Macro to adjust line break in a text box


Active Member
Nov 28, 2018
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows

I have below macro, what it does:
It count the characters of concerned text and then add a line break whenever the text exceeds the text box size, then add this sentence "[more detail available in System]" in the last line of the text box.
What I'm facing right now is: the text in text box exceeds the text box size and it's not working properly as you can see in below screenshot:


Can anyone help me with this issue? Below is the macro, was trying to share a sample file but not sure how.
VBA Code:
Sub count_characters_per_line_break()
    Set aSht = ActiveSheet
    'Set rSht = Sheets("Role Scorecard")
    'Set rSht = Sheets("ref.")

If Sheets("ref.").[Goals_Count].Value = 0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim gH As Double, gW As Double
        gH = Sheets("Role Scorecard").Shapes("Goal_1_Obj").Height / 72
        gW = Sheets("Role Scorecard").Shapes("Goal_1_Obj").Width / 72

    Dim chLm, lnLm As Double
        chLm = CInt(gW / ((3.06) / 49))
        lnLm = CInt(gH / ((1.29) / 8))
'MsgBox chLm & Chr(10) & lnLm
        [I11].Value = gH
        [I12].Value = gW
        [I13].Value = chLm
        [I14].Value = lnLm

'Dim gCnt As Long, g As Long
'    gCnt = Sheets("ref.").[Goals_Count]
'    If gCnt > 5 Then gCnt = 5

Dim o, m, p, obrk, oCnt, oLn, mLn, mbrk, mcnt, pbrk, pCnt, pLn As Integer
Dim i, j, b, s As Integer
    o = [I23].Column     'objective
    m = [K23].Column     'outcome
    p = [H23].Column     'comments/description
    obrk = [N23].Column  'paragraph count
    oCnt = [O23].Column  'character count
    oLn = [P23].Column
    mbrk = [Q23].Column  'paragraph line break
    mcnt = [R23].Column  'character count per paragraph
    mLn = [S23].Column
    pbrk = [T23].Column  'comments paragraph line break
    pCnt = [U23].Column  'character count per paragraph
    pLn = [V23].Column

Dim obj, out, prg, objBrk, objCnt, prgCnt, prgLn, prgBrk, objLn, outLn, outBrk, outCnt As Range
Dim objPop, outPop, prgPop As String
Dim brkCnt As New Collection

Set brkCnt = New Collection
For Each cel In Range("Pop_ObjRng")
    Set obj = Cells(cel.Row, o)
    Set objBrk = Cells(cel.Row, obrk)
    Set objCnt = Cells(cel.Row, oCnt)
    Set objLn = Cells(cel.Row, oLn)
        objBrk.Value = ""
        objCnt.Value = ""
        objLn.Value = ""
        objPop = ""
        brkCnt.Add 1
    For ch = 1 To Len(obj)
        If Mid(obj, ch, 1) = Chr(10) Then
            brkCnt.Add ch
        End If
    Next ch
        brkCnt.Add Len(obj)

    For Each itm In brkCnt
        'MsgBox itm
    Next itm
        i = 0
        j = 0
        b = 0
        s = 0

    If brkCnt.Count = 2 Then
        i = i + 1
        j = i + 1
        b = b + 1
        objBrk.Value = b & " | "
        objCnt.Value = Len(obj) & " | "
        objLn.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(obj) / chLm), 0)

        If Val(objLn.Value) <= (lnLm - 1) Then
            objPop = Sheets("ref.").Cells(objLn.Row, [I23].Column).Value
            objPop = Left(Sheets("ref.").Cells(objLn.Row, [I23].Column).Value, (7 * chLm) - 3) & "..." & _
                        Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
            'objPop.TextFrame.Characters(InStr(1, (prglbl & prgTxt), prgTxt), Len(prgTxt)).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
        End If
    Do Until j = brkCnt.Count
        i = i + 1
        j = i + 1
        b = b + 1
        'MsgBox Trim(Mid(obj, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & Chr(32) & Chr(10) & Len(Trim(Mid(obj, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & Chr(32)) & " character(s)"
        objBrk.Value = b & " | "
        objCnt.Value = objCnt.Value & Len(Mid(obj, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & " | "
        objLn.Value = Val(objLn.Value) + Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(Mid(obj, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) / chLm), 0)

