My specific question, obviously, is Excel related. Do you (or anyone else on this Board please) have any views on functionality and compatibility? We use Excel more heavily than Word, will probably retain Outlook as the mail client, but will probably switch word process and spreadsheet if the general consensus appears to be in favour.
Riaz, I'll try to answer your question from my experience. Full disclosure: I am a Microsoft hater. However, I do love Excel. I'm not a developer by any means; just a user.
I tried to move to OO because I wanted my kids to have the functionality of MS Office but didn't want to pay for 5+ copies to equip everyone in my family. I REALLY, really wanted OO to work, and EXPECTED it to work. I went iinto this with a VERY positive attitude.
Here's what I found:
It's crap.
OO's Calc can't do basic things without making them a huge hassle. You want to copy and paste some cells? You JUST want to do a SIMPLE copy and paste? Nope, can't do that. You have to deal with a stupid dialog box EVERY TIME, to tell Calc WHAT you want to copy. Formats? Borders? Text? Values? Formulas? Click the right checkboxes, and hit Okay, and THEN you get your copy done. Well, yes, it WILL remember what you checked off, so at least your selections are saved.
Oh, wait a minute. You want to copy and paste some merged cells? Nope. Can't do that. At all.
Need a background color on some cells? No problem - Calc can do that. But it won't remember the color you chose. If you want the same color again, you have to go select it from the pallette again. In Excel, the button remembers the last color used, and to apply it, you just click the button. Can't do that with Calc. Same for font colors.
Want to autosum a column of figures by just clicking a button? Nope, can't do that. Okay, how about typing in the formula and having Calc figure out that you want to sum the column of numbers just above your formula? Nope. Doesn't work that way. You have to tell it manually - it won't figure it out for you.
Everywhere you turn, there are BASIC things that Just Don't Work.
I was VERY disapointed in Calc.
I have not explored the other programs. I plan to, because I STILL want this to work, but I am not hopeful.