Hello and thankyou for any attention my post may receive.
I have a db with numerous objects - three of which are tblMain, frmCapture,frmReadOnly.
When the user opens frmReadOnly I would like the from to not only populate withthe appropriate information according to the ID but also with information fromother IDs which meet a criteria.
This is the code I have to currently open frmReadOnly.
The extra information I would like the form to populate with is stored incolumn 1 on tblMain however the columns containing the search-criteria arecolumns 51,52,53 in tblMain. The information in these three columnsis numerical values which will match the ID of frmReadOnly. So basicallywhere #10 appears in these three columns I would like the ID #s for thoserecords to appear on frmReadOnly #10 in either three separate fields or ideallyconcatenated with separators in a single field.
Is this possible?
Thank you and have a great day!<o
I have a db with numerous objects - three of which are tblMain, frmCapture,frmReadOnly.
When the user opens frmReadOnly I would like the from to not only populate withthe appropriate information according to the ID but also with information fromother IDs which meet a criteria.
This is the code I have to currently open frmReadOnly.
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]Private SubCommand2_Click()<o:p></o:p>[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]DoCmd.OpenForm"frmReadOnly", , , "ImprovementID = " &Me!txtSelectView<o:p></o:p>[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Verdana]End Sub<o:p></o:p>[/FONT][/COLOR]
The extra information I would like the form to populate with is stored incolumn 1 on tblMain however the columns containing the search-criteria arecolumns 51,52,53 in tblMain. The information in these three columnsis numerical values which will match the ID of frmReadOnly. So basicallywhere #10 appears in these three columns I would like the ID #s for thoserecords to appear on frmReadOnly #10 in either three separate fields or ideallyconcatenated with separators in a single field.
Is this possible?
Thank you and have a great day!<o