I am looking for some suggestions on why this string isnt working.
Background: This code used to be three nested if statements that sepperated people out by thier shift when searching for them using a id (this searched for shift was in a different file, "welder Database")
Then I manipulated it with the IF OR statement on the front for a new criteria of filtering basically.
Now I am looking at adding three more If statments to search a different file "Supervisors" for thier shifts.
We want to keep the supervisors sepperate from our welder database, otherwise I would just add them to the other one.
I have the first of the new IF statements on here searching for wheather or not they are on second shift. I have second first because that is where the first instance that comes up is and I'm just testing a few rows at this point. Problem is, I know the Supervisor is on Second and it is still returning a "#N/A" Error.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you,
=IF(OR(MASTER[[#This Row],[Length Rejected (cm)]]="EMPTY",MASTER[[#This Row],[Welder]]="Supplier"),"",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,'S:\Fab Planning\Weld School\Welder Database\[4.16.09 Peoplesoft Welder and Robot Database list v3.xls] Welders'!$C$1:$H$65536,6,FALSE)="T","3rd",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,'S:\Fab Planning\Weld School\Welder Database\[4.16.09 Peoplesoft Welder and Robot Database list v3.xls] Welders'!$C$1:$H$65536,6,FALSE)="S","2nd",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,'S:\Fab Planning\Weld School\Welder Database\[4.16.09 Peoplesoft Welder and Robot Database list v3.xls] Welders'!$C$1:$H$65536,6,FALSE)="F","1st",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,Supervisors.xlsx!Table1[#All],2,FALSE)="2","2nd","N/A")))))
I am looking for some suggestions on why this string isnt working.
Background: This code used to be three nested if statements that sepperated people out by thier shift when searching for them using a id (this searched for shift was in a different file, "welder Database")
Then I manipulated it with the IF OR statement on the front for a new criteria of filtering basically.
Now I am looking at adding three more If statments to search a different file "Supervisors" for thier shifts.
We want to keep the supervisors sepperate from our welder database, otherwise I would just add them to the other one.
I have the first of the new IF statements on here searching for wheather or not they are on second shift. I have second first because that is where the first instance that comes up is and I'm just testing a few rows at this point. Problem is, I know the Supervisor is on Second and it is still returning a "#N/A" Error.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you,
=IF(OR(MASTER[[#This Row],[Length Rejected (cm)]]="EMPTY",MASTER[[#This Row],[Welder]]="Supplier"),"",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,'S:\Fab Planning\Weld School\Welder Database\[4.16.09 Peoplesoft Welder and Robot Database list v3.xls] Welders'!$C$1:$H$65536,6,FALSE)="T","3rd",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,'S:\Fab Planning\Weld School\Welder Database\[4.16.09 Peoplesoft Welder and Robot Database list v3.xls] Welders'!$C$1:$H$65536,6,FALSE)="S","2nd",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,'S:\Fab Planning\Weld School\Welder Database\[4.16.09 Peoplesoft Welder and Robot Database list v3.xls] Welders'!$C$1:$H$65536,6,FALSE)="F","1st",IF(VLOOKUP(O14077,Supervisors.xlsx!Table1[#All],2,FALSE)="2","2nd","N/A")))))