Hi everyone,
First of all, sorry for the request that has been asked multiple times on the internet on this subject; as a beginner in VBA, I try to learn by myself but it is not easy, and I find myself stucked and a little helpless!
I run an Excel file that contains several sheets:
- Sheet 1: destination sheet that centralizes all the data to be included in sheets 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with a header identical to all these same sheets, on 2 lines and 28 columns;
- Sheets 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: source sheets whose data is entered manually in compliance with the header shared on 2 lines and 28 columns;
- Sheets 7, 8, 9 and 10: different data to exclude.
My goal is quite simple actually (I believe): automate via VBA the pulling of data from sheets 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6:
- From line 3 to the last entry and from column 1 to column 28;
- Integrate the data copied on sheet 1;
- Integrate in the query a "Clear" of sheet 1 without touching the Header (so clear of line 3-last line entered & column 1 to 28).
To do this, I used the following query, but it does not satisfy my needs (the completion of the criteria was certainly done in a bad way by myself): although the header seems preserved, the data is scattered and is not sticked in the right place, part of the header of the source files is being pulled... in short, it's barely functionning.
Here is the query:
I obtained this query from the web; it can certainly be simplified or rewritten for my needs.
If anyone can suggest any points of improvement or simplification on this query, I'm interested
Thanks for your help!
First of all, sorry for the request that has been asked multiple times on the internet on this subject; as a beginner in VBA, I try to learn by myself but it is not easy, and I find myself stucked and a little helpless!
I run an Excel file that contains several sheets:
- Sheet 1: destination sheet that centralizes all the data to be included in sheets 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with a header identical to all these same sheets, on 2 lines and 28 columns;
- Sheets 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: source sheets whose data is entered manually in compliance with the header shared on 2 lines and 28 columns;
- Sheets 7, 8, 9 and 10: different data to exclude.
My goal is quite simple actually (I believe): automate via VBA the pulling of data from sheets 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6:
- From line 3 to the last entry and from column 1 to column 28;
- Integrate the data copied on sheet 1;
- Integrate in the query a "Clear" of sheet 1 without touching the Header (so clear of line 3-last line entered & column 1 to 28).
To do this, I used the following query, but it does not satisfy my needs (the completion of the criteria was certainly done in a bad way by myself): although the header seems preserved, the data is scattered and is not sticked in the right place, part of the header of the source files is being pulled... in short, it's barely functionning.
Here is the query:
VBA Code:
Sub CopyFromMultiShts() Dim wsMain As Worksheet Dim wsExclude As Worksheet Dim rngColHeaders As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lngNextRow As Long Dim cel As Range Dim rngToFind As Range Dim rngDestin As Range Dim rngToCopy As Range Set wsMain = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'Edit "Main data" to your output worksheet name Set wsExclude = Worksheets("Sheet7") 'Edit "Exclude List" to worksheet with list of worksheets to exclude Set wsExclude = Worksheets("Sheet8") Set wsExclude = Worksheets("Sheet9") Set wsExclude = Worksheets("Sheet10") With wsMain 'Assign Column Headers of Main data sheet to a range variable Set rngColHeaders = .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)) '************************************************************************************** Rows("3:" & Rows.Count).ClearContents 'Optional to clear existing data first. '************************************************************************************** End With For Each ws In Worksheets 'Loop through worksheets If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wsExclude.Columns("A:A"), ws.Name) = 0 Then 'Equal zero then not in exclude list lngNextRow = LastRowOrCol(True, wsMain.Cells) + 1 'Next blank row in Main data worksheet With ws 'Assign column headers of source worksheet to a range variable Set rngColHeaders = .Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)) For Each cel In rngColHeaders 'Loop through column headers in source worksheet If WorksheetFunction.CountA(cel.EntireColumn) > 1 Then 'If more than column header data exists With wsMain 'Start of nested With/End With 'Search for column header in Main data worksheet Set rngToFind = .Rows(1).Find(What:=cel.Value, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ LookAt:=xlWhole, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False) If rngToFind Is Nothing Then GoTo SkipCopy 'If Nothing then column header not found so skip copy 'Next blank row in Main data (lngNextRow from above) and column where column header found Set rngDestin = .Cells(lngNextRow, rngToFind.Column) End With 'End nested With/End With 'Assign data from source worksheet to a range variable (From cell below column header to bottom of data) Set rngToCopy = .Range(cel.Offset(1, 3), .Cells(.Rows.Count, cel.Column).End(xlUp)) 'Copy column from source worksheet to Main data worksheet rngToCopy.Copy Destination:=rngDestin End IfSkipCopy: Next cel End With End If Next ws wsMain.Columns.AutoFit 'Optional codeEnd SubFunction LastRowOrCol(bolRowOrCol As Boolean, Optional rng As Range) As Long 'Finds the last used row or column in a worksheet 'First parameter is True for Last Row or False for last Column 'Third parameter is optional 'Must be specified if not ActiveSheet Dim lngRowCol As Long Dim rngToFind As Range If rng Is Nothing Then Set rng = ActiveSheet.Cells End If If bolRowOrCol Then lngRowCol = xlByRows Else lngRowCol = xlByColumns End If With rng Set rngToFind = rng.Find(What:="*", _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=lngRowCol, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False) End With If Not rngToFind Is Nothing Then If bolRowOrCol Then LastRowOrCol = rngToFind.Row Else LastRowOrCol = rngToFind.Column End If End IfEnd Function
I obtained this query from the web; it can certainly be simplified or rewritten for my needs.
If anyone can suggest any points of improvement or simplification on this query, I'm interested

Thanks for your help!