        If Val(objLn.Value) <= (lnLm - 1) Then
            If b = brkCnt.Count - 1 Then
                objPop = objPop & Mid(obj, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)
                objPop = objPop & Mid(obj, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i))
            End If
        ElseIf Val(objLn.Value) >= lnLm And s = 0 Then
            If i - 1 = 0 Then
                objPop = Left(obj, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
                s = 1
            ElseIf i - 1 > 0 Then
'    MsgBox "objPop (left option) = " & Left(obj, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
            "objPop (mid option) = " & Mid(obj, 1, brkCnt(i - 1) - 1) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
            If brkCnt.Count >= 3 And brkCnt.Count <= 5 Then
                objPop = Left(obj, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
                objPop = Mid(obj, 1, brkCnt(i - 1) - 1) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
            End If
                s = 1
            End If
        End If
    End If
    With objCnt
        '.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
        .Value = Left(.Value, Len(.Value) - 3)
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    With objBrk
        '.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
        .Value = Left(.Value, Len(.Value) - 3)
        .IndentLevel = 5
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With

Sheets("ref.").Cells(objLn.Row, [Pop_ObjRng].Column).Value = objPop

    Set brkCnt = New Collection
    'MsgBox "Completed " & cel.Address(False, False) & Chr(10) & "reset brkCnt Collection.Count to: " & brkCnt.Count
Next cel
    [P22].Value = lnLm - 1

Set brkCnt = New Collection
For Each cel In Range("Pop_OutRng")
    Set out = Cells(cel.Row, m)
    Set outBrk = Cells(cel.Row, mbrk)
    Set outCnt = Cells(cel.Row, mcnt)
    Set outLn = Cells(cel.Row, mLn)
        outBrk.Value = ""
        outCnt.Value = ""
        outLn.Value = ""
        outPop = ""
        brkCnt.Add 1
    For ch = 1 To Len(out)
        If Mid(out, ch, 1) = Chr(10) Then
            brkCnt.Add ch
        End If
    Next ch
        brkCnt.Add Len(out)

    For Each itm In brkCnt
        'MsgBox itm
    Next itm
        i = 0
        j = 0
        b = 0
        s = 0
    If brkCnt.Count = 2 Then
        i = i + 1
        j = i + 1
        b = b + 1
        outBrk.Value = b & " | "
        outCnt.Value = Len(out) & " | "
        outLn.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(out) / chLm), 0)
        If Val(outLn.Value) <= (lnLm - 1) Then
            outPop = Sheets("ref.").Cells(outLn.Row, [K23].Column).Value
            outPop = Left(Sheets("ref.").Cells(outLn.Row, [K23].Column).Value, (7 * chLm) - 3) & "..." & _
                        Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
        End If
'If cel.Row = 26 Then
'    MsgBox _
    "LEN(K26) = " & Len([K26].Value) & Chr(10) & _
    "Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(out) / chLm), 0) = " & Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(out) / chLm), 0)
'    MsgBox _
    "LEFT(K26, (7 * " & chLm & ") - 3) = " & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
    Left(Sheets("ref.").Cells(outLn.Row, [K22].Column).Value, (7 * chLm) - 3)
'    Exit Sub
'End If

    Do Until j = brkCnt.Count
        i = i + 1
        j = i + 1
        b = b + 1
        'MsgBox Trim(Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & Chr(32) & Chr(10) & Len(Trim(Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & Chr(32)) & " character(s)"
        outBrk.Value = b & " | "
        outCnt.Value = outCnt.Value & Len(Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & " | "
        outLn.Value = Val(outLn.Value) + Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) / chLm), 0)
        If Val(outLn.Value) <= (lnLm - 1) Then
            If b = brkCnt.Count - 1 Then
                outPop = outPop & Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)
                outPop = outPop & Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i))
            End If
        ElseIf Val(outLn.Value) >= lnLm And s = 0 Then
            If i - 1 = 0 Then
        'If cel.Row = 27 Then MsgBox "brkCnt.Count = " & brkCnt.Count & Chr(10) & "b = " & b & Chr(10) & "outLn.Value = " & outLn.Value & Chr(10) & outPop
        'If cel.Row = 27 Then MsgBox "((chLm * lnLm) - Len([more detail available in System]) + 4) = " & (chLm * lnLm) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4 & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
                                        "out = " & Len(out) & Chr(10) & out
                outPop = Left(out, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
                s = 1
            ElseIf i - 1 > 0 Then
'If cel.Row = 27 Then
'    MsgBox "outPop (left option) = " & Left(out, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
            "outPop (mid option) = " & Mid(out, 1, brkCnt(i - 1) - 1) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
'End If
            If brkCnt.Count >= 3 And brkCnt.Count <= 5 Then
                outPop = Left(out, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
                outPop = Mid(out, 1, brkCnt(i - 1) - 1) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
            End If
                s = 1
            End If
        End If
    End If
    With outCnt
        '.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
        .Value = Left(.Value, Len(.Value) - 3)
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    With outBrk
        '.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
        .Value = Left(.Value, Len(.Value) - 3)
        .IndentLevel = 5
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With

