Macro to delete row if doesn't contain certain text


New Member
Nov 6, 2010

I am in need of what seems to be a fairly simple macro, which will delete (and shift up) any row that does not contain the text "IP-0000063409" in column E.

Thanks very much!
Here's another approach:

Sub srr797()
Dim lr As Long
Dim i As Long

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row

    For i = lr To 2 Step -1
        If Range("E" & i) <> "IP-0000063409" Then
            Range("E" & i).EntireRow.Delete
        End If
    Next i

End Sub

Thanks... this method works, it just takes quite a while... is there any way to make it run quicker?

Thanks again!
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Excel Facts

How can you automate Excel?
Press Alt+F11 from Windows Excel to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
That's odd - it worked fine for me :confused:

Are there any trailing spaces either before and/or after each entry in Col E? If you also want to include Row 1, simply change the 'lngRowStart' variable.

Robert, after reviewing your question; yes there is one space after the entry. hope that helps.

Thanks for your time!
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Thanks... this method works, it just takes quite a while... is there any way to make it run quicker?

Thanks again!

You could turn the screenupdating off. Don't know if it will make that much of a difference:

Sub srr797()
Dim lr As Long
Dim i As Long

Application.Screenupdating = False

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row

    For i = lr To 2 Step -1
        If Range("E" & i) <> "IP-0000063409" Then
            Range("E" & i).EntireRow.Delete
        End If
    Next i

Application.Screenupdating = True

End Sub
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For that size, try this:

Sub Macro2()
    '//Declare variables//
    Dim varDelItem As Variant
    Dim lngRowStart As Long, _
        lngRowLast As Long, _
        lngRowActive As Long
    Dim strMyCol As String
    Dim rngDelRange As Range
    '//Set variables//
    varDelItem = "IP-0000063409"
    lngRowStart = 2 'Initial data row.  Change to suit.
    strMyCol = "E" 'Column containing relevant data.  Change to suit.
    lngRowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, strMyCol).End(xlUp).Row
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For lngRowActive = lngRowStart To lngRowLast
        If Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol) <> varDelItem Then
            'Cater for initial setting of 'rngDelRange' range
            If rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set rngDelRange = Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)
                Set rngDelRange = Union(rngDelRange, Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol))
            End If
        End If
    Next lngRowActive
    'If the 'rngDelRange' range has been set (i.e. has something in it), then...
    If Not rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
        '...delete the rows within it.
        rngDelRange.EntireRow.Delete xlShiftUp
        '...inform the user that no rows are to be deleted as there was no _
        matching criteria in the dataset.
        MsgBox "No rows were deleted as every Row in Column " & strMyCol & " matched """ & varDelItem & """.", vbExclamation, "Delete Row Editor"
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I got this to work! Just added a space after "IP-0000063409" in the code

Have one more question though... how can I modify this to add in other variable. For example if I wanted this to not delete IP-0000063408 and IP-0000063407
Upvote 0
Hi srr797,

Try this (initially on a copy of your data in case the results are not as expected) which automatically removes any trailing spaces and uses two criteria. Note that even on large datasets this code will be quite fast as it deletes all the required rows in one go as opposed to a row at a time:

Sub Macro2()
    '//Declare variables//
    Dim varDelItem1 As Variant, _
        varDelItem2 As Variant
    Dim lngRowStart As Long, _
        lngRowLast As Long, _
        lngRowActive As Long
    Dim strMyCol As String
    Dim rngDelRange As Range
    '//Set variables//
    varDelItem1 = "IP-0000063407"
    varDelItem2 = "IP-0000063408"
    lngRowStart = 2 'Initial data row.  Change to suit.
    strMyCol = "E" 'Column containing relevant data.  Change to suit.
    lngRowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, strMyCol).End(xlUp).Row
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For lngRowActive = lngRowStart To lngRowLast
        If Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem1 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem2 Then
            'Cater for initial setting of 'rngDelRange' range
            If rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set rngDelRange = Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)
                Set rngDelRange = Union(rngDelRange, Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol))
            End If
        End If
    Next lngRowActive
    'If the 'rngDelRange' range has been set (i.e. has something in it), then...
    If Not rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
        '...delete the rows within it.
        rngDelRange.EntireRow.Delete xlShiftUp
        '...inform the user that no rows are to be deleted as there was no _
        matching criteria in the dataset.
        MsgBox "No rows were deleted as every applicable row in Column " & strMyCol & " matched """ & varDelItem1 & """" & " and """ & varDelItem2 & """.", vbExclamation, "Delete Row Editor"
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Last edited:
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Hi srr797,

Try this (initially on a copy of your data in case the results are not as expected) which automatically removes any trailing spaces and uses two criteria. Note that even on large datasets this code will be quite fast as it deletes all the required rows in one go as opposed to a row at a time:

Sub Macro2()
    '//Declare variables//
    Dim varDelItem1 As Variant, _
        varDelItem2 As Variant
    Dim lngRowStart As Long, _
        lngRowLast As Long, _
        lngRowActive As Long
    Dim strMyCol As String
    Dim rngDelRange As Range
    '//Set variables//
    varDelItem1 = "IP-0000063407"
    varDelItem2 = "IP-0000063408"
    lngRowStart = 2 'Initial data row.  Change to suit.
    strMyCol = "E" 'Column containing relevant data.  Change to suit.
    lngRowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, strMyCol).End(xlUp).Row
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For lngRowActive = lngRowStart To lngRowLast
        If Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem1 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem2 Then
            'Cater for initial setting of 'rngDelRange' range
            If rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set rngDelRange = Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)
                Set rngDelRange = Union(rngDelRange, Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol))
            End If
        End If
    Next lngRowActive
    'If the 'rngDelRange' range has been set (i.e. has something in it), then...
    If Not rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
        '...delete the rows within it.
        rngDelRange.EntireRow.Delete xlShiftUp
        '...inform the user that no rows are to be deleted as there was no _
        matching criteria in the dataset.
        MsgBox "No rows were deleted as every applicable row in Column " & strMyCol & " matched """ & varDelItem1 & """" & " and """ & varDelItem2 & """.", vbExclamation, "Delete Row Editor"
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


