Macro to run as long as there is a value in column A


New Member
Jan 5, 2018
I have a Macro that was written by someone else. This is a Macro/VB module we use to scrub data so that it will cleanup a number of special characters and style tags. I have detected a bug that it will only run against a spreadsheet until it encounters the last blank line in column "B". It needs to run as long as there is a value present in column "A".

What happens is we have rows of data and for whatever reason a value is not needed any longer in Column B and yet there might be 10-100 more rows and those still need to be scrubbed for all the other columns of data. My cheating work around is to copy one of the top rows to the very last row in the file. I just wish I did not have to continue to do this.

Below is the macro and sample of a spreadsheet

Can someone help me get this to run to the last line of column A every time?

Sub cleanAttributes()

'* This macro will replace special characters with the Agility special
'* character tag.
'* It will also trim off any extra white-space characters at the beginning or
'* end of the text.
'* As written, this macro is expecting the text to be modified to be in Column B

Dim lrow, lcol As Long
Dim x, r, c As Long
Dim xCode As Long
Dim origString As String

lrow = Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).row
lcol = Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column

For x = 2 To lcol
Columns(x).NumberFormat = "@"
Next x

For r = 2 To lrow
For c = 2 To lcol
If Cells(r, c).value <> "" Then
origString = Cells(r, c).Text

origString = Trim(origString)

' Anything less than 32, remove
For I = 1 To 9
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(I), "")
Next I
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(13) & ChrW$(10), "<special id="" 70""="">") '
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(13), "<special id="" 70""="">") '
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(10), "<special id="" 70""="">") '
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(11), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(12), "")
For I = 14 To 31
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(I), "")
Next I

origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(37), "<special id="" 15""="">") '%
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(38), "<special id="" 64""="">") '&
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(64), "<special id="" 65""="">") '@
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(126), "<special id="" 22""="">") '~

' 128 to 159, remove
For I = 128 To 159
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(I), "")
Next I

origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(160), " ")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(161), "i")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(162), "<special id="" 68""="">") 'CENT
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(163), "<special id="" 78""="">") 'Pound (money)
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(164), "<special id="" 81""="">") 'Box
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(165), "<special id="" 27""="">") 'Yen
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(167), "<special id="" 19""="">") 'Section
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(169), "<special id="" 69""="">") 'Copyright
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(172), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(174), "<special id="" 18""="">") 'Registered Mark
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(176), "<special id="" 74""="">") 'Degree
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(177), "<special id="" 17""="">") 'Plus/Minus
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(178), "<style id="" 8""="">2</style>") 'Square
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(179), "<style id="" 8""="">3</style>") 'Cube
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(180), "'")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(181), "<special id="" 8""="">") 'Micro
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(182), "<special id="" 14""="">") 'Paragraph
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(183), "<special id="" 25""="">") 'Bullet
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(185), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(186), "<special id="" 230""="">") 'Ellipsis
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(188), "<fraction d="" 4""="" n="" 1""="">") '1/4
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(189), "<fraction d="" 2""="" n="" 1""="">") '1/2
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(190), "<fraction d="" 4""="" n="" 3""="">") '3/4
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(213), "'")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(214), "<special id="" 239""="">") 'O with umlaut
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(215), "<special id="" 23""="">") 'Times Symbol
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(216), "<special id="" 1""="">") 'Phi, Capital
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(220), "<special id="" 26""="">") 'U with Umlaut
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(233), "<special id="" 76""="">") 'E-accent
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(247), "<special id="" 75""="">") 'Division Sign
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(248), "<special id="" 2""="">") 'Phi, lower case
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(934), "<special id="" 2""="">") 'Phi, lower case
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(402), "<special id="" 219""="">") 'F latin
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(650), "<special id="" 11""="">") 'Omega
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(730), "<special id="" 74""="">") 'Degree
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(778), "0<special id="" 74""="">") 'Degree
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(913), "<special id="" 86""="">") 'Alpha
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(915), "<special id="" 91""="">") 'Gamma
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(916), "<special id="" 83""="">") 'Delta
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(920), "<special id="" 93""="">") 'Theta
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(923), "<special id="" 92""="">") 'Lambda
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(931), "<special id="" 240""="">") 'Sigma
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(937), "<special id="" 11""="">") 'Omega
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(945), "<special id="" 225""="">") ' Alpha LC
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(946), "<special id="" 20""="">") 'Beta
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(947), "<special id="" 91""="">") 'Gamma
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(949), "<special id="" 226""="">") 'Epsilon LC
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(951), "<special id="" 227""="">") 'Eta LC
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(952), "<special id="" 93""="">") 'Theta
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(955), "<special id="" 92""="">") 'Lambda
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(956), "<special id="" 8""="">") 'Micro
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(960), "<special id="" 16""="">") 'Pi
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(964), "<special id="" 224""="">") 'Tau LC
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8208), "<special id="" 9""="">") 'Minus
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8211), "<special id="" 9""="">") 'Minus
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8212), "<special id="" 7""="">") 'Long Dash
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8216), "<special id="" 13""="">") 'Quote Open Single
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8217), "<special id="" 71""="">") 'Quote Close Single
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8217), "<special id="" 82""="">") 'Apostrophe
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8220), "<special id="" 12""="">") 'Quotes Open Double
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8221), "<special id="" 4""="">") 'Inch Mark
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8221), "<special id="" 67""="">") 'Quotes Close Double
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8224), "<special id="" 72""="">") 'Dagger
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8225), "<special id="" 73""="">") 'Double Dagger
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8226), "<special id="" 25""="">") 'Bullet
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8230), "<special id="" 230""="">") 'Ellipsis
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8242), "<special id="" 77""="">") 'Foot Mark
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8304), "<special id="" 74""="">") 'Degree
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8482), "<special id="" 24""="">") 'Trademark
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8486), "<special id="" 11""="">") 'Omega
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8594), "<special id="" 229""="">") 'Arrow Rt.
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8709), "<special id="" 1""="">") 'Phi Capital
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8710), "<special id="" 90""="">") 'Differenetial
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8725), "<special id="" 223""="">") 'Fraction Slash
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8730), "<special id="" 21""="">") 'Square-root
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8734), "<special id="" 3""="">") 'Infinity
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8776), "<special id="" 63""="">") 'Approx. Equal
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8800), "<special id="" 10""="">") 'Not Equal
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8804), "<special id="" 5""="">") 'Less than or equal
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8805), "<special id="" 79""="">") 'Greater than or equal
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(9633), "<special id="" 81""="">") 'Box
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(9642), "<special id="" 234""="">") 'Square BLK
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(12289), ",")

origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(-97), "<special id="" 74""="">") 'Degree
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(8451), "<special id="" 74""="">C") 'DegreeC
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(-162), "<special id="" 22""="">") 'Tilde
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(-257), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(-1279), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(-3937), "<special id="" 81""="">") 'Box

origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(168), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(212), "")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(173), "-")
origString = Replace$(origString, ChrW$(-248), "(")

For x = 1 To Len(origString)
xStr = Mid(origString, x, 1)
xCode = AscW(xStr)
If xCode > 127 Or xCode < 32 Then Stop
Next x

Cells(r, c).value = origString
End If

Next c
Next r

End Sub

Sub removeBox()

Dim shSource As Worksheet
Dim x, lrow As Long

Set shSource = ActiveSheet

lrow = shSource.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row

For x = 1 To lrow
If AscW(Left(shSource.Cells(x, 1).value, 1)) = 1 Then
shSource.Cells(x, 1).NumberFormat = "@"
shSource.Cells(x, 1).value = Right(shSource.Cells(x, 1).value, Len(shSource.Cells(x, 1).value) - 1)
End If
Next x

