Was that a volunteer to maintain the site links and download files? <blush><hands slap face><ensue sarcasm> We wouldn't expect much, just thousands of hours going unrecognized, unpaid, with a$sh0les telling you how you should be spending your free time, telling you that you're doing it wrong - but you'd be doing the world such a favor and surely we wouldn't complain, because it would be rude to complain to a volunteer. Only a$$holes would do something like that, of which we are not. <kind of ending sarcasm... kind of>
Since it's abundantly clear InaCell knows perfectly how to maintain a website and keep links rolling on a decade and a half of a forum (assuming they know the intricacies of php/html/javascript/whateverelseIcanthinkof/blahblahblah), and on top of that is qualified to judge others they hold in such contempt, I'll just defer to their expert judgement.
#wasteoftime #trollsaresolastyear #hashtagcauseIcanbiotch #boomdropthemic