I am about to start on a new exercise and would liek a point in the
right direction. I dont want the full solution, but a "starter for
10" would help to get me going. I have sporadic experience with Excel
macros & VB (plus some Access experience), but as it is occasional a
lift to the first rung of the ladder will help:-
We have an old trouble ticket database and get an excel report from
it once a week, comprising (unique) issue number in one column and
then further data in the other columns.
Each week we take this report and add a couple of extra columns
(comments, priority etc) that do not exist in the database. At the
moment we take the data for the additional fields from "last weeks"
report and add it to the data just generated from the database to
create "this weeks" report - and we do this manually. (FWIW we then
review the new report & make further changes to the additional fields
as necessary)
I want to create a script that will merge the data from last weeks &
this weeks report for all issues that exist in both reports, and
also to flag issues that were in last weeks report but not in this
(i.e. closed issues) and vice versa (i.e. new issues)
There must be some examples out there of somehting similar that I can
build on?
right direction. I dont want the full solution, but a "starter for
10" would help to get me going. I have sporadic experience with Excel
macros & VB (plus some Access experience), but as it is occasional a
lift to the first rung of the ladder will help:-
We have an old trouble ticket database and get an excel report from
it once a week, comprising (unique) issue number in one column and
then further data in the other columns.
Each week we take this report and add a couple of extra columns
(comments, priority etc) that do not exist in the database. At the
moment we take the data for the additional fields from "last weeks"
report and add it to the data just generated from the database to
create "this weeks" report - and we do this manually. (FWIW we then
review the new report & make further changes to the additional fields
as necessary)
I want to create a script that will merge the data from last weeks &
this weeks report for all issues that exist in both reports, and
also to flag issues that were in last weeks report but not in this
(i.e. closed issues) and vice versa (i.e. new issues)
There must be some examples out there of somehting similar that I can
build on?