Option Explicit
Option Base 0
'used in delete char function
Public Enum whatOperation
remNumbers = 1
remAlpha = 2
remNonNumbers = 4
remNonAlpha = 8
remNonPrintable = 16
remOnlyCustom = 32
End Enum
'used in a few range functions
Public Enum cornerCell
leftTop = 0
rightTop = 1
leftBottom = 2
rightBottom = 3
End Enum
'sub to operate on all cells in a range
Sub delChars(rng As Range, _
Optional whatOp As whatOperation = remNonPrintable, _
Optional excludeChrs As String, _
Optional includeChrs As String, _
Optional tst As Boolean)
Dim enumArr As Variant, tmpVar As Variant
Dim boolEnum() As Boolean, fTest As Boolean, boolByte(0 To 255) As Boolean
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, ubnd2 As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim bArr() As Byte
Const numEnums = 6 'number of possible enum vals
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If rng Is Nothing Then GoTo exitFunc 'just exits when no valid input
Set rng = rUsedrange(rng) 'custom function, makes sure only searching used range
'get array of component powers
enumArr = splitEnums(whatOp, fTest)
If Not fTest Then GoTo exitFunc
'set boolean array (array just to add some convenience)
'note that if a value other than specified enumerated vals are entered this will error
ReDim boolEnum(0 To numEnums - 1)
For Each tmpVar In enumArr
boolEnum(tmpVar) = True
'check if all chars are deleted
If boolEnum(0) Then
If boolEnum(2) Then
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
If boolEnum(3) Then
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
End If
'messy bit
'sets "exclude" bytes to true
If excludeChrs <> vbNullString Then
bArr = excludeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = True
ElseIf boolEnum(5) Then '5 is only custom
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
If Not boolEnum(5) Then
If boolEnum(0) Then
For i = 48 To 57
boolByte(i) = True
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
For i = 65 To 90
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(i + 32) = True
End If
'non numeric
If boolEnum(2) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 48 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 57 Then
boolByte(i) = True
Else: i = i + 9
End If
End If
'non alpha
If boolEnum(3) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 65 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 90 Then
If i < 97 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 122 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
End If
'non printable (these are preference based to some extent)
If boolEnum(4) Then
For i = 0 To 31
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(127) = True
boolByte(129) = True
boolByte(141) = True
boolByte(143) = True
boolByte(144) = True
boolByte(157) = True
End If
End If
'Include str gets preference over exclude
If includeChrs <> vbNullString Then
bArr = includeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = False
End If
'end of messy bit
'set array from range
If rng.Cells.Count > 1 Then
tmpVar = rng.Value2
ReDim tmpVar(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
tmpVar(1, 1) = rng.Value2
End If
'get ubound save a bit of time if lots of rows
ubnd2 = UBound(tmpVar, 2)
'main loop
If ubnd2 <> 1 Then 'this test saves an extremely small amount of time, could remove
For i = 1 To UBound(tmpVar)
For j = 1 To ubnd2
bArr = CStr(tmpVar(i, j))
For k = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
If Not boolByte(bArr(k)) Then bArr(tCnt) = bArr(k): tCnt = tCnt + 2
If tCnt < UBound(bArr) Then tmpVar(i, j) = LeftB$(bArr, tCnt)
tCnt = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(tmpVar)
bArr = CStr(tmpVar(i, 1))
For k = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
If Not boolByte(bArr(k)) Then bArr(tCnt) = bArr(k): tCnt = tCnt + 2
If tCnt < UBound(bArr) Then tmpVar(i, 1) = LeftB$(bArr, tCnt)
tCnt = 0
End If
'set array back into range
rng.Value2 = tmpVar
'set tst var to true as no errors occurred
tst = True
End Sub
'can be used as a UDF in a spreadsheet, operates on a single string (cell)
Function delCharsSN(inString As String, _
Optional whatOp As whatOperation = remNonPrintable, _
Optional excludeChrs As String, _
Optional includeChrs As String, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As String
Dim enumArr As Variant, tmpVar As Variant
Dim boolEnum() As Boolean, fTest As Boolean, boolByte(0 To 255) As Boolean
Dim i As Long, k As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim bArr() As Byte
'number of possible enum vals
Const numEnums = 6
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If inString = vbNullString Then GoTo exitFunc
'get array of component powers
enumArr = splitEnums(whatOp, fTest)
If Not fTest Then GoTo exitFunc
'set boolean array\ (array just to add some convenience)
'note that if a value other than specified enumerated vals are entered this will error
ReDim boolEnum(0 To numEnums - 1)
For Each tmpVar In enumArr
boolEnum(tmpVar) = True
'check if all chars are deleted
If boolEnum(0) Then
If boolEnum(2) Then
delCharsSN = vbNullString
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
If boolEnum(3) Then
delCharsSN = vbNullString
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
End If
'messy bit
'get other chrs
If excludeChrs <> vbNullString Then
bArr = excludeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = True
ElseIf boolEnum(5) Then
delCharsSN = inString
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
If Not boolEnum(5) Then
If boolEnum(0) Then
For i = 48 To 57
boolByte(i) = True
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
For i = 65 To 90
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(i + 32) = True
End If
'non numeric
If boolEnum(2) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 48 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 57 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
'non alpha
If boolEnum(3) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 65 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 90 Then
If i < 97 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 122 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
End If
'non printable
If boolEnum(4) Then
For i = 0 To 31
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(127) = True
boolByte(129) = True
boolByte(141) = True
boolByte(143) = True
boolByte(144) = True
boolByte(157) = True
End If
'end of messy bit
End If
'get other chrs
If includeChrs <> vbNullString Then
bArr = includeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = False
End If
bArr = inString
For k = 0 To LenB(inString) - 1 Step 2
If Not boolByte(bArr(k)) Then bArr(tCnt) = bArr(k): tCnt = tCnt + 2
If tCnt = k Then delCharsSN = inString Else delCharsSN = LeftB$(bArr, tCnt)
tst = True
End Function
'changes a string passed by ref, does not return anything itself
Function delCharsSE(inString As String, _
Optional whatOp As whatOperation = remNonPrintable, _
Optional excludeChrs As String, _
Optional includeChrs As String, _
Optional tst As Boolean)
Dim enumArr As Variant, tmpVar As Variant
Dim boolEnum() As Boolean, fTest As Boolean, boolByte(0 To 255) As Boolean
Dim i As Long, k As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim bArr() As Byte
'number of possible enum vals
Const numEnums = 6
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If inString = vbNullString Then GoTo exitFunc
'get array of component powers
enumArr = splitEnums(whatOp, fTest)
If Not fTest Then GoTo exitFunc
'set boolean array\ (array just to add some convenience)
'note that if a value other than specified enumerated vals are entered this will error
ReDim boolEnum(0 To numEnums - 1)
For Each tmpVar In enumArr
boolEnum(tmpVar) = True
'check if all chars are deleted
If boolEnum(0) Then
If boolEnum(2) Then
inString = vbNullString
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
If boolEnum(3) Then
inString = vbNullString
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
End If
'messy bit
'get other chrs
If excludeChrs <> vbNullString Then
bArr = excludeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = True
ElseIf boolEnum(5) Then
tst = True
GoTo exitFunc
End If
If Not boolEnum(5) Then
If boolEnum(0) Then
For i = 48 To 57
boolByte(i) = True
End If
If boolEnum(1) Then
For i = 65 To 90
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(i + 32) = True
End If
'non numeric
If boolEnum(2) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 48 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 57 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
'non alpha
If boolEnum(3) Then
For i = 0 To 255
If i < 65 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 90 Then
If i < 97 Then
boolByte(i) = True
ElseIf i > 122 Then
boolByte(i) = True
End If
End If
End If
'non printable
If boolEnum(4) Then
For i = 0 To 31
boolByte(i) = True
boolByte(127) = True
boolByte(129) = True
boolByte(141) = True
boolByte(143) = True
boolByte(144) = True
boolByte(157) = True
End If
'end of messy bit
End If
'get other chrs
If includeChrs <> vbNullString Then
bArr = includeChrs
For i = 0 To UBound(bArr) Step 2
boolByte(bArr(i)) = False
End If
bArr = inString
For k = 0 To LenB(inString) - 1 Step 2
If Not boolByte(bArr(k)) Then bArr(tCnt) = bArr(k): tCnt = tCnt + 2
If tCnt = k Then inString = LeftB$(bArr, tCnt)
tst = True
End Function
'gets the real used range using the first/last col/row functions
Function rUsedrange(withinRange As Range, _
Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlFormulas, _
Optional showAllData As Boolean = False, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Range
Dim lr As Long, fr As Long, lc As Long, fc As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If withinRange Is Nothing Then GoTo exitFunc
With withinRange.Parent
'will catch values that are in hidden rows/cols eiter way
If showAllData Then If .FilterMode Then .showAllData
lr = lastRow(withinRange, LookIn)
If lr < 1 Then GoTo exitFunc
fr = firstRow(withinRange, LookIn)
lc = LastCol(withinRange, LookIn)
fc = firstCol(withinRange, LookIn)
Set rUsedrange = .Range(.Cells(fr, fc), .Cells(lr, lc))
End With
tst = True
End Function
'THESE USE THE FIND METHOD FOR LAST/FIRST ROW/COL, use if searching full sheet/large range
'gets last/first row/column (searches within values or formulas)
'the find method seems to have an overhead of about .25 seconds/1000 calls
'the increase in time/range size is then about .7 seconds/2560000 searched cells/1000 calls
Public Function lastRow(withinRange As Range, _
Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlFormulas, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Long