Works perfectly! Thanks so much for your time and help! It also works much faster than some of the other codes I received. Thanks again
Upvote 0
Works perfectly! Thanks so much for your time and help! It also works much faster than some of the other codes I received. Thanks again

You're welcome :)
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Is there an alternative which also works on a sheet containing many rows ( 200.000 > rows > 100.000 )? I tried the code from Trebor76 but excel won't respond after applying the macro.
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Thanks, Trebor!

Is there a way to include a larger number of variables? I took your example above and added 6 more variables trying check column AB in my file and am getting a Run-Time error '13': Type mismatch at the "If Trim(Cells..." area.


Sub Macro2()
    '//Declare variables//
    Dim varDelItem1 As Variant, _
        varDelItem2 As Variant, _
        varDelItem3 As Variant, _
        varDelItem4 As Variant, _
        varDelItem5 As Variant, _
        varDelItem6 As Variant, _
        varDelItem7 As Variant, _
        varDelItem8 As Variant
    Dim lngRowStart As Long, _
        lngRowLast As Long, _
        lngRowActive As Long
    Dim strMyCol As String
    Dim rngDelRange As Range
    '//Set variables//
    varDelItem1 = "Level 1"
    varDelItem2 = "Level 2"
    varDelItem3 = "Level 3"
    varDelItem4 = "Level 4"
    varDelItem5 = "Level 5"
    varDelItem6 = "Level 6"
    varDelItem7 = "Level 7"
    varDelItem8 = "Level 8"
    lngRowStart = 2 'Initial data row.  Change to suit.
    strMyCol = "AB" 'Column containing relevant data.  Change to suit.
    lngRowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, strMyCol).End(xlUp).Row
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For lngRowActive = lngRowStart To lngRowLast
        If Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem1 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem2 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem3 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem4 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem5 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem6 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem7 And _
           Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem8 Then
            'Cater for initial setting of 'rngDelRange' range
            If rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set rngDelRange = Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)
                Set rngDelRange = Union(rngDelRange, Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol))
            End If
        End If
    Next lngRowActive
    'If the 'rngDelRange' range has been set (i.e. has something in it), then...
    If Not rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
        '...delete the rows within it.
        rngDelRange.EntireRow.Delete xlShiftUp
        '...inform the user that no rows are to be deleted as there was no _
        matching criteria in the dataset.
        MsgBox "No rows were deleted as every applicable row in Column " & strMyCol & " matched """ & varDelItem1 & """" & " and """ & varDelItem2 & """.", vbExclamation, "Delete Row Editor"
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Hi iufreak,

Welcome to MrExcel!!

I'd say there's a formula or reference error (i.e. #DIV/0 or #REF!) in the range.

Assuming that is the case, this will do the job:

Option Explicit
Sub Macro2()
    '//Declare variables//
    Dim varDelItem1 As Variant, _
        varDelItem2 As Variant, _
        varDelItem3 As Variant, _
        varDelItem4 As Variant, _
        varDelItem5 As Variant, _
        varDelItem6 As Variant, _
        varDelItem7 As Variant, _
        varDelItem8 As Variant
    Dim lngRowStart As Long, _
        lngRowLast As Long, _
        lngRowActive As Long
    Dim strMyCol As String
    Dim rngDelRange As Range
    '//Set variables//
    varDelItem1 = "Level 1"
    varDelItem2 = "Level 2"
    varDelItem3 = "Level 3"
    varDelItem4 = "Level 4"
    varDelItem5 = "Level 5"
    varDelItem6 = "Level 6"
    varDelItem7 = "Level 7"
    varDelItem8 = "Level 8"
    lngRowStart = 2 'Initial data row.  Change to suit.
    strMyCol = "AB" 'Column containing relevant data.  Change to suit.
    lngRowLast = Cells(Rows.Count, strMyCol).End(xlUp).Row
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For lngRowActive = lngRowStart To lngRowLast
        If IsError(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) = True Then
            'Cater for initial setting of 'rngDelRange' range
            If rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set rngDelRange = Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)
                Set rngDelRange = Union(rngDelRange, Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol))
            End If
           If Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem1 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem2 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem3 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem4 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem5 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem6 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem7 And _
              Trim(Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)) <> varDelItem8 Then
                'Cater for initial setting of 'rngDelRange' range
                If rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
                    Set rngDelRange = Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol)
                    Set rngDelRange = Union(rngDelRange, Cells(lngRowActive, strMyCol))
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next lngRowActive
    'If the 'rngDelRange' range has been set (i.e. has something in it), then...
    If Not rngDelRange Is Nothing Then
        '...delete the rows within it.
        rngDelRange.EntireRow.Delete xlShiftUp
        '...inform the user that no rows are to be deleted.
        MsgBox "No rows were deleted.", vbExclamation, "Delete Row Editor"
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


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