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Sorry about my previous post on the same topic, but I can't delete or edit that one, so I'm starting a new one.
I’m stuck. I’ve got this VBA script that will save worksheet to pdf, then attach it to a newly created draft email via Mac Script. Everything works as intended IF the pdf file named in the 'pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf" line. If I change the file name to 'pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf" (or any other name) I get an invalid procedure error. In both cases, the pdf is correctly saved in the correct path, just “carl” will attach the file & “dave” will not. So, I know the files both exist where they should, so they should both work. I’ve tried a ton of variations and have been trying suggestion from AI. Any insight would be appreciated. I’ve attached a truncated version if the VBA & Apple Script. Thanks in advance
I’m stuck. I’ve got this VBA script that will save worksheet to pdf, then attach it to a newly created draft email via Mac Script. Everything works as intended IF the pdf file named in the 'pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf" line. If I change the file name to 'pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf" (or any other name) I get an invalid procedure error. In both cases, the pdf is correctly saved in the correct path, just “carl” will attach the file & “dave” will not. So, I know the files both exist where they should, so they should both work. I’ve tried a ton of variations and have been trying suggestion from AI. Any insight would be appreciated. I’ve attached a truncated version if the VBA & Apple Script. Thanks in advance
VBA Code:
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pdfFilePath As String
Dim pdfFileName As String
Dim pdfFolder As String
Dim subject As String
Dim bodyText As String
Dim macScriptStr As String
Dim i As Long
Dim emailAddresses As String
Dim emailArray() As String
Dim pdfFilePathForScript As String
' Use the active worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
pdfFolder = ""
pdfFileName = ""
' Set folder path on the desktop
pdfFolder = "/Users/prodcutionservicesinternational-23/Desktop/AA2025/" 'THIS WORKS
'pdfFolder = "/Users/prodcutionservicesinternational-23/Desktop/CrewCallSheet/"
'pdfFileName = "Karl.pdf" 'THIS Does not
pdfFileName = "Carl.pdf" 'THIS WORKS
'pdfFileName = "Dave.pdf"
'pdfFileName = "TestCarol123.pdf"
' Replace any illegal characters in the file name
pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, "/", "") ' Remove slashes
' Debug.Print pdfFileName
pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, ":", "") ' Remove colons
' Debug.Print pdfFileName
pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, "|", "") ' Remove pipes
' Debug.Print pdfFileName
pdfFileName = Replace(pdfFileName, " ", "") ' Remove spaces
pdfFileName = Trim(pdfFileName)
' Build the full file path
pdfFilePath = pdfFolder & pdfFileName
Debug.Print "PDF File Path: " & pdfFilePath
' Export active sheet as PDF
ws.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
FileName:=pdfFilePath, _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
' After exporting PDF, confirm its existence:
If Dir(pdfFilePath) = "" Then
MsgBox "PDF file was not created: " & pdfFilePath, vbExclamation
Exit Sub
MsgBox "PDF Created Successfully: " & pdfFilePath
End If
' Email details
subject = ws.Range("C6").Value & " | Crew Call | " & ws.Name
' Initialize emailAddresses string
emailAddresses = ""
' Loop through Job_Crew_Array to collect email addresses
For i = LBound(Job_Crew_Array, 1) To UBound(Job_Crew_Array, 1)
emailAddresses = emailAddresses & Job_Crew_Array(i, 2) & "; "
Next i
' Remove trailing semicolon and space
If Len(emailAddresses) > 0 Then
emailAddresses = Left(emailAddresses, Len(emailAddresses) - 2)
End If
' Split the email addresses into an array
emailArray = Split(emailAddresses, "; ")
' Convert file path for AppleScript
pdfFilePathForScript = "POSIX file " & Chr(34) & Replace(pdfFilePath, " ", "\\ ") & Chr(34)
' Construct the AppleScript
macScriptStr = "tell application ""Microsoft Outlook""" & vbNewLine & _
"set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:""" & subject & """, content:""" & bodyText & """}" & vbNewLine & _
"tell newMessage" & vbNewLine
' Add BCC recipients dynamically
For i = LBound(emailArray) To UBound(emailArray)
If Trim(emailArray(i)) <> "" Then
macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
"make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""" & Trim(emailArray(i)) & """}}" & vbNewLine
End If
Next i
Debug.Print macScriptStr
Debug.Print pdfFileName
' Add static BCC recipients
macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
"make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""""}}" & vbNewLine & _
"make new bcc recipient with properties {email address:{address:""""}}" & vbNewLine
' Attach the PDF file
macScriptStr = macScriptStr & _
"make new attachment with properties {file:" & pdfFilePathForScript & "}" & vbNewLine & _
"end tell" & vbNewLine & _
"open newMessage" & vbNewLine & _
"activate" & vbNewLine & _
"end tell"
' Run the Mac Script
On Error Resume Next
MacScript macScriptStr
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error executing AppleScript: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
"PDF File Path: " & pdfFilePath & vbCrLf & _
"Script: " & vbCrLf & macScriptStr, vbExclamation
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub