Need to replace formulas with code


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Mar 26, 2020
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  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello guys,

With the help of a code, I have this result data in sheet B from column A to G in a vertical order. Columns K:BD contain formulas to sort the data horizontally as shown in the image. As the formulas are too lengthy and in thousands of cells, the code takes a lot of time in calculating threads. To reduce the time taken for the macro to get the result, I was hoping somebody willing to help me to write a code to get the result from column A to G to Columns K:BD.
Shared Test.xlsm
2DateVch TypeVch No.NarrationParticularsDebit NegativeCredit PositiveTotal AmtDateVch TypeVch No.NarrationLedger 1AmtLedger 2AmtLedger 3AmtLedger 4AmtLedger 5AmtLedger 6AmtLedger 7AmtLedger 8AmtLedger 9AmtLedger 10AmtLedger 11AmtLedger 12AmtLedger 13AmtLedger 14AmtLedger 15AmtLedger 16AmtLedger 17AmtLedger 18AmtLedger 19AmtLedger 20AmtLedger 21Amt
That code is writing formulas to the K:BD range.
The more rows you write, the longer it will take.
It should not error.

How much longer are you going to be online?
It is taking much longer time to write formulas. I just tested on 100 rows and it is still writing formulas.
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That is why you asked for an alternate approach, right?
Upvote 0
That is why you asked for an alternate approach, right?
Your approach is good. It will fill only 100 cells only instead of all the 1500 cells. But I thought that if I replaced the formulas with a code it will reduce the running time of the macro. Instead it has increased the time.
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That code you are testing was, as I said, not a final product and not a speed test. It was made so that you could test that the formulas were being written correctly. I didn't want to proceed with the new version until the formulas were verified.
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I know that your formulas in the code are perfect. You have worked hard to get them right and I am very thankful to you. I will try and add this code in the original whole file and check tomorrow and will let you know. If there is anything else you want to know, I will wait.
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Nothing needed from you right now, I just need to wrap this code up that I am working on. Talk to you after you get your sleep in.
Upvote 0
Ok Results are in:

Original code supplied:
clear time = about 7.5 minutes
Getdata time = about 8.5 minutes

Total time for Original code = about 16 minutes

Total time for Smarter new version using arrays and such = about 5 seconds total !!! :)
Upvote 0
Ok, I have to catch some sleep now so test the following and let me know how it goes:

VBA Code:
Sub ClearDataV5()                                                       ' Works !!! 1 second
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                                      ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Application.Calculation = xlManual                                                                      ' Turn Calculation's off
    Dim LastRowInSheetB         As Long, LastRowInSheetF            As Long
    Dim LastColumnLetterSheetB  As String, LastColumnLetterSheetF   As String
    Dim WS                      As Worksheet
    LastColumnLetterSheetB = Split(Sheets("B").Range("K2").End(xlToRight).Address, "$")(1)                  ' Get last column letter used in row 2 of Sheets("B")
    LastColumnLetterSheetF = Split(Cells(1, (Sheets("F").Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, _
            xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)                                                           ' Get last column letter used in Sheets("F")
    LastRowInSheetB = Sheets("B").Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row                 ' Find last row # used in Sheets("B")
    LastRowInSheetF = Sheets("F").Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row                 ' Find last row # used in Sheets("F")
    For Each WS In Sheets(Array("Bank", "A", "E", "Z"))                                                     ' Prep sheets to clear ranges
        With WS                                                                                             '   With each worksheet to be cleared ...
            .UsedRange.Clear                                                                                '       Clear the data from all used cells
        End With
    Next                                                                                                    ' Loop back for next sheet to be cleared
    Sheets("B").Range("A3:" & LastColumnLetterSheetB & LastRowInSheetB).ClearContents                       ' Clear contents of cells in Sheets("B")
    Sheets("F").Range("B2:" & LastColumnLetterSheetF & LastRowInSheetF).ClearContents                       ' Clear contents of cells in Sheets("F")
    Sheets("Original").Range("A1:C1").Select                                            ' Select Sheets("Original").Range("A1:C1")
    Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic                                               ' Turn Calculations back on
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                   ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
End Sub


