Hi Excel Gurus 
I am working on a macro allowing me to insert a picture into a cell activated with a button. I'd like to find out how this could be done. After clicking on a button "Insert Drawing" a generic windows dialog box should pop up asking me to select a picture I'd like to insert. After selecting required picture it would be inserted into a cell with resizing option to match cell width but locked aspect ration (cell height would adjust to keep original aspect ratio). Inserted picture need to be moving and scaling with cells. Please help

I am working on a macro allowing me to insert a picture into a cell activated with a button. I'd like to find out how this could be done. After clicking on a button "Insert Drawing" a generic windows dialog box should pop up asking me to select a picture I'd like to insert. After selecting required picture it would be inserted into a cell with resizing option to match cell width but locked aspect ration (cell height would adjust to keep original aspect ratio). Inserted picture need to be moving and scaling with cells. Please help