Notepad data extraction


New Member
May 4, 2020
Office Version
  1. 365
VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Public Sub Import_Text_File()
On Error Resume Next

    Dim dataFile As String
    Dim fileLine As String, item As String, parts As Variant
    Dim i As Long, n As Long
    Dim dayData() As Variant
    Dim reportDate As String, TradingPar As String, SupplierNumber As String, Site As String, Ledger As String, total As String, _
        endpoint As String, trading As String
        endpoint = "Total:" 'Sheet1.Range("G2").Value
    Dim dayReportDest As Range, dRow As Long
    Dim arMyArray() As Variant
    arMyArray = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Config").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
    arMyArray = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arMyArray)
    Dim input_txt As String
   input_txt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Home").Range("F9").Value
    dataFile = input_txt
    With Worksheets("Past due date")
        .Range("A1:O1").Value = arMyArray
        Set dayReportDest = .Range("A2")
        dRow = 0
     .Range("E1").EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "@"
    End With
   ' Exit Sub

    Open dataFile For Input As #1
    n = 0
    While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, fileLine
        'Debug.Print fileLine
        item = GetItem(fileLine, "Report Date: ")
        If item <> "" Then reportDate = item
        item = GetItem(fileLine, "Trading Par: ")
        If item <> "" Then TradingPar = item
        item = GetItem(fileLine, "Supplier Number: ")
        If item <> "" Then SupplierNumber = item
        item = GetItem(fileLine, "Site: ")
        If item <> "" Then Site = item
        parts = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(fileLine), " ")
        If UBound(parts) = 8 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = reportDate
                dayData(2, n) = TradingPar
                dayData(3, n) = SupplierNumber
                dayData(4, n) = Site
                dayData(5, n) = parts(0)
                dayData(6, n) = parts(1)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(2)
                dayData(8, n) = parts(3)
                dayData(9, n) = parts(4)
                dayData(10, n) = parts(5)
                dayData(11, n) = parts(6)
                dayData(12, n) = parts(7)
                dayData(13, n) = parts(8)
            End If
         ElseIf UBound(parts) = 0 Then
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 1, 1 To n)
                dayData(5, n) = dayData(5, n) & parts(0)
        ElseIf UBound(parts) = 1 Then
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 1, 1 To n)
                dayData(5, n) = dayData(5, n) & parts(0) & " " & parts(1)

        ElseIf UBound(parts) = 2 Then
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 1, 1 To n)
                dayData(5, n) = dayData(5, n) & parts(0) & " " & parts(1) & " " & parts(2)
         ElseIf UBound(parts) = 9 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = reportDate
                dayData(2, n) = TradingPar
                dayData(3, n) = SupplierNumber
                dayData(4, n) = Site
                dayData(5, n) = parts(0) & " " & parts(1)
                'dayData(5, n) = parts(0)
                'dayData(6, n) = parts(1)
                dayData(6, n) = parts(2)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(3)
                dayData(8, n) = parts(4)
                dayData(9, n) = parts(5)
                dayData(10, n) = parts(6)
                dayData(11, n) = parts(7)
                dayData(12, n) = parts(8)
                dayData(13, n) = parts(9)

            End If
            '-------------for 11th part------------
        ElseIf UBound(parts) = 10 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = reportDate
                dayData(2, n) = TradingPar
                dayData(3, n) = SupplierNumber
                dayData(4, n) = Site
                dayData(5, n) = parts(0) & " " & parts(1) & " " & parts(2)
                'dayData(6, n) = parts(2)
                dayData(6, n) = parts(3)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(4)
                dayData(8, n) = parts(5)
                dayData(9, n) = parts(6)
                dayData(10, n) = parts(7)
                dayData(11, n) = parts(8)
                dayData(12, n) = parts(9)
                dayData(13, n) = parts(10)

            End If
          End If
        item = GetItem(fileLine, endpoint)  '------------End point------
        'Debug.Print item
        If item <> "" Then
            For i = 1 To n
                dayData(15, i) = item
            dayReportDest.Offset(dRow, 0).Resize(n, UBound(dayData)).Value = Application.Transpose(dayData)
            dRow = dRow + n
            n = 0
        End If
    Close #1
    Call sheetFormatting
    Sheets("Past due date").Range("P1").EntireColumn.Clear
    Sheets("Past due date").Range("Q1").EntireColumn.Clear
    Sheets("Past due date").Range("R1").EntireColumn.Clear
    Call cleanData
     Sheets("Past due date").Range("N1").EntireColumn.Clear
     Sheets("Past due date").Range("O1").EntireColumn.Clear
   Call CopyPasteCol
End Sub

