I thought what I am trying to do is relatively easy, but I can't find a thing anywhere on the internet to help me out here. I'm looking for an answer and possibly a forum that rocks the house like this one for my silly batch file.
Several times a day at work, my reps have to do a screen print. So they hit their printscreen button, open WordPad, paste it, and print. Should be easy enough to automate this. Now I know that there are a billion freeware titles out there, but as usual, nothing can be installed on these computers. I have been able to get far enough in a batch file to get WordPad open. I don't know how to paste the contents of the clipboard into the new open document. It would really be nice if the print window opened immediately after the paste. So those of you that are familiar with this, please stop laughing at me and point me in the right direction. I have nothing to offer buy some stale Skittles that are under my couch cushions and my undying affection.