HI Derek,
This seems to work for me too, however probably requires a slight adjusting of the formula. I'm working on a "working sheet" and a "master sheet".
The working sheet is supposed to fetch figures for various income / expense lines from the master sheet and populate these, quarter on quarter, in the working sheet itself.
For it to do that, my formula requires the
row numbers (using INDIRECT function)as opposed to instance / serial number from 1 onwards, as is the case in the solution given by you.
In the "working sheet", I'm using
=IFERROR(MATCH($B$5,OFFSET('Master Sheet'!$B$4,0,0,COUNTA('Master Sheet'!$B:$B),1),0),"")
to fetch instance number for the first line, and then
=IFERROR(MATCH(B6,OFFSET('Master Sheet'!$B$4,A5,0,COUNTA('Master Sheet'!$B:$B)-A5,1),0)+A5,"")
for the subsequent lines. Also, the latter formula returns a series of blank cells after it encounters the first blank cell.
Would really appreciate if you could suggest a solution for this, have spent all morning and got here so far! Not very handy with Excel, as yet.
Working sheet:
Master sheet: