I'm looking for some help on a sales pipeline report I'm working on.
I have 1 worksheet that our sales team can enter their raw data and edit it as they move through different phases of the sales pipeline from Prospect to Quoted and finally to sold. On another worksheet, I'm trying to pull only the sold data in any given month (I have a drop down I can select for example June 2017, Oct 2017, etc).
My main columns are:
A - Pipeline Phase (Prospect, Quoted, Follow Up, Sold, Sold Split)
B - Date (Various months)
C - Company information
D - Sale Type (New Client, Existing Client, National Client)
E - Dollar Amount
So what I'm trying to do exactly is find a formula that will match Pipeline Phase - Sold, Date - Oct, Sale Type - New Client. One it's returned all that move on to Existing Client and then National Client. Then I need it to move through the 3 sales types for Pipeline Phase - Sold Split.
I can get it to return the data using a helper cell and vlookup, but with that it doesn't return in any sort of order and I end up with a big gap in space between sold and sold split because I have the vlookup formula for sold in the first 50 rows, then sold split in the next 50 rows.
I'm assuming some sort of index/match formula but my knowledge on those is limited.
I have 1 worksheet that our sales team can enter their raw data and edit it as they move through different phases of the sales pipeline from Prospect to Quoted and finally to sold. On another worksheet, I'm trying to pull only the sold data in any given month (I have a drop down I can select for example June 2017, Oct 2017, etc).
My main columns are:
A - Pipeline Phase (Prospect, Quoted, Follow Up, Sold, Sold Split)
B - Date (Various months)
C - Company information
D - Sale Type (New Client, Existing Client, National Client)
E - Dollar Amount
So what I'm trying to do exactly is find a formula that will match Pipeline Phase - Sold, Date - Oct, Sale Type - New Client. One it's returned all that move on to Existing Client and then National Client. Then I need it to move through the 3 sales types for Pipeline Phase - Sold Split.
I can get it to return the data using a helper cell and vlookup, but with that it doesn't return in any sort of order and I end up with a big gap in space between sold and sold split because I have the vlookup formula for sold in the first 50 rows, then sold split in the next 50 rows.
I'm assuming some sort of index/match formula but my knowledge on those is limited.