VBA Code:
Sub GetDataV3_2()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim FirstRunComplete        As Boolean
    Dim ColumnK_Number          As Long
    Dim CurrentRowColumnM_Value As Long
    Dim DesiredMatchRowNumber   As Long
    Dim FormulaLooper           As Long
    Dim i                       As Long, ini        As Long, j      As Long, k  As Long
    Dim InnerFormulaLooper      As Long
    Dim LastColumnNumberSheetB  As Long
    Dim LastRow                 As Long
    Dim MatchCount              As Long
    Dim OccurrenceCounter       As Long
    Dim RangeK_FormulaRows      As Long
    Dim RowNumber               As Long
    Dim VchNo                   As Long
    Dim cell                    As Range
    Dim Fnd                     As Range
    Dim rFound                  As Range
    Dim rngReferenceRange       As Range, rngToCopy As Range
    Dim LastColumnLetterSheetB  As String
    Dim NewName                 As String
    Dim a                       As Variant, b       As Variant, c   As Variant
    Dim ColumnI_Array           As Variant
    Dim RangeK_Array            As Variant
    Dim WS                      As Worksheet

    With Sheets("Bank")                                                                         ' Copy Columns A:I from 'Original' to 'Bank'
        Sheets("Original").Columns("A:I").Copy .Range("A1")
        Set Fnd = .Range("A:A").Find("Date", , , xlPart, xlByRows, xlNext, False, , False)
        If Not Fnd Is Nothing And Fnd.Row > 1 Then ini = Fnd.Row + 2 Else ini = 1               ' If "Date" found in Column A in row>1 then set ini to 2 rows down
        a = .Range("A" & ini, .Range("I" & .Rows.Count).End(3)).Value                           ' Load array 'a' with the data from Columns A:I
    End With
    ReDim b(1 To UBound(a), 1 To 7)
    ReDim c(1 To UBound(a), 1 To 7)
    For i = 1 To UBound(a) - 3
        If LCase(a(i, 3)) <> LCase("(as per details)") And a(i, 6) <> "" Then               ' If Column C value <> '(as per details)' & column F value <> "" then...
            j = j + 1
            b(j, 1) = i 'Line                                                               '   save row# & all column values A:I except B,D,E to array 'b'
            b(j, 2) = a(i, 1) 'Date
            b(j, 3) = a(i, 6) 'Vch Type
            b(j, 4) = a(i, 7) 'Vch No.
            b(j, 5) = a(i, 3) 'Particulars
            b(j, 6) = a(i, 8) 'Debit
            b(j, 7) = a(i, 9) 'Credit
        Else                                                                                ' Else
            k = k + 1
            c(k, 1) = i 'Line
            c(k, 2) = a(i, 1) 'Date                                                         '   save row# & all other column values A:I except B,D,E to array 'c'
            c(k, 3) = a(i, 6) 'Vch Type
            c(k, 4) = a(i, 7) 'Vch No.
            c(k, 5) = a(i, 3) 'Particulars
            c(k, 6) = a(i, 8) 'Debit
            c(k, 7) = a(i, 9) 'Credit
        End If
    With Sheets("Bank")
        .UsedRange.Clear                                                                                        ' Clear the data that we copied to 'Bank'
        .Range("A1:G1").Value = Array("Line", "Date", "Vch Type", "Vch No.", "Particulars", "Debit", "Credit")  ' add headers
        .Range("A2").Resize(j, 7).Value = b                                                                     ' Display array 'b' to sheet
        .Range("A" & j + 3).Resize(k, 7).Value = c                                                              ' display array 'c' to sheet
'       Format the data
        .Columns("F:G").NumberFormat = "0.00"
        .UsedRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"
    End With
    NewName = Sheets("Original").Range("K1")                                                                    ' Get name saved in 'Original' K1
    VchNo = 1000                                                                                                ' Initialize VchNo = 1000
    For Each cell In Sheets("Bank").Range("D2:D" & Sheets("Bank").Range("E" & Sheets("Bank").Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
        If Not cell.Offset(, -1) = vbNullString Then                                                            ' Check for non blanks to left of Column D values
            VchNo = VchNo + 1
            cell.Value = VchNo                                                                                  ' Renumber VchNo's
        End If
        If cell.Offset(0, 1) = "(as per details)" Then cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = NewName                        ' If cell to right of Column D value =
'                                                                                                               '   (as per details)' then rename that cell value
    Set rngReferenceRange = Sheets("Bank").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    Set rngToCopy = Sheets("Bank").Cells(rngReferenceRange.Rows.Count + 2, 1).CurrentRegion
    rngToCopy.Copy                                                                                              ' Copy now updated former array 'c' values
    With Sheets("A")
        .Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False  ' Paste now updated former array 'c' values to 'A'
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        .Columns("B:B").NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"