End Sub

[TABLE="width: 500, align: left"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 1054"]
[TD]zz_Family Name[/TD]
[TD]zz_Web Overview[/TD]
[TD]GLS Family[/TD]
[TD]GLA Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell GLA Series - MICRO SWITCH Global Limit Switches:</style>

Honeywell’s MICRO SWITCH™ GLA Limit Switch Series is designed to global EN50041 standards and well suited for worldwide applications. The modular design (heads/actuators, bodies, and contact blocks) of the limit switch allows for rapid response to meet customer applications. The rugged die-cast metal housing of the switch is ideal for indoor and outdoor applications where a degree of IP or NEMA enclosure sealing is required. Normally closed snap-action contacts and normally closed slow-action contacts are positive opening

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Designed to EN50041 standard, 30 mm x 60 mm mounting
<special id="66"> Available as a standard body or plug-in body with same footprint
<special id="66"> Wide range of actuator heads and levers
<special id="66"> Side rotary switches factory set for CW and CCW actuation; field adjustable for CW only or CCW only
<special id="66"> Certified for global applications; UL/CSA (Americas/Canada), CE (Europe), CCC (Asia-Pacific)
<special id="66"> Conforms to IEC/EN 60947-5-1, EN45545-2 (GLA/GLF Series)
<special id="66"> Sealed to IP67 and NEMA/UL 1, 4, 12, and 13
<special id="66"> Operating temperatures as low as -40 °C to 85 °C [-40 °F to 185 °F]
<special id="66"> Multiple connectivity options to meet most applications: four different threaded conduits, micro-change connectors, minichange connectors, Deutsch style 4-pin connector
<special id="66"> One or two LED indicators available in switch body
<special id="66"> Single pole double throw, two pole single throw contact blocks (1NC/1NO, 2NC, 2NO) are galvanically (electrically) isolated (Zb) and designed with bifurcated contacts
<special id="66"> Two pole double throw contact block (2NC/2NO) has each pole galvanically (electrically) isolated (Zb)
<special id="66"> Normally closed contacts are positive opening , except center neutral style
<special id="66"> Contact blocks are available as snap action or slow action
<special id="66"> Analog output available with side rotary actuator
<special id="66"> Mechanical life up to 15 million operations

<style id="1">Applications:</style>
<special id="66"> Aerial lifts, boom lifts
<special id="66"> Automotive assembly lines and machining centers
<special id="66"> Agriculture equipment
<special id="66"> Conveyors
<special id="66"> Doors and apertures
<special id="66"> Material handling
<special id="66"> Machine tools
<special id="66"> Railroad locomotives and railroad signaling equipment
<special id="66"> Transportation hubs
<special id="66"> Valves</special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]GLS Family[/TD]
[TD]GLA Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell GLA Series - MICRO SWITCH Global Limit Switches:</style>

Honeywell’s MICRO SWITCH™ GLA Limit Switch Series is designed to global EN50041 standards and well suited for worldwide applications. The modular design (heads/actuators, bodies, and contact blocks) of the limit switch allows for rapid response to meet customer applications. The rugged die-cast metal housing of the switch is ideal for indoor and outdoor applications where a degree of IP or NEMA enclosure sealing is required. Normally closed snap-action contacts and normally closed slow-action contacts are positive opening

