I have a VBA routine I received from a gracious member here (sorry, don’t remember who) that does mostly what I want. It populates a range (T33:T133) with a formula which appears to be working. However, if a cell in the range is already populated with a date I do not want the formula to overwrite what’s there (i.e., only update blank cells). I tried If ActiveCell.Value>0 then but could not get it to work. Any suggestion?
Here’s a portion of the VBA routine in question –
Thanks for viewing,
Steve K.
I have a VBA routine I received from a gracious member here (sorry, don’t remember who) that does mostly what I want. It populates a range (T33:T133) with a formula which appears to be working. However, if a cell in the range is already populated with a date I do not want the formula to overwrite what’s there (i.e., only update blank cells). I tried If ActiveCell.Value>0 then but could not get it to work. Any suggestion?
Here’s a portion of the VBA routine in question –
Rich (BB code):
Range("T33").Formula = "=IF(R33<=$U$27,1,"""")"
Range("T33:T133").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-2]<=R27C21,1,"""")"
Thanks for viewing,
Steve K.