        .Columns("E:E").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        .Columns("G:H").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        .Range("G1").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[2]="""","""",-RC[2])"
        .Range("H1").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[2]="""","""",RC[2])"
        .Range("G1:H1").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G1:H" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
    End With
    With Sheets("A").Range("B2:D" & Sheets("A").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
        .SpecialCells(xlBlanks).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"                                                 ' Fill blank cells in Columns B:D with cell value above it
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    With Sheets("A")
        .Columns("D").NumberFormat = "0"
        .Columns("G:H").NumberFormat = "0.00"
        .Range("B1:H1", .Range("B1:H1").End(xlDown)).Copy
        .Range("B1:H1", .Range("B1:H1").End(xlDown)).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        .Range("B1:H1", .Range("B1:H1").End(xlDown)).Copy Sheets("B").Range("A3")
    End With
'   This should be a good place to evaluate the formulas for Sheets("B") ;)
    ColumnK_Number = 11
    RowNumber = 3
    LastColumnLetterSheetB = Split(Sheets("B").Range("K2").End(xlToRight).Address, "$")(1)                  ' Get last column letter used in row 2 of Sheets("B")
    LastColumnNumberSheetB = Sheets("B").Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column    ' Find last column # used in Sheets("B")
    Set WS = Worksheets("B")
    LastRow = WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim ColumnI_Array(1 To LastRow - 2)
    For FormulaLooper = RowNumber To LastRow                                                                                            ' Column I formulas
        ColumnI_Array(FormulaLooper - 2) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(A2="""","""",SUM(F" & FormulaLooper & ":G" & FormulaLooper & "))")
    WS.Range("I3:I" & LastRow) = Application.Transpose(ColumnI_Array)
'   Count cells that are not blank in Sheets("B") Column E to get # of formula rows needed for Sheets("B") Columns K3 range ;)
    RangeK_FormulaRows = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("B").Range("E3:E" & LastRow), Sheets("Original").Range("K1"))
    ReDim RangeK_Array(1 To RangeK_FormulaRows, 1 To LastColumnNumberSheetB - ColumnK_Number + 1)
    For FormulaLooper = RowNumber To RowNumber + RangeK_FormulaRows - 1
        OccurrenceCounter = OccurrenceCounter + 1
        Set rFound = WS.Range("E2:E" & LastRow).Cells(1, 1)
        For MatchCount = 1 To OccurrenceCounter
            Set rFound = WS.Range("E2:E" & LastRow).Find(Sheets("Original").Range("K1"), rFound, xlValues, xlWhole)
        DesiredMatchRowNumber = rFound.Row
        CurrentRowColumnM_Value = WS.Evaluate("=IFERROR(INDEX($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "," & DesiredMatchRowNumber & "),"""")")
        RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, 1) = WS.Evaluate("=IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",MATCH(" & _
            CurrentRowColumnM_Value & ",$C$3:$C$" & LastRow & ",0),1),"""")")                                                       ' Save $K3 value
        RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, 2) = WS.Evaluate("=IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",MATCH(" & _
            CurrentRowColumnM_Value & ",$C$3:$C$" & LastRow & ",0),2),"""")")                                                       ' Save $L3 value
        RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, 3) = WS.Evaluate("=IFERROR(INDEX($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "," & _
            DesiredMatchRowNumber & "),"""")")                                                                                      ' Save $M3 value
        RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, 4) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & _
            ",AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & ")-ROW($C$2))/($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "=" & _
            CurrentRowColumnM_Value & "),INT((COLUMNS(N" & FormulaLooper + 1 & ":$O" & FormulaLooper + 1 & _
            ")+1)/2)),4),"""")="""","""")")                                                                                         ' Save $N3 value
        RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, 5) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(" & CurrentRowColumnM_Value & _
            "="""","""",IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & _
            ")-ROW($C$2))/($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "=" & CurrentRowColumnM_Value & "),INT((COLUMNS(O" & _
            FormulaLooper + 1 & ":$O" & FormulaLooper + 1 & ")+1)/2)),5),""""))&""""")                                              '  Save $O3 value
        For InnerFormulaLooper = 5 To 45 Step 2
            If FirstRunComplete Then
                RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, InnerFormulaLooper + 1) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(" & RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 3, 3) & _
                    "="""","""",IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & _
