I work in the banking industry and I am trying to save some time. I work fraud debit card claims and when we deny a claim, we have to use a lengthy note to leave on the claim. As of right now I have one that I can copy and paste but I still have to take a min or so editing it. So I created an excel sheet to help automatically create my denial notes. ON SHEET1, There's a place where I can select the denial reasons with a check box. I have a field under the denial reasons that populates the completed denial note when I click on a button labeled DENY NOTE. The denial note is put together on Sheet2. There's a button that clears the denial note field after each claim on Sheet1. There is also a button labeled START and it creates the base denial note on Sheet2. When I select a denial reason box, I want it to enter into the Sheet2 denial note, while I was successful with the first one, the second macro either just copies the previous one or over writes it. There are 14 denial reasons and once their box is checked, I would like for them to be independently entered into the denial note on Sheet2. Then when I am finished, I click the DENY NOTE button on Sheet2 and it populates on Sheet1. I don't have to go to Sheet 2 at all. It is mainly a storage space for phrases that go into the actual note. I hope this is not too confusing. Any help would be appreciated.