I have the following formula
Which indexes the D column in Data tab and then performs a Small Array on the C column of Data which then displays the corresponding data from the D column in Data IF it matches what is in A2 of the main page.
Only issue I have is making A2 a partial match as it is a person's first name and the C column in Data is their username (which they have multiple of and is appended with a number) e.g.
A2 = Simon
Data!C2 = simon
Data!C3 = simon2
Data!D2 = Linux
Data!D3 = Windows
Currently it only displays Linux, unless I change A2 to Simon2.
I want it to list both.
I've tried
but it didn't work 
I have the following formula
=IFERROR(INDEX(Data!$D$2:$D$100, SMALL(IF($A$2=Data!$C$2:$C$50, ROW(Data!$C$2:$C$50)-ROW($A$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" )
Which indexes the D column in Data tab and then performs a Small Array on the C column of Data which then displays the corresponding data from the D column in Data IF it matches what is in A2 of the main page.
Only issue I have is making A2 a partial match as it is a person's first name and the C column in Data is their username (which they have multiple of and is appended with a number) e.g.
A2 = Simon
Data!C2 = simon
Data!C3 = simon2
Data!D2 = Linux
Data!D3 = Windows
Currently it only displays Linux, unless I change A2 to Simon2.
I want it to list both.
I've tried