Hi, I use excel to run a ton of formulas and such to run a custom table-top rpg system. Up until now I've usually been able to just Google things I need to know, but I'm trying to add in a function that I'm having difficulty finding information on, assuming it exists at all.
What I have are basically player sheets. They have lots of formulas on them that calculate just about everything that needs to be calculated in the game, but as I keep changing and updating the system, I keep having to change the player sheets and the formulas contained within them, as well as updating other tabs. Players often control multiple characters, and so have several instances of these player sheets. The issue right now is that it's a bit of a bother to update all of the player-entered data, because the method we are using is just manually transferring that information from the old file to the new file, which amounts to about 300-400 cells of data (most of which is in columns, and very easy to copy and paste), but I would really like a faster way to do this.
So, what I'm looking for is a way to automatically update either all of the game system formulas and what-not from an updated excel file to the players' already existing (and now out-dated) files, or the opposite, updating all player-entered data from the old file into the updated file, and skip the step of manually copying and pasting the information. I do not want to use multiple workbooks. We used to do this, but there was simply too much data to look-up, and it caused a huge lag issue; if that's what I'd have to do, it'd be easier just to continue manual entry.
I'm using excel 2007. At my current rate of updating my game, I'm having to get players a new version of the excel file every week, and once even dished out 2 updates inside of a one-week period, and most of my players don't even know how to use keyboard shortcuts so you can see why I'm trying to get this done. We could cut down on like... a half an hour of waiting for everyone to update to the new version during our 3-4 hours sessions every week.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
What I have are basically player sheets. They have lots of formulas on them that calculate just about everything that needs to be calculated in the game, but as I keep changing and updating the system, I keep having to change the player sheets and the formulas contained within them, as well as updating other tabs. Players often control multiple characters, and so have several instances of these player sheets. The issue right now is that it's a bit of a bother to update all of the player-entered data, because the method we are using is just manually transferring that information from the old file to the new file, which amounts to about 300-400 cells of data (most of which is in columns, and very easy to copy and paste), but I would really like a faster way to do this.
So, what I'm looking for is a way to automatically update either all of the game system formulas and what-not from an updated excel file to the players' already existing (and now out-dated) files, or the opposite, updating all player-entered data from the old file into the updated file, and skip the step of manually copying and pasting the information. I do not want to use multiple workbooks. We used to do this, but there was simply too much data to look-up, and it caused a huge lag issue; if that's what I'd have to do, it'd be easier just to continue manual entry.
I'm using excel 2007. At my current rate of updating my game, I'm having to get players a new version of the excel file every week, and once even dished out 2 updates inside of a one-week period, and most of my players don't even know how to use keyboard shortcuts so you can see why I'm trying to get this done. We could cut down on like... a half an hour of waiting for everyone to update to the new version during our 3-4 hours sessions every week.
Thanks for any help you can offer!