I have 3 'for loops' where i loop through each tab and do some basic clean up by referencing columns by their header. I think it would be more elegant combine these three loops in one loop, but cannot quite figure out what i am doing wrong to do so.
thanks! alex
'find "ClaimName" and replace values to match template format
Dim sh2 As Worksheet, R As Range
For Each sh2 In b1.Sheets
Set R = sh2.Cells.Find("ClaimName", , xlValues, xlWhole)
If R Is Nothing Then
GoTo Nx
sh2.Range(R, sh2.Cells(sh2.Rows.Count, R.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "Score", "", xlPart
sh2.Range(R, sh2.Cells(sh2.Rows.Count, R.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "Claim", "Claim ", xlPart
End If
Next sh2
'find "SBName" and replace values to match template format
Dim sh3 As Worksheet, S As Range
For Each sh3 In b1.Sheets
Set S = sh3.Cells.Find("SBName", , xlValues, xlWhole)
If S Is Nothing Then
GoTo Nx2
sh3.Range(S, sh3.Cells(sh3.Rows.Count, S.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "ELA", "ELA/Literacy", xlPart
sh3.Range(S, sh3.Cells(sh3.Rows.Count, S.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "Math", "Mathematics", xlPart
End If
Next sh3
'find "VarName" and replace values to match template format
Dim sh4 As Worksheet, V As Range
For Each sh4 In b1.Sheets
Set V = sh4.Cells.Find("VarName", , xlValues, xlWhole)
If V Is Nothing Then
GoTo Nx3
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "Overall", "Total", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative", "American Indian or Alaska Native", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "BlackOrAfricanAmerican", "Black/African American", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander", "Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "HispanicOrLatino", "Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "DemographicRaceTwoOrMoreRaces", "Two or More Races", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "UnknownRace", "Unidentified Race", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "LEPStatus", "LEP Status", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "IDEAIndicator", "IDEA Indicator", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "Section504Status", "Section 504 Status", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "EconomicDisadvantageStatus", "Economic Disadvantage Status", xlPart
sh4.Range(V, sh4.Cells(sh4.Rows.Count, V.Column).End(xlUp)).Replace "2_2", "", xlPart
End If
Next sh4
thanks! alex