Sub GenChemSearchTempForm(NumBoxes As Integer)
'TempForm Generation: Generates a temporary CheckBox form
'Generates check boxes for approval then dumps them into the necessary worksheet
'NumBoxes = the number of check boxes for approval
'GenChemSearch = 2-D Array PUBLIC ARRAY
'The code allows 2 segments to the "checkbox.caption" parts "a" & "b"
'GenChemSearch(0,x)= row number (i.e. 452, or 586... ect: an integer value)
' Example: GenChemSearch(0, 7) = 589 an integer value
'GenChemSearch(1,x)= "caption part a"
' Example: GenChemSearch(1, 7) = Methane
'GenChemSearch(2,x)= "caption part b"
' Example: GenChemSearch(2, 7) = CH4
Dim TempForm 'As VBComponent/Object
Dim NewTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Dim NewCheckBox As MSForms.CheckBox
Dim NewCommandButton2 As MSForms.CommandButton 'button for "Okay" (write-to)
Dim NewCommandButton1 As MSForms.CommandButton 'button for "EXIT"
Dim x As Integer, i As Integer, dH As Integer
Dim formHeight As Long, TopPos As Long
'turn-off screen updating
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
'.EnableEvents = False
End With
' Create the UserForm
Set TempForm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(3) 'vbext_ct_MSForm the VBA object
dH = 18 'the height increment (dy) for checkboxes : NEEDS to be EVEN
formHeight = dH * (NumBoxes + 5) 'set form height
With TempForm 'Set-up main form
.Properties("Caption") = "Choose Chemicals"
.Properties("Width") = 250
If formHeight > 360 Then 'if greater than 15 boxes
.Properties("Height") = 360 'limit to 15 boxes
'ADD SCROLLBAR for large list
.Properties("ScrollBars") = 2 'vertical scroll bar on form
.Properties("ScrollTop") = 6 'top-position of the scroll bar
.Properties("ScrollLeft") = 235 'top-position of the scroll bar
.Properties("ScrollHeight") = formHeight + 10 'top-position of the scroll bar
.Properties("Height") = formHeight 'height from number of boxes wanted
End If
End With 'With TempForm
Set NewLabelBox = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.label.1") 'first lable box
With NewLabelBox 'first label box Lablebox =1
.Caption = "Which Chemicals are in the waste-stream ?"
.Width = 250
.Left = 8
.Height = 100 'initial height
.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
.Font.size = 12
.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.Top = 6 'the top position of question box
.AutoSize = True
End With 'With NewLabelBox
' Add the OptionButtons
TopPos = 30 'set the top position of the first checkbox
For i = 1 To NumBoxes 'begin the generation of the boxes & lables & such
Set NewCheckBox = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.checkbox.1") 'first checkbox
'Set NewCheckBox = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.label.1")
With NewCheckBox 'Input the Stream Info (Name & Chemical)
.Width = 240
.Caption = GenChemSearch(1, i) & " : " & GenChemSearch(2, i)
.Height = dH
.Left = 8
.Top = TopPos
.Tag = i '(i) tracks the tag integer for the boxes
.AutoSize = True
End With 'With NewCheckBox
TopPos = TopPos + dH
Next i
' Add the EXIT button
Set NewCommandButton1 = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1")
With NewCommandButton1
.Caption = "EXIT"
.Height = dH
.Width = 38
.Left = 180
.Top = TopPos + dH / 2
End With
' Add the OKAY button
Set NewCommandButton2 = TempForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1")
With NewCommandButton2
.Caption = "OKAY"
.Height = 21
.Width = 60
.Left = 36
.Top = TopPos + dH / 2
End With
' Add event-hander subs for the CommandButtons: Create the code for the Tempform
With TempForm.CodeModule
x = .CountOfLines 'counts lines of code in Tempform
' write sub for button 1: the EXIT
