilePath
    Debug.Print "PDF File Name: " & pdfFileName
    Debug.Print "Script:" & vbCrLf & macScriptStr
    '' Run the Mac Script
    'On Error Resume Next
    'MacScript macScriptStr
    'If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    '    MsgBox "Error executing AppleScript: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
    '           "PDF File Path: " & pdfFilePath & vbCrLf & _
    '           "Script: " & vbCrLf & macScriptStr, vbExclamation
    'End If
    'On Error GoTo 0

End Sub
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