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Designed to EN50041 standard, 30 mm x 60 mm mounting
<special id="66"> Available as a standard body or plug-in body with same footprint
<special id="66"> Wide range of actuator heads and levers
<special id="66"> Side rotary switches factory set for CW and CCW actuation; field adjustable for CW only or CCW only
<special id="66"> Certified for global applications; UL/CSA (Americas/Canada), CE (Europe), CCC (Asia-Pacific)
<special id="66"> Conforms to IEC/EN 60947-5-1, EN45545-2 (GLA/GLF Series)
<special id="66"> Sealed to IP67 and NEMA/UL 1, 4, 12, and 13
<special id="66"> Operating temperatures as low as -40 °C to 85 °C [-40 °F to 185 °F]
<special id="66"> Multiple connectivity options to meet most applications: four different threaded conduits, micro-change connectors, minichange connectors, Deutsch style 4-pin connector
<special id="66"> One or two LED indicators available in switch body
<special id="66"> Single pole double throw, two pole single throw contact blocks (1NC/1NO, 2NC, 2NO) are galvanically (electrically) isolated (Zb) and designed with bifurcated contacts
<special id="66"> Two pole double throw contact block (2NC/2NO) has each pole galvanically (electrically) isolated (Zb)
<special id="66"> Normally closed contacts are positive opening , except center neutral style
<special id="66"> Contact blocks are available as snap action or slow action
<special id="66"> Analog output available with side rotary actuator
<special id="66"> Mechanical life up to 15 million operations

<style id="1">Applications:</style>
<special id="66"> Aerial lifts, boom lifts
<special id="66"> Automotive assembly lines and machining centers
<special id="66"> Agriculture equipment
<special id="66"> Conveyors
<special id="66"> Doors and apertures
<special id="66"> Material handling
<special id="66"> Machine tools
<special id="66"> Railroad locomotives and railroad signaling equipment
<special id="66"> Transportation hubs
<special id="66"> Valves</special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series Family[/TD]
[TD]BA Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell BZ | BA | BM | BE | 6AS Series - MICRO SWITCH Premium Large Basic Switches:</style>

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable, MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series features precise operating characteristics and enhanced life. These premium, large snap-action switches offer precision operation and sensitive differential travel. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and quality controls, Honeywell has engineered premium, large snap-action switches that meet various international agency requirements. Some models have military qualifications. MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series are often used for precision on/off applications, as well as end of limit, presence/absence, and manual operator interface functions. Their engineered design is suitable for various application needs. Configured options with BZ, BA, BM, and BE switches provide a wide variety of operating and interface characteristics. The MICRO SWITCH™ 6AS Series consists of two large premium BZ/BA/BM/BE snap-action switches ganged together and actuated by a single actuator. Field adjustable operating point is an option for one or both switches.

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Industry-leading temperature range for options up to 204 °C [400 °F] and temperatures as low as -55 °C [-67 °F]
<special id="66"> Exclusive current carrying capability of up to 25 A
<special id="66"> International approvals: UL, CSA, ENEC, CE listings
<special id="66"> Options for circuitry, styles, connection types and a wide selection of actuator styles
<special id="66"> Dependable performance - tested up to 20 million mechanical cycles
<special id="66"> MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 75 years of engineering excellence and experience
<special id="66"> MIL-PRF-8805 switches available for military-specified applications</special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series Family[/TD]
[TD]BA Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell BZ | BA | BM | BE | 6AS Series - MICRO SWITCH Premium Large Basic Switches:</style>

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable, MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series features precise operating characteristics and enhanced life. These premium, large snap-action switches offer precision operation and sensitive differential travel. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and quality controls, Honeywell has engineered premium, large snap-action switches that meet various international agency requirements. Some models have military qualifications. MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series are often used for precision on/off applications, as well as end of limit, presence/absence, and manual operator interface functions. Their engineered design is suitable for various application needs. Configured options with BZ, BA, BM, and BE switches provide a wide variety of operating and interface characteristics. The MICRO SWITCH™ 6AS Series consists of two large premium BZ/BA/BM/BE snap-action switches ganged together and actuated by a single actuator. Field adjustable operating point is an option for one or both switches.