Dim ar As Range, tmp As Long, t As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If withinRange Is Nothing Then GoTo exitFunc
With withinRange
If .Areas.Count < 2 Then
lastRow = .Find("*", getCornerRange(withinRange, leftTop), LookIn, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
t = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1
For Each ar In .Areas
tmp = .Find("*", getCornerRange(ar, leftTop), LookIn, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
If tmp > lastRow Then
lastRow = tmp
If lastRow = t Then Exit For
End If
End If
End With
tst = True
If lastRow < 1 Then lastRow = -1
End Function
Public Function LastCol(withinRange As Range, _
Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlFormulas, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Long
Dim ar As Range, tmp As Long, t As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
With withinRange
If .Areas.Count < 2 Then
LastCol = .Find("*", getCornerRange(withinRange, leftTop), LookIn, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
t = .Column + .Columns.Count - 1
For Each ar In .Areas
tmp = .Find("*", getCornerRange(ar, leftTop), LookIn, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
If tmp > LastCol Then
LastCol = tmp
If LastCol = t Then Exit For
End If
End If
End With
tst = True
If LastCol < 1 Then LastCol = -1
End Function
Public Function firstRow(withinRange As Range, _
Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlFormulas, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Long
Dim ar As Range, tmp As Long, notFirst As Boolean, t As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If withinRange Is Nothing Then GoTo exitFunc
With withinRange
If .Areas.Count < 2 Then
firstRow = .Find("*", getCornerRange(withinRange, rightBottom), LookIn, xlPart, xlByRows, xlNext).Row
t = .Row
For Each ar In .Areas
tmp = .Find("*", getCornerRange(ar, rightBottom), LookIn, xlPart, xlByRows, xlNext).Row
If tmp <> 0 Then
If notFirst Then
If tmp < firstRow Then
firstRow = tmp
If firstRow = t Then Exit For
End If
notFirst = True
firstRow = tmp
If firstRow = t Then Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End With
tst = True
If firstRow < 1 Then firstRow = -1
End Function
Public Function firstCol(withinRange As Range, _
Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlFormulas, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Long
Dim ar As Range, tmp As Long, notFirst As Boolean, t As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If withinRange Is Nothing Then GoTo exitFunc
With withinRange
If .Areas.Count < 2 Then
firstCol = .Find("*", getCornerRange(withinRange, rightBottom), LookIn, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlNext).Column
t = .Column
For Each ar In .Areas
tmp = .Find("*", getCornerRange(ar, rightBottom), LookIn, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlNext).Column
If tmp <> 0 Then
If notFirst Then
If tmp < firstCol Then
firstCol = tmp
If firstCol = t Then Exit For
End If
notFirst = True
firstCol = tmp
If firstCol = t Then Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End With
tst = True
If firstCol < 1 Then firstCol = -1
End Function
'gets the specified corner of a range
'left top fastest, left bottom slowest
Function getCornerRange(rng As Range, _
Optional whichCorner As cornerCell = rightBottom, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Range
Dim funcTest As Boolean
Dim lBnd As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
'could use a "with" block here but of margninal impact
If rng.Areas.Count = 1 Then
Select Case whichCorner
Case 0 'lefttop
Set getCornerRange = rng.Cells(1)
Case 1 'right top
Set getCornerRange = rng.Cells(rng.Columns.Count)
Case 2 'left bottom
Set getCornerRange = rng.Cells(rng.Rows.Count, 1)
Case 3 'right bottom
Set getCornerRange = rng.Cells(rng.Rows.Count, rng.Columns.Count)
End Select
Set getCornerRange = getCornerRange(getBoundRange(rng, funcTest), whichCorner, tst)
GoTo exitFunc
End If
tst = True
End Function
Function getBoundRange(r As Range, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Range
' Returns a single-area range bounding the areas in r
' pgc01 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showpos...64&postcount=3
Dim i As Long
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If r Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Set getBoundRange = r.Areas(1)
For i = 2 To r.Areas.Count
Set getBoundRange = Range(getBoundRange, r.Areas(i))
Next i
tst = True
End Function
'returns 2^x components (binary parts) of a given number
'fairly slow. 1.0s/100000 for input=~70000
Function splitEnums(totEnum As Long, _
Optional tst As Boolean) As Variant
Dim i As Long, tmpVal As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim retArr As Variant
tst = False
On Error GoTo exitFunc
If totEnum < 1 Then GoTo exitFunc
ReDim retArr(0 To 31) 'max size of long
For i = 0 To getPower(totEnum)
If (2 ^ i And totEnum) Then retArr(tCnt) = i: tCnt = tCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve retArr(0 To tCnt - 1)
splitEnums = retArr
tst = True
End Function
'returns the largest power of some base within a number
Function getPower(num, Optional Base As Long = 2) As Long
On Error Resume Next
getPower = Int(Round(Log(num) / Log(Base), 14)) '14 precision just to be safe
End Function