                    ")-ROW($C$2))/($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "=" & CurrentRowColumnM_Value & "),INT((COLUMNS($O" & _
                    FormulaLooper & ":" & WS.Range("K" & FormulaLooper).Offset(, InnerFormulaLooper).Address(0, 0) & _
                RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, InnerFormulaLooper + 1) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(M" & FormulaLooper - 1 & _
                    "="""","""",IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & _
                    ")-ROW($C$2))/($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "=" & CurrentRowColumnM_Value & "),INT((COLUMNS($O" & _
                    FormulaLooper & ":" & WS.Range("K" & FormulaLooper).Offset(, InnerFormulaLooper).Address(0, 0) & _
            End If
        For InnerFormulaLooper = 6 To 44 Step 2
            If FirstRunComplete Then
                RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, InnerFormulaLooper + 1) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(" & RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 3, 3) & _
                    "="""","""",IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & _
                    ")-ROW($C$2))/($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "=" & CurrentRowColumnM_Value & "),INT((COLUMNS($O" & _
                    FormulaLooper + 1 & ":" & WS.Range("K" & FormulaLooper).Offset(1, InnerFormulaLooper).Address(0, 0) & _
                RangeK_Array(FormulaLooper - 2, InnerFormulaLooper + 1) = WS.Evaluate("=IF(M" & FormulaLooper - 1 & _
                    "="""","""",IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$I$" & LastRow & ",AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & _
                    ")-ROW($C$2))/($C$3:$C$" & LastRow & "=" & CurrentRowColumnM_Value & "),INT((COLUMNS($O" & _
                    FormulaLooper + 1 & ":" & WS.Range("K" & FormulaLooper).Offset(1, InnerFormulaLooper).Address(0, 0) & _
            End If
        FirstRunComplete = True
    WS.Range("K3:" & LastColumnLetterSheetB & RangeK_FormulaRows + 2) = RangeK_Array
    Dim Mx As Long
'   this range needs to be changed
    With Sheets("B")
        Mx = Application.Max(.Range("K3:K" & .Range("K" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row))
        Sheets("E").Range("A3:AT3").Resize(Mx).Value = .Range("K3:" & LastColumnLetterSheetB & "3").Resize(Mx).Value
    End With
    Sheets("F").Range("B2:AT2").Resize(Mx).Value = Sheets("E").Range("A3:AT3").Resize(Mx).Value
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
    With Sheets("Z")
        .Columns("F:G").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        .Range("F3").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[2]="""",RC[3],-RC[2])"
        .Range("G3").FormulaR1C1 = "=-RC[-1]"
'       this range needs to be changed
        .Range("F3:G3").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("F3:G" & .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
'''        .Range("F2:G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("F2:G" & .Range("G" & .Rows.Count)).End(xlUp).Row
'       this range needs to be changed
''        .Range("F2:G2000").Select
        .Range("F3:G3", .Range("F3:G3").End(xlDown)).Copy
        .Range("F3:G3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    End With
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Dim rr      As Long
    Dim p       As Variant
    Dim pp      As Variant
    Dim s()     As Variant
    Dim ss()    As Variant
    s = Array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
    ss = Array(2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9)
    p = Sheets("Z").Cells(Sheets("Z").Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row
    pp = Sheets("F").Cells(Sheets("F").Rows.Count, 3).End(3).Row + 1
    For rr = 0 To UBound(s)
        Sheets("Z").Range(Sheets("Z").Cells(3, s(rr)), Sheets("Z").Cells(p, s(rr))).Copy Sheets("F").Cells(pp, ss(rr))
    Sheets("F").Cells(pp, "f").Resize(Sheets("F").Range("b" & Sheets("Z").Rows.Count).End(3).Row - pp + 1) = NewName
    Application.CutCopyMode = True
''    With Sheets("Z").UsedRange
''        .Value = .Value
''    End With
    Dim da As Long
    Dim ku As Long
    With Sheets("F").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
        For da = 2 To .Rows.Count
            If .Cells(da, 7) < 0 Then
                ku = .Cells(da, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
                .Cells(da, ku + 1).Resize(, 2).Value = .Cells(da, 6).Resize(, 2).Value
                With .Cells(da, 6).Resize(, .Columns.Count)
                    .Value = .Offset(, 2).Value
                End With
            End If
    End With
    With Sheets("F")
        .UsedRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral
        .Range("D2", .Range("D2").End(xlDown)).ClearContents
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox ("File sorted successfully.")
End Sub
Upvote 0
Believe me. I am very much impressed by the way you treated this query and solved it. I am clapping my hands with joy. Feel like giving you a high five. The code is PERFECT ?. Thank you very, very, very much. I have no other words to tell you ?. You are just simply great. You gave and kept your word if you remember.

Fear not @RAJESH1960, we will try to help you.

Hope to see you soon with new queries. Till then have a nice day.?
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