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Industry-leading temperature range for options up to 204 °C [400 °F] and temperatures as low as -55 °C [-67 °F]
<special id="66"> Exclusive current carrying capability of up to 25 A
<special id="66"> International approvals: UL, CSA, ENEC, CE listings
<special id="66"> Options for circuitry, styles, connection types and a wide selection of actuator styles
<special id="66"> Dependable performance - tested up to 20 million mechanical cycles
<special id="66"> MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 75 years of engineering excellence and experience
<special id="66"> MIL-PRF-8805 switches available for military-specified applications</special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series Family[/TD]
[TD]BE Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell BZ | BA | BM | BE | 6AS Series - MICRO SWITCH Premium Large Basic Switches:</style>

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable, MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series features precise operating characteristics and enhanced life. These premium, large snap-action switches offer precision operation and sensitive differential travel. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and quality controls, Honeywell has engineered premium, large snap-action switches that meet various international agency requirements. Some models have military qualifications. MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series are often used for precision on/off applications, as well as end of limit, presence/absence, and manual operator interface functions. Their engineered design is suitable for various application needs. Configured options with BZ, BA, BM, and BE switches provide a wide variety of operating and interface characteristics. The MICRO SWITCH™ 6AS Series consists of two large premium BZ/BA/BM/BE snap-action switches ganged together and actuated by a single actuator. Field adjustable operating point is an option for one or both switches.

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Industry-leading temperature range for options up to 204 °C [400 °F] and temperatures as low as -55 °C [-67 °F]
<special id="66"> Exclusive current carrying capability of up to 25 A
<special id="66"> International approvals: UL, CSA, ENEC, CE listings
<special id="66"> Options for circuitry, styles, connection types and a wide selection of actuator styles
<special id="66"> Dependable performance - tested up to 20 million mechanical cycles
<special id="66"> MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 75 years of engineering excellence and experience
<special id="66"> MIL-PRF-8805 switches available for military-specified applications</special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]BM Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell BZ | BA | BM | BE | 6AS Series - MICRO SWITCH Premium Large Basic Switches:</style>

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable, MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series features precise operating characteristics and enhanced life. These premium, large snap-action switches offer precision operation and sensitive differential travel. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and quality controls, Honeywell has engineered premium, large snap-action switches that meet various international agency requirements. Some models have military qualifications. MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series are often used for precision on/off applications, as well as end of limit, presence/absence, and manual operator interface functions. Their engineered design is suitable for various application needs. Configured options with BZ, BA, BM, and BE switches provide a wide variety of operating and interface characteristics. The MICRO SWITCH™ 6AS Series consists of two large premium BZ/BA/BM/BE snap-action switches ganged together and actuated by a single actuator. Field adjustable operating point is an option for one or both switches.

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Industry-leading temperature range for options up to 204 °C [400 °F] and temperatures as low as -55 °C [-67 °F]
<special id="66"> Exclusive current carrying capability of up to 25 A
<special id="66"> International approvals: UL, CSA, ENEC, CE listings
<special id="66"> Options for circuitry, styles, connection types and a wide selection of actuator styles
<special id="66"> Dependable performance - tested up to 20 million mechanical cycles
<special id="66"> MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 75 years of engineering excellence and experience
<special id="66"> MIL-PRF-8805 switches available for military-specified applications</special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series Family[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell BZ | BA | BM | BE | 6AS Series - MICRO SWITCH Premium Large Basic Switches:</style>

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable, MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series features precise operating characteristics and enhanced life. These premium, large snap-action switches offer precision operation and sensitive differential travel. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and quality controls, Honeywell has engineered premium, large snap-action switches that meet various international agency requirements. Some models have military qualifications. MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series are often used for precision on/off applications, as well as end of limit, presence/absence, and manual operator interface functions. Their engineered design is suitable for various application needs. Configured options with BZ, BA, BM, and BE switches provide a wide variety of operating and interface characteristics. The MICRO SWITCH™ 6AS Series consists of two large premium BZ/BA/BM/BE snap-action switches ganged together and actuated by a single actuator. Field adjustable operating point is an option for one or both switches.

