Thanks for Looking.
I Just bought a new computer with Window 7 - 64 and Office 2007 Suite.
I've been a XP / Office XP User for the last Decade Plus.
I have copied my folder of Excel and Word Documents from the Old to the New Computer. 2007 opens and displays my 2002 files just fine.
My XP/2002 has a number of important macros. I have Googled a Number of Searches hunting for instructions on transfering my macros from a 2002 to 2007 computer. I get some results about 2007 backwards, 2007 to another 2007 computer, some as an upgrade etc etc but nothing XP/2002 to 2007. I Tried search here too.
In reading other threads looking to learn something, I see new terms and file extensions etc , but I'm left without the knowledge I need of what to do to get them on the new computer to try and see what needs editing / fixing. Some talk of a file named - Some call the file a Template ?
I could really use some help to move my Macros from Computer A / XP-2002 to Computer B Win 7 - Office 2007.
Very Confused - Any help appreciated. - Again .. Thanks for looking
I Just bought a new computer with Window 7 - 64 and Office 2007 Suite.
I've been a XP / Office XP User for the last Decade Plus.
I have copied my folder of Excel and Word Documents from the Old to the New Computer. 2007 opens and displays my 2002 files just fine.
My XP/2002 has a number of important macros. I have Googled a Number of Searches hunting for instructions on transfering my macros from a 2002 to 2007 computer. I get some results about 2007 backwards, 2007 to another 2007 computer, some as an upgrade etc etc but nothing XP/2002 to 2007. I Tried search here too.
In reading other threads looking to learn something, I see new terms and file extensions etc , but I'm left without the knowledge I need of what to do to get them on the new computer to try and see what needs editing / fixing. Some talk of a file named - Some call the file a Template ?
I could really use some help to move my Macros from Computer A / XP-2002 to Computer B Win 7 - Office 2007.
Very Confused - Any help appreciated. - Again .. Thanks for looking