Private Function GetItem(text As String, item As String) As String

    Dim p1 As Long, p2 As Long
    GetItem = ""
    p1 = InStr(text, item)
    'Debug.Print item
    If p1 > 0 Then
        p1 = p1 + Len(item)
        p2 = InStr(p1, text, " ")
        If p2 = 0 Then p2 = Len(text) + 1
        GetItem = Mid(text, p1, p2)
        Debug.Print GetItem
    End If

End Function


Option Explicit

Public Sub Import_Text_File()
On Error Resume Next

    Dim dataFile As String
    Dim fileLine As String, item As String, parts As Variant
    Dim i As Long, n As Long
    Dim dayData() As Variant
    Dim endpoint As String
     Dim input_txt As String
    Dim dayReportDest As Range, dRow As Long
    Dim arMyArray() As Variant
    endpoint = Sheet1.Range("G2").Value '"[URL=''][/URL]"
    arMyArray = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
    arMyArray = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arMyArray)
   input_txt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2").Value
    dataFile = input_txt
    With Worksheets("PFI_CORE_USD_BOOK")
        .Range("A1:G1").Value = arMyArray
        Set dayReportDest = .Range("A2")
        dRow = 0
    End With
   ' Exit Sub

    Open dataFile For Input As #1
    n = 0
    While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, fileLine
        Debug.Print fileLine

        parts = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(fileLine), " ")
    'Table column parts are 7 then
        If UBound(parts) = 6 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = parts(0)
                dayData(2, n) = parts(1)
                dayData(3, n) = parts(2) & " " & parts(3)
                'dayData(4, n) = parts(3)
                dayData(4, n) = parts(4)
                    'If parts(4) = "CN" Or parts(4) = "CR" Or parts(4) = "JE" Then
                    If parts(4) = Sheet1.Range("I2").Value Or parts(4) = Sheet1.Range("I2").Value Or parts(4) = Sheet1.Range("I3").Value Then
                        dayData(6, n) = parts(5)
                        dayData(5, n) = parts(5)
                    End If
                'dayData(5, n) = parts(5)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(6)
            End If
'Table column parts are 6 then

        ElseIf UBound(parts) = 5 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = parts(0)
                dayData(2, n) = parts(1)
                dayData(3, n) = parts(2)
                dayData(4, n) = parts(3)
                'If parts(3) = "CN" Or parts(3) = "CR" Or parts(3) = "JE" Then
                If parts(3) = Sheet1.Range("I2").Value Or parts(3) = Sheet1.Range("I3").Value Or parts(3) = Sheet1.Range("I4").Value Then
                dayData(6, n) = parts(4)
                End If
                'dayData(5, n) = parts(4)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(5)

            End If
         'Table column parts are 8 then
         ElseIf UBound(parts) = 7 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = parts(0)
                dayData(2, n) = parts(1)
                dayData(3, n) = parts(2) & " " & parts(3) & " " & parts(4)
                'dayData(4, n) = parts(3)
                'dayData(5, n) = parts(4)
                dayData(4, n) = parts(5)
                'If parts(5) = "CN" Or parts(5) = "CR" Or parts(5) = "JE" Then
                If parts(5) = Sheet1.Range("I2").Value Or parts(5) = Sheet1.Range("I3").Value Or parts(5) = Sheet1.Range("I4").Value Then
                dayData(6, n) = parts(6)
                dayData(5, n) = parts(7)
                End If
                'dayData(5, n) = parts(6)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(7)

            End If
            'Table column parts are 9 then
        ElseIf UBound(parts) = 8 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
                dayData(1, n) = parts(0) '& " " & parts(1) & " " & parts(2)
                dayData(2, n) = parts(1)
                dayData(3, n) = parts(2)
                dayData(4, n) = parts(3)
                dayData(5, n) = parts(4)
                dayData(6, n) = parts(5)
                dayData(7, n) = parts(6)
                dayData(8, n) = parts(7)
                dayData(9, n) = parts(8)