Sheets("ref.").Cells(outLn.Row, [Pop_OutRng].Column).Value = outPop

    Set brkCnt = New Collection
    Set brkCnt = Nothing
    'MsgBox "Completed " & cel.Address(False, False) & Chr(10) & "reset brkCnt Collection.Count to: " & brkCnt.Count
Next cel
    [S22] = lnLm - 1

COMMENTS_LOOP:  'progress notes
Set brkCnt = New Collection
For Each cel In Range("Pop_PrgRng")
    Set prg = Cells(cel.Row, p)
    Set prgBrk = Cells(cel.Row, pbrk)
    Set prgCnt = Cells(cel.Row, pCnt)
    Set prgLn = Cells(cel.Row, pLn)
        prgBrk.Value = ""
        prgCnt.Value = ""
        prgLn.Value = ""
        prgPop = ""
        brkCnt.Add 1
    For ch = 1 To Len(prg)
        If Mid(prg, ch, 1) = Chr(10) Then
            brkCnt.Add ch
        End If
    Next ch
        brkCnt.Add Len(prg)

    For Each itm In brkCnt
        'MsgBox itm
    Next itm
        i = 0
        j = 0
        b = 0
        s = 0
    If brkCnt.Count = 2 Then
        i = i + 1
        j = i + 1
        b = b + 1
        prgBrk.Value = b & " | "
        prgCnt.Value = Len(prg) & " | "
        prgLn.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(prg) / chLm), 0)
        If Val(prgLn.Value) <= (lnLm - 1) Then
            prgPop = Sheets("ref.").Cells(prgLn.Row, [H23].Column).Value
            prgPop = Left(Sheets("ref.").Cells(prgLn.Row, [H23].Column).Value, (7 * chLm) - 3) & "..." & _
                        Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
        End If
'If cel.Row = 26 Then
'    MsgBox _
    "LEN(K26) = " & Len([K26].Value) & Chr(10) & _
    "Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(out) / chLm), 0) = " & Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(out) / chLm), 0)
'    MsgBox _
    "LEFT(K26, (7 * " & chLm & ") - 3) = " & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
    Left(Sheets("ref.").Cells(outLn.Row, [K22].Column).Value, (7 * chLm) - 3)
'    Exit Sub
'End If

    Do Until j = brkCnt.Count
        i = i + 1
        j = i + 1
        b = b + 1
        'MsgBox Trim(Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & Chr(32) & Chr(10) & Len(Trim(Mid(out, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & Chr(32)) & " character(s)"
        prgBrk.Value = b & " | "
        prgCnt.Value = prgCnt.Value & Len(Mid(prg, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) & " | "
        prgLn.Value = Val(prgLn.Value) + Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(Mid(prg, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)) / chLm), 0)
        If Val(prgLn.Value) <= (lnLm - 1) Then
            If b = brkCnt.Count - 1 Then
                prgPop = prgPop & Mid(prg, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i) + 1)
                prgPop = prgPop & Mid(prg, brkCnt(i), brkCnt(j) - brkCnt(i))
            End If
        ElseIf Val(prgLn.Value) >= lnLm And s = 0 Then
            If i - 1 = 0 Then
        'If cel.Row = 27 Then MsgBox "brkCnt.Count = " & brkCnt.Count & Chr(10) & "b = " & b & Chr(10) & "outLn.Value = " & outLn.Value & Chr(10) & outPop
        'If cel.Row = 27 Then MsgBox "((chLm * lnLm) - Len([more detail available in System]) + 4) = " & (chLm * lnLm) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4 & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
                                        "out = " & Len(out) & Chr(10) & out
                prgPop = Left(prg, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
                s = 1
            ElseIf i - 1 > 0 Then
'If cel.Row = 27 Then
'    MsgBox "outPop (left option) = " & Left(out, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
            "outPop (mid option) = " & Mid(out, 1, brkCnt(i - 1) - 1) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
'End If
            If brkCnt.Count >= 3 And brkCnt.Count <= 5 Then
                prgPop = Left(prg, (chLm * (lnLm - 2)) - Len("[more detail available in System]") + 4) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
                prgPop = Mid(prg, 1, brkCnt(i - 1) - 1) & "..." & _
                            Chr(10) & "[more detail available in System]"
            End If
                s = 1
            End If
        End If
    End If
    With prgCnt
        '.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
        .Value = Left(.Value, Len(.Value) - 3)
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    With prgBrk
        '.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
        .Value = Left(.Value, Len(.Value) - 3)
        .IndentLevel = 5
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With

Sheets("ref.").Cells(prgLn.Row, [Pop_PrgRng].Column).Value = prgPop

    Set brkCnt = New Collection
    Set brkCnt = Nothing
    'MsgBox "Completed " & cel.Address(False, False) & Chr(10) & "reset brkCnt Collection.Count to: " & brkCnt.Count
Next cel
    [V22] = lnLm - 1


End Sub

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