is when I realized I didn't want to go further down the path of obscurity that is higher level math. IMO, math divorced from logic leads to crazy people.
Oaktree, Joe
I'm sorry, you are right. It's really bad wording, it seems as if I was saying that you should not use logical thought which I agree would make the person crazy.
What I mean is that if you are dealing with infinite sets you must be very careful in the way you test and interpret your tests related to comparisons of "number of elements".
In fact, in plain English, does a sentence like this one make sense?
... you have a 1:many relationship of rationals:integers, which inherently shows that the set of integers is larger.
We are saying that both sets are infinite. What does it mean one of them is larger? If we lookup "infinite", for ex. in MW: " immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive ", in plain English it's difficult to understand, or to accept, that an infinite set is bigger or has more elements than another infinite set.
This means that if we really want to make this type of comparisons between infinite sets we must first define what we mean by being larger or having the same number of elements in this context. And that's where the mathematics of infinite sets enters, it's not that it's in someway preverting the usual rules of logic, that would make no sense. It simply lays out some definitions and creates a terminology that allows us to communicate as far as this "size" comparisons are related.
I personally think that the notion of the cardinality is quite simple and down to earth: If we can define a 1:1 relationship (a bijection) between the 2 sets, we say they have the same cardinality. This seems to me a good definition to allow us to say that 2 infinite sets are "the same size". In fact this relationship could also be applied to finite sets, to say that they have the same number of elements.
So when I say that the usual rules don't apply I simply mean that, in this context, an infinite set may be the same size as a part of it.
Ex: the set of naturals has the same cardinality ("is the same size") as the multiples of 3.
We can easily establish the relationship 1:1, in this case n<->3n. This means that we say that they have the same cardinality.
This is an example that shows that the usual rules for finite sets do not apply, we would be tempted to say that the first set is larger than the second one, as it includes all the elements of the second set and some more. But these are infinite sets and we can also easily understand that, in fact, for each element of the first set there's one corresponding element of the second set, so it makes sense (in this context of infinite sets) to say they are "the same size".
Since I cannot hope this is less boring, I hope it is at least clearer (if someone got this far ).