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Industry-leading temperature range for options up to 204 °C [400 °F] and temperatures as low as -55 °C [-67 °F]
<special id="66"> Exclusive current carrying capability of up to 25 A
<special id="66"> International approvals: UL, CSA, ENEC, CE listings
<special id="66"> Options for circuitry, styles, connection types and a wide selection of actuator styles
<special id="66"> Dependable performance - tested up to 20 million mechanical cycles
<special id="66"> MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 75 years of engineering excellence and experience
<special id="66"> MIL-PRF-8805 switches available for military-specified applications</special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series Family[/TD]
[TD]BZ Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell BZ | BA | BM | BE | 6AS Series - MICRO SWITCH Premium Large Basic Switches:</style>

Accurate, reliable, and repeatable, MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series features precise operating characteristics and enhanced life. These premium, large snap-action switches offer precision operation and sensitive differential travel. Utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and quality controls, Honeywell has engineered premium, large snap-action switches that meet various international agency requirements. Some models have military qualifications. MICRO SWITCH™ BZ/BA/BM/BE Series are often used for precision on/off applications, as well as end of limit, presence/absence, and manual operator interface functions. Their engineered design is suitable for various application needs. Configured options with BZ, BA, BM, and BE switches provide a wide variety of operating and interface characteristics. The MICRO SWITCH™ 6AS Series consists of two large premium BZ/BA/BM/BE snap-action switches ganged together and actuated by a single actuator. Field adjustable operating point is an option for one or both switches.

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Industry-leading temperature range for options up to 204 °C [400 °F] and temperatures as low as -55 °C [-67 °F]
<special id="66"> Exclusive current carrying capability of up to 25 A
<special id="66"> International approvals: UL, CSA, ENEC, CE listings
<special id="66"> Options for circuitry, styles, connection types and a wide selection of actuator styles
<special id="66"> Dependable performance - tested up to 20 million mechanical cycles
<special id="66"> MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 75 years of engineering excellence and experience
<special id="66"> MIL-PRF-8805 switches available for military-specified applications</special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]It will stop after this cell[/TD]
[TD]PX3 Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell PX3 Series - Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers - 1 bar to 50 bar | 15 psi to 700 psi:</style>

Honeywell’s PX3 Series Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers use piezoresistive-sensing technology with ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) signal conditioning in a brass housing and Metri-Pack 150 or cable harness electrical connections. The PX3 Series are fully calibrated and temperature compensated from -40°C to 125°C [-40°F to 257°F].

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Pressure range: 1 bar to 50 bar | 15 psi to 700 psi (absolute and sealed gage)
<special id="66"> Ratiometric output: 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc or 0.33 Vdc to 2.97 Vdc
<special id="66"> Fully calibrated and temperature compensated
<special id="66"> Total Error Band: ±1.0 %FSS from -20°C to 85°C [-4°F to 185°F]
<special id="66"> External freeze/thaw resistance: 6 cycles from -30°C to 50°C [-22°F to 122°F]
<special id="66"> Insulation resistance: >100 MOhm, 1500 Vdc (in dry, nonionized air)
<special id="66"> Dielectric strength: AC1500V, 1 min. or AC1800V, 1 s (in dry, nonionized air)
<special id="66"> Current consumption: 3.5 mA max.
<special id="66"> EMC (radiated immunity): 200 V/m per ISO 11452-2
<special id="66"> Ingress protection IP67 (Metri-Pack 150), IP69K (cable harness)
<special id="66"> Response time: <2 ms
<special id="66"> RoHS, REACH, and CE compliant
<special id="66"> Six industry-standard pressure port types, including a tube port which provides for hermetically-sealed process connection

<style id="1">Applications:</style>
<special id="66"> Industrial: Refrigerant pressure monitoring in HVAC/R systems; air compressor system pressure
<special id="66"> Transportation: Air system monitoring; hydraulic oil pressure monitoring</special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]PX3 Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell PX3 Series - Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers - 1 bar to 50 bar | 15 psi to 700 psi:</style>

Honeywell’s PX3 Series Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers use piezoresistive-sensing technology with ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) signal conditioning in a brass housing and Metri-Pack 150 or cable harness electrical connections. The PX3 Series are fully calibrated and temperature compensated from -40°C to 125°C [-40°F to 257°F].