.InsertLines x + 5, "Sub CommandButton1_Click()"
' .InsertLines x + 10, " MsgBox (""Exiting Program"") "
' .InsertLines x + 15, " End" 'exit program
.InsertLines x + 15, " Unload Me" 'exit temp form
.InsertLines x + 20, "End Sub"
' write the subfunction for button 2, the Write-to (Okay) button
' use with user defined functions such, with unknown "tags" Writes a subfunction for button
.InsertLines x + 100, "Sub CommandButton2_Click()"
.InsertLines x + 105, " Dim i As Integer"
.InsertLines x + 110, " Dim NULLCnt As Integer"
.InsertLines x + 115, " Dim NumberOfChemicals As Long"
.InsertLines x + 120, " Dim RowCount As Integer"
.InsertLines x + 125, " Dim wsStIN As Worksheet"
.InsertLines x + 130, " Dim wsChem As Worksheet"
.InsertLines x + 135, " Set wsStIN = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(""Input Waste Stream"")"
.InsertLines x + 140, " Set wsChem = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(""Chem Data"")"
.InsertLines x + 145, " NumberOfChemicals =" & NumBoxes 'Last Row in wsOff, counts row A in sheet wsOff (no chemicals exist in lines 1-19)"
.InsertLines x + 150, " RowCount = wsStIN.Cells(Rows.Count, ""A"").End(xlUp).Row + 1" 'begin to copy info into Last available row
'Error check: Check for EMPTY input
.InsertLines x + 155, " NULLCnt=0"
.InsertLines x + 160, "For i = 1 To NumberOfChemicals"
.InsertLines x + 165, " If Me.Controls(""CheckBox"" & i).Value Then NULLCnt = NULLCnt + 1"
' if the combobox is checked, then NULLCnt <>0
.InsertLines x + 170, "Next i"
.InsertLines x + 175, " If NULLCnt=0 Then"
.InsertLines x + 180, " MsgBox (""Nothing was checked"")"
.InsertLines x + 185, " Unload Me"
.InsertLines x + 190, " Exit Sub"
.InsertLines x + 195, " End If"
.InsertLines x + 200, " With wsStIN" 'write to worksheet wsStIN
.InsertLines x + 201, " For i = 1 To " & NumBoxes 'number of chemicals found
.InsertLines x + 205, " If Me.Controls(""CheckBox"" & i).Value Then "
.InsertLines x + 210, " .Cells(RowCount,1).Value=GenChemSearch(1, i) " 'the chemical name
.InsertLines x + 215, " .Cells(RowCount,4).Value=GenChemSearch(2, i) " 'the chemical formula
.InsertLines x + 220, " .Cells(RowCount,3).Value=wsChem.Cells(GenChemSearch(0, i),4).Value" 'column 4 is gram/mole
.InsertLines x + 225, " .Cells(RowCount,2).Value=wsChem.Cells(GenChemSearch(0, i),2).Value" 'column 2 is CAS#
.InsertLines x + 230, " If IsNumeric(wsChem.Cells(GenChemSearch(0, i),14).Value) Then" 'the GenChemSearch(0, i)=(Row or Cell Number) : column 14 is HOC
.InsertLines x + 240, " .Cells(RowCount,7).Value=wsChem.Cells(GenChemSearch(0, i),14).Value" 'the GenChemSearch(0, i)=(Row or Cell Number) : column 14 is HOC
.InsertLines x + 250, " Else"
.InsertLines x + 260, " .Cells(RowCount,7).Value=0" 'if the value is non-numeric, the value is zero
.InsertLines x + 270, " End If" 'If IsNumeric(wsChem.Cells("...
.InsertLines x + 280, " RowCount=RowCount+1" 'the GenChemSearch(0, i)=(Row or Cell Number) : column 14 is HOC
.InsertLines x + 290, " End If" 'If Me.CheckBox" & i & ".Value
.InsertLines x + 290, "Next i" 'For i = 1 To NumBoxes
.InsertLines x + 300, " End With" 'wsStIN
' .InsertLines x + 301, "Set wsStIN = Nothing" 'wsStIN
' .InsertLines x + 302, "Set wsChem = Nothing" 'wsChem
.InsertLines x + 400, " Unload Me"
.InsertLines x + 500, "End Sub" 'end OKAY
End With 'With TempForm.CodeModule : TempForm.CodeModule
' Show the form
' Delete the form/s
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove VBComponent:=TempForm
'Remove assignments, reduce memory
'Set TempForm = Nothing
'Set NewTextBox = Nothing
'Set NewCheckBox = Nothing
'Set NewCommandButton2 = Nothing
'Set NewCommandButton1 = Nothing
End Sub