            End If
          End If
        item = GetItem(fileLine, endpoint)  '------------End point------
        Debug.Print item
        If item <> "" Then
            For i = 1 To n
                dayData(15, i) = item
            dayReportDest.Offset(dRow, 0).Resize(n, UBound(dayData)).Value = Application.Transpose(dayData)
            dRow = dRow + n
            n = 0
        End If
    Close #1

    MsgBox "Data moved to excel"
End Sub

Private Function GetItem(text As String, item As String) As String

    Dim p1 As Long, p2 As Long
    GetItem = ""
    p1 = InStr(text, item)
    'Debug.Print item
    If p1 > 0 Then
        p1 = p1 + Len(item)
        p2 = InStr(p1, text, " ")
        If p2 = 0 Then p2 = Len(text) + 1
        GetItem = Mid(text, p1, p2)
        Debug.Print GetItem
    End If

End Function


Option Explicit

Public Sub Import_Text_File()
On Error Resume Next

    Dim dataFile As String
    Dim fileLine As String, item As String, parts As Variant
    Dim i As Long, n As Long
    Dim dayData() As Variant
    Dim endpoint As String
     Dim input_txt As String
    Dim dayReportDest As Range, dRow As Long
    Dim arMyArray() As Variant
    'Dim i As Integer
    endpoint = Sheet1.Range("G2").Value '"[URL=''][/URL]"
    arMyArray = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
    arMyArray = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arMyArray)
   input_txt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J2").Value
    dataFile = input_txt
    With Worksheets("PFI_CORE_USD_BOOK")
        .Range("A1:G1").Value = arMyArray
        Set dayReportDest = .Range("A2")
        dRow = 0
    End With
   ' Exit Sub

    Open dataFile For Input As #1
    n = 0
    While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, fileLine
        Debug.Print fileLine

        parts = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(fileLine), " ")
    'Table column parts are 7 then
        If UBound(parts) = 6 Then
            If IsNumeric(parts(0)) Or Not IsNumeric(parts(0)) Then
                n = n + 1
                ReDim Preserve dayData(1 To 15, 1 To n)
             For i = LBound(parts) To UBound(parts)
                dayData(i, n) = parts(i)
                'Debug.Print dayData(i, n)
                'Debug.Print parts(i)
                'MsgBox parts(i)
            If parts(i) = "CN" Or parts(i) = "CR" Or parts(i) = "JE" Then
                     'If parts(i) = "CN" Or parts(4) = "CR" Or parts(4) = "JE" Then
                           'If parts(4) = Sheet1.Range("I2").Value Or parts(4) = Sheet1.Range("I2").Value Or parts(4) = Sheet1.Range("I3").Value Then
                               dayData(i + 2, n) = parts(i + 1)
             ElseIf parts(i) = "IN" Then
                               dayData(i + 1, n) = parts(i + 1)
                               'Debug.Print parts(5)
                               dayData(i, n) = parts(i)
            End If
             Next i

          End If
        item = GetItem(fileLine, endpoint)  '------------End point------
        Debug.Print item
        If item <> "" Then
            For i = 1 To n
                dayData(15, i) = item
            dayReportDest.Offset(dRow, 0).Resize(n, UBound(dayData)).Value = Application.Transpose(dayData)
            dRow = dRow + n
            n = 0
        End If
    Close #1

    MsgBox "Data moved to excel"
End Sub

Private Function GetItem(text As String, item As String) As String

    Dim p1 As Long, p2 As Long
    GetItem = ""
    p1 = InStr(text, item)
    'Debug.Print item
    If p1 > 0 Then
        p1 = p1 + Len(item)
        p2 = InStr(p1, text, " ")
        If p2 = 0 Then p2 = Len(text) + 1
        GetItem = Mid(text, p1, p2)
        Debug.Print GetItem
    End If

End Function
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For the final time, do you actually have a question?
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You haven't asked a question, just posted some code, which is why you have not had a reply.
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Not sure what you are after as you did NOT post a question. You only posted code and expected everyone to guess what you wanted. So here is my guess. I am assuming you want to import data from a NOTEPAD text file into excel.

If so have a look at this Yourtube video Link

Other wise POST a question. Advsing members on the forum of what its is that you want. Posting JUST code is of NO help
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Best thing is to ASK A QUESTION and post a sample workbook, advising form members of what you have and what you want it to do. Rather than just post a code as you did in your first post.
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