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Pressure range: 1 bar to 50 bar | 15 psi to 700 psi (absolute and sealed gage)
<special id="66"> Ratiometric output: 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc or 0.33 Vdc to 2.97 Vdc
<special id="66"> Fully calibrated and temperature compensated
<special id="66"> Total Error Band: ±1.0 %FSS from -20°C to 85°C [-4°F to 185°F]
<special id="66"> External freeze/thaw resistance: 6 cycles from -30°C to 50°C [-22°F to 122°F]
<special id="66"> Insulation resistance: >100 MOhm, 1500 Vdc (in dry, nonionized air)
<special id="66"> Dielectric strength: AC1500V, 1 min. or AC1800V, 1 s (in dry, nonionized air)
<special id="66"> Current consumption: 3.5 mA max.
<special id="66"> EMC (radiated immunity): 200 V/m per ISO 11452-2
<special id="66"> Ingress protection IP67 (Metri-Pack 150), IP69K (cable harness)
<special id="66"> Response time: <2 ms
<special id="66"> RoHS, REACH, and CE compliant
<special id="66"> Six industry-standard pressure port types, including a tube port which provides for hermetically-sealed process connection

<style id="1">Applications:</style>
<special id="66"> Industrial: Refrigerant pressure monitoring in HVAC/R systems; air compressor system pressure
<special id="66"> Transportation: Air system monitoring; hydraulic oil pressure monitoring</special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]
[TD]PX3 Series[/TD]
[TD]<style id="1">Honeywell PX3 Series - Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers - 1 bar to 50 bar | 15 psi to 700 psi:</style>

Honeywell’s PX3 Series Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers use piezoresistive-sensing technology with ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) signal conditioning in a brass housing and Metri-Pack 150 or cable harness electrical connections. The PX3 Series are fully calibrated and temperature compensated from -40°C to 125°C [-40°F to 257°F].

<style id="1">Features:</style>
<special id="66"> Pressure range: 1 bar to 50 bar | 15 psi to 700 psi (absolute and sealed gage)
<special id="66"> Ratiometric output: 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc or 0.33 Vdc to 2.97 Vdc
<special id="66"> Fully calibrated and temperature compensated
<special id="66"> Total Error Band: ±1.0 %FSS from -20°C to 85°C [-4°F to 185°F]
<special id="66"> External freeze/thaw resistance: 6 cycles from -30°C to 50°C [-22°F to 122°F]
<special id="66"> Insulation resistance: >100 MOhm, 1500 Vdc (in dry, nonionized air)
<special id="66"> Dielectric strength: AC1500V, 1 min. or AC1800V, 1 s (in dry, nonionized air)
<special id="66"> Current consumption: 3.5 mA max.
<special id="66"> EMC (radiated immunity): 200 V/m per ISO 11452-2
<special id="66"> Ingress protection IP67 (Metri-Pack 150), IP69K (cable harness)
<special id="66"> Response time: <2 ms
<special id="66"> RoHS, REACH, and CE compliant
<special id="66"> Six industry-standard pressure port types, including a tube port which provides for hermetically-sealed process connection

<style id="1">Applications:</style>
<special id="66"> Industrial: Refrigerant pressure monitoring in HVAC/R systems; air compressor system pressure
<special id="66"> Transportation: Air system monitoring; hydraulic oil pressure monitoring</special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special></special>[/TD]

This line is telling your code to determine the last row by column 2 (or B)
[COLOR=#333333]lrow = Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).row[/COLOR]

Maybe change it to
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]lrow = Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row[/B][/COLOR]